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'pT!  2: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)PAP-12175: balance_leaf: rnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)PAP-12130: balance_leaf: lnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)vs-12195: balance_leaf: CFR not initializedvs-12300: get_FEB: FEB list is emptystore_thrown: too many thrown buffers store_thrown deals with dirty buffer free_thrown deals with dirty buffer %ld PAP-12350: do_balance: insert_size == 0, mode == %c clm-6000: do_balance, fs generation has changed vs-7002: search_by_entry_key: no path to here vs-7000: search_by_entry_key: search_by_key returned item position == 0 zam-7001: io error in %s reiserfs_find_entrylookupzam-7002:%s: "reiserfs_find_entry" has returned unexpected value (%d) reiserfs_add_entryvs-7032: reiserfs_add_entry: entry with this key (%K) already exists reiserfs_add_entry: Congratulations! we have got hash function screwed up createreiserfs_rmdirreiserfs_rmdir: empty directory has nlink != 2 (%d) reiserfs_unlinkreiserfs_unlink: deleting nonexistent file (%s:%lu), %d reiserfs_linkvs-7042: entry_points_to_object: entry must be visiblevs-7043: entry_points_to_object: entry must be visiblereiserfs_rename..vs-7060: reiserfs_rename: couldn't not cut old name. Fsck later? vs-7050: new entry is found, new inode == 0 delete_inodevs-501: unknown type %d <\dltttttttttttvs-500: unknown uniqueness %d reiserfs_get_blockvs-825: reiserfs_get_block: %K should not be found clm-6004: convert tail failed inode %lu, error %d vs-13065: update_stat_data: key %k, found item %hvs-13060: reiserfs_update_sd: stat data of object %k (nlink == %d) not found (pos %d) vs-13050: reiserfs_update_sd: i/o failure occurred trying to update %K stat data vs-13075: reiserfs_read_inode2: dead inode read from disk %K. This is likely to be race with knfsd. Ignore vs-13070: reiserfs_read_inode2: i/o failure occurred trying to find stat data of %K nfsd/reiserfs, fhtype=%d, len=%d - odd clm-6005: writing inode %lu on readonly FS vs-13070: reiserfs_new_directory: object with this key exists (%k) vs-13080: reiserfs_new_directory: i/o failure occurred creating new directory vs-13080: reiserfs_new_symlinik: i/o failure occurred creating new symlink vs-13080: reiserfs_new_symlink: object with this key exists (%k) clm-6000: error reading block %lu clm-6001: grab_tail_page failed %d reiserfs_vfs_truncate_fileclm-6003: bad item inode %lu clm-6002: bytes_copied %d  <file_releasereaddir..vs-500: unknown uniqueness %d vs-8030: create_virtual_node: virtual node space consumedvs-8115: get_num_ver: not directory item vs-8111: get_num_ver: split_item_position is out of boundary vs-8215: ip_check_balance: incorrect return value of get_empty_nodesvs-8210: ip_check_balance: S[0] can not be 0CFRFRRCFLFLLfix_nodesReIsErFsReIsEr2FsReIsEr3Fsvs-500: unknown uniqueness %d vs-2185: finish_unfinished: file %K is not unlinked Removing %k..done Truncating %k to %Ld ..green-2101: impossible truncate on a directory %k. Please report vs-2180: finish_unfinished: iget failed for %K There were %d uncompleted unlinks/truncates. Completed vs-2060: finish_unfinished: wrong position found vs-2140: finish_unfinished: search_by_key returned %d vs-2100: add_save_link:search_by_key (%K) returned %d vs-2120: add_save_link: insert_item returned %d green-2102: Adding a truncate savelink for a directory %k! Please report journaloidmapon-disk-superbitmapper-levelsuperversiongreen-2005: reiserfs_put_super: reserved blocks left %d vs-2004: reiserfs_put_super: allocated memory left %d clm-6006: writing inode %lu on readonly FS rupasovtear5detect@@noborderborderno_unhashed_relocationhashed_relocationtest4notest4 $@,@onoffsmallalloc=reiserfs_getopt: unknown option "%s" reiserfs_getopt: bad value "%s" for option "%s" reiserfs_getopt: empty argument for "%s" reiserfs_getopt: the option "%s" does not require an argument reiserfs_getopt: head of option "%s" is only correct reiserfs_getopt: the option "%s" requires an argument tailsnotailconvnologreplayonlyblock-allocatorhashresizeattrsnoattrst (4a4DhLrT\reiserfs_parse_options: bad value %s reiserfs: cannot support attributes on 3.5.x disk format reiserfs: cannot support attributes until flag is set in super-block sh-2029: reiserfs read_bitmaps: bitmap block (#%lu) reading failed vs-4000: check_bitmap: %d free blocks, must be %d Unsupported reiserfs blocksize: %ld on %s, only 4096 bytes blocksize is supported. sh-2011: read_super_block: can't find a reiserfs filesystem on (dev %s, block %lu, size %lu) reiserfs: found format "3.6" with non-standard journal sh-2012: read_super_block: found unknown format "%u" of reiserfs with non-standard magic reiserfs: found format "3.5" with non-standard journal 3.53.6reiserfs: found format "%s" with standard journal dev %s: Unfinished reiserfsck --rebuild-tree run detected. Please run reiserfsck --rebuild-tree and wait for a completion. If that fails get newer reiserfsprogs package sh-2007: reiserfs read_super_block: bread failed (dev %s, block %u, size %u) sh-2006: reiserfs read_super_block: bread failed (dev %s, block %u, size %u) reread_meta_blocks, error reading bitmap block number %d at %ld sh-2016: reiserfs reread_meta_blocks, error reading the super reiserfs: Unrecognised hash function reiserfs: Unable to automatically detect hashfunction please mount with -o hash={tea,rupasov,r5} reiserfs: FS seems to be empty, autodetect is using the default hash REISERFS: Error, %s hash detected, unable to force r5 hash REISERFS: Error, %s hash detected, unable to force tea hash REISERFS: Error, %s hash detected, unable to force rupasov hash Using tea hash to sort names Using r5 hash to sort names Using rupasov hash to sort names sh-2014: reiserfs_read_super: unable to read bitmap sh-2015: reiserfs_read_super: unable to reread meta blocks after journal init reiserfs: converting 3.5 filesystem to the 3.6 format reiserfs_read_super: get root inode failed clm-7000: Detected readonly device, marking FS readonly sh-2022: reiserfs_read_super: unable to initialize journal space Filesystem on %s cannot be mounted because it is bigger than the device You may need to run fsck or increase size of your LVM partition Or may be you forgot to reboot after fdisk when it told you to sh-2021: reiserfs_read_super: can not find reiserfs on %s zam-2013: reserfs resize option for remount only reiserfsvs-500: unknown uniqueness %d 0x%Lx%Lu(%Lu)SDUNKNOWNINDDIRECTDIR[NULL][%d %d %s %s][offset=%d dir_id=%d objectid=%d location=%d state=%04x]%s*3.6* *3.5*, item_len %d, item_location %d, free_space(entry_count) %d"%s"==>[%d %d]level=%d, nr_items=%d, free_space=%d rdkey dev %s, size %d, blocknr %ld, count %d, list %d, state 0x%lx, page %p, (%s, %s, %s)UPTODATE!UPTODATEDIRTYLOCKEDCLEANUNLOCKED[dc_number=%d, dc_size=%u]hmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmmmLmLmLmLmLmmLmLm$mLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmmLmLmLmLmn@n<4><4>%s:<0>%s (device %s) sb == 0REISERFS: panic (device %s): %s left mergeableright mergeableVIRTUAL NODE CONTAINS %d items, has size %d,%s,%s, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d MODE='%c' block %lu (level=%d), position %d Offset Bh (b_blocknr, b_count) Position Nr_item %6d %10p (%9lu, %7d) %8d %7d INTERNAL NODE (%ld) contains %z PTR %d: %y KEY %d: %k PTR %d: %y =================================================================== LEAF NODE (%ld) contains %z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |##| type | key | ilen | free_space | version | loc | =================================================================== |%2d| %h | FIRST ITEM_KEY: %k, LAST ITEM KEY: %k rupasovtear5unknown3.5%s's super block in block %ld ====================== Reiserfs version %s Block count %u Blocksize %d Free blocks %u Busy blocks (skipped %d, bitmaps - %d, journal (or reserved) blocks - %d 1 super block, %d data blocks Root block %u Journal block (first) %d Journal dev %d Journal orig size %d FS state %d Hash function "%s" Tree height %d 3.6ReIsErLBDesc block %lu (j_trans_id %d, j_mount_id %d, j_len %d)Block %ld contains unformatted data print_block: buffer is NULL BALANCING %d MODE=%c, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d ===================================================================== * h * S * L * R * F * FL * FR * CFL * CFR * * %d * %3ld(%2d) * %3ld(%2d) * %3ld(%2d) * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * ===================================================================== * h * size * ln * lb * rn * rb * blkn * s0 * s1 * s1b * s2 * s2b * curb * lk * rk * * 0 * %4d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %3d * %2d * %3d * %4d * %2d * %2d * * %d * %4d * %2d * * %2d * * %2d * ===================================================================== FEB list: %p (%lu %d)%s, ======================== the end ==================================== %s %svs-6020: check_leaf_block_head: invalid free space %zvs-6010: check_leaf_block_head: invalid item number %zvs-6040: check_internal_block_head: invalid free space %zvs-6030: check_internal_block_head: invalid item number %zvs-6025: check_internal_block_head: invalid level %zREISERFS: get_objectid: no more object ids vs-15011: reiserfs_release_objectid: tried to free free object id (%lu) vs-500: unknown uniqueness %d vs-501: unknown type %d @T\dlllllllllllvs-10250: leaf_define_dest_src_infos: shift type is unknown (%d) 0|ȡinternal_define_dest_src_infos: shift type is unknown (%d)`$P<xbalance_internal_when_delete: unexpected tb->lnum[%d]==%d or tb->rnum[%d]==%dbalance_internal: One new node required for creating the new rootPAP-5070: decrement_bcount: trying to free free buffer %bis_leaf: this should be caught earlier is_leaf: nr_item seems wrong: %z is_leaf: free space seems wrong: %z vs-500: unknown uniqueness %d is_leaf: item location seems wrong (second one): %h is_leaf: item length seems wrong: %h is_leaf: item location seems wrong: %h is_leaf: wrong item type for item %h is_internal: this should be caught earlier is_internal: number of key seems wrong: %z is_internal: free space seems wrong: %z is_tree_node: node level %d does not match to the expected one %d vs-5150: search_by_key: invalid format found in block %ld. Fsck? vs-5340: reiserfs_delete_item: no items of the file %K found vs-5360: reiserfs_delete_solid_item: could not delete %K due to fix_nodes failure vs-5355: reiserfs_delete_solid_item: %k not found vs-5350: reiserfs_delete_solid_item: i/o failure occurred trying to delete %K indirect_to_direct_roll_back: indirect_to_direct conversion has been rolled back due to lack of disk space vs-5615: indirect_to_direct_roll_back: found invalid itemPAP-5610: reiserfs_cut_from_item: item %K not found NO_DISK_SPACE PAP-5580: reiserfs_cut_from_item: item to convert does not exist (%K)vs-5655: truncate_directory: link count != 0 vs-5665: reiserfs_truncate_file: cut_from_item failed PAP-5660: reiserfs_do_truncate: wrong result %d of search for %K vs-5657: reiserfs_do_truncate: i/o failure occurred trying