How do you allow different users to access your NAS with SSH? Use the NAS web-interface to add a user (**test** in this case) to the device. if you type at the prompt: ''cat /etc/passwd'' it will show.... ''test:x:504:504:Linux User,,,:/home/ftp:/bin/sh'' The problem is that the path for the Shell sh or bash is not correct: '':/bin/sh'' should be ''/ffp/bin/sh'', the same as with the root account. ''usermod -s /ffp/bin/sh **test**'' or ''chsh -s /ffp/bin/sh **test**'' should work. Use '''' to commit the changes to the NAS. For use with SSH-keys the NAS lacks space for storing the .ssh folder. [[howto:changehomedir]] explains how to change the home directory, so enough space for pleny of ssh keys is possible.