to truncate %K PAP-5710: reiserfs_paste_into_item: entry or pasted byte (%K) exists PAP-5760: reiserfs_insert_item: key %K already exists in the tree comp_cpu_keys: type are compared for %K and %K d.Tk>[vs-3051: done waiting, ignore vs-3050 messages for (%b) vs-3050: wait_buffer_until_released: nobody releases buffer (%b). Still waiting (%d) %cJDIRTY %cJWAIT vs-500: unknown uniqueness %d PAP-14030: direct2indirect: pasted or inserted byte exists in the tree %K. Use fsck to repair. PAP-14050: direct2indirect: direct item (%K) not foundPAP-5520: indirect2direct: item to be converted %K does not existclm-2000, unable to allocate bitmaps for journal lists get_cnodefree_cnode%d: %s flush_commit_listjournal-569: flush_commit_list, block already dirty! journal-582: flush_commit_list, not all log blocks on disk yet, trying again journal-615: buffer write failed journal-601, buffer write failed journal-584, buffer write failed journal-539: flush_commit_list: BAD count(%d) > orig_commit_left(%d)! journal-512: flush_commit_list: length is %lu, list number %d journal-563: flush_commit_list: BAD, j_commit_left is %u, should be 1 block %lu, bh is %d, state %ld reiserfs: journal-837: IO error during journal replay journal-699: buffer write failed journal-712: buffer write failed clm-2084: pinned buffer %lu:%s sent to disk journal-844: panic journal list is flushing, wcount is not 0 journal-949: buffer write failed journal-1012: cn->bh is NULL journal-1011: cn->bh is NULL journal-945: saved_bh->b_count < 0 journal-813: BAD! buffer %lu %cdirty %cjwait, not in a newer tranasction clm-2082: Unable to flush buffer %lu in flush_journal_list clm-2083: locked buffer %lu in flush_journal_list journal-923: buffer write failed clm-2048: flush_journal_list called with wcount %d journal-715: flush_journal_list, length is %lu, list number %d clm-2081: bad count on %lu ReIsErLBjournal-1006: found valid transaction start offset %lu, len %d id %d journal_transaction_is_valid, commit offset %ld had bad time %d or length %d journal-1004: transaction_is_valid setting oldest invalid trans_id to %d journal-2018: Bad transaction length %d encountered, ignoring transaction journal-1087: transaction is valid returning because mount_id %d is less than newest_mount_id %lu journal-986: transaction is valid returning because trans_id %d is greater than oldest_invalid %lu journal-1037: journal_read_transaction, offset %lu, len %d mount_id %d journal-1146: journal_read_trans skipping because %d is != newest_mount_id %lu journal_read_transaction, commit offset %ld had bad time %d or length %d journal-1095: setting journal start to offset %ld journal-1226: REPLAY FAILURE, fsck required! buffer write failed journal-1212: REPLAY FAILURE fsck required! buffer write failed journal-1204: REPLAY FAILURE fsck required! Trying to replay onto a log block journal-1207: REPLAY FAILURE fsck required! Block to replay is outside of filesystem journal-1169: kmalloc failed, unable to mount FS journal-1039: journal_read_trans skipping because %lu is too old reiserfs: checking transaction log (device %s) ... for (%s) journal-1299: Setting newest_mount_id to %lu reiserfs: replayed %d transactions in %lu seconds journal-1225: No valid transactions found journal-1206: Starting replay from offset %lu, trans_id %lu journal-1299: Setting newest_mount_id to %d journal-1180: Resetting oldest_start to offset %lu, trans_id %lu journal-1179: Setting oldest_start to offset %lu, trans_id %lu Warning, log replay starting on readonly filesystem clm-2076: device is readonly, unable to replay log journal-1153: found in header: first_unflushed_offset %d, last_flushed_trans_id %lu journal-1360: setup_commit_task_arg called with NULL struct kreiserfsdrelease_journal_dev: Cannot release journal device: %ijournal_init_dev: cannot init journal device '%s': %ijournal_init_dev: '%s' is not a block devicejournal_init_dev: journal device: %sjournal_init_dev: bdev unintialized for '%s'journal_init_dev: Cannot load device '%s': %ijournal_init_dev: Cannot use devices on '%s'journal_init_dev: Cannot open '%s': %iJournal size %d is less than 512+1 blocks, which unsupported journal-1259: unable to initialize jornal device journal-459: unable to read journal header reiserfs warning: wrong transaction max size (%u). Changed to %u journal-2005, get_list_bitmap failed for journal list 0 Replay Failure, unable to mount journal-460: journal header magic %x (device %s) does not match magic found in super block %x (device %s) journal-1256: unable to get memory for journal structure journal_beginUnknownjournal-1777: buffer %lu bad state %cPREPARED %cLOCKED %cDIRTY %cJDIRTY_WAIT journal-1409: journal_mark_dirty returning because j_wcount was %d journal-1577: handle trans id %ld != current trans id %ld journal-1413: journal_mark_dirty: j_len (%lu) is too big get_cnode failed! journal-1752: remove from trans, b_count < 0 journal-003: journal_end: j_start (%ld) is too high journal_mark_freed(dont_log): dirty buffer on hash list: %lx %ld journal-2165: bh->b_count < 0 journal-2138: cn->bh->b_count < 0 journal-1702: journal_mark_freed, journal_list_bitmap is NULL journal-2020: do_journal_end: BAD desc->j_len is ZERO journal-2048: do_journal_end: BAD, buffer in journal hash, but not JDirty! journal-1996: do_journal_end, could not get a list bitmap journal-1676, get_cnode returned NULL journal-2332: Trying to log block %lu, which is a log block can't shrink filesystem on-line reiserfs_resize: unable to allocate memory. reiserfs_resize: unable to allocate memory for journal bitmaps reiserfs_resize: unable to resize a reiserfs without distributed bitmap (fs version < 3.5.12) reiserfs_resize: can't read last block %ld mode | size | nlinks | first direct | mtime 0%-6o | %6u | %2u | %d | %s 0%-6o | %6Lu | %2u | %d | %s STATDATA, index %d, type 0x%x, %h "%c" DIRECT, index %d, type 0x%x, %h %d %d(%d)%d pointers [ ] indirect_print_item: invalid item lenINDIRECT, index %d, type 0x%x, %h vs-16090: direntry_bytes_number: bytes number is asked for direntryStatusGen number # %-15s%-30s%-15s%-15s%-15s NameKey of pointed objectHashHIDDENVISIBLE%d: %-15s%-15d%-15d%-15Ld%-15Ld(%s) free spze %d, entry_count %d DIRENTRY, index %d, type 0x%x, %h, flags 0x%x %d entries: %d green-16001: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16002: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16003: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16004: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16005: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16006: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16007: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16008: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16009: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16010: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP green-16011: Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP kernel_version=2.4.30description=ReiserFS journaled filesystemauthor=Hans Reiser license=GPLkernel_version=2.4.30<|4jcysvnpl~4|;8l.. \@ HT`мؼ$`t,hpпؿ D`(0<x`t$|8 <h$TX4`8 ( ( 8Hh@!0DR R0  h `X(H\\ X]8a?Pce djjjPl`nPp?svXy?P<{p} }~P8(D(( ܔ 0,  d 8x0@0TXt8H,h?04H08 8|8((@8 Px8,@ pt(H4 @80`(?0 !(<"D"h"8H?0   - l..0/800H88;0;?0>(,@@H CC?0F8H?0L(Q0SHT?X \\\@] ^(`c `f( g(g(Dh0\i@i 8j@kDk8Pl?8  08@r8s8v?8Hy( ?`~` (( `(@@P?8(X0((@@08H80ĽHD8(@d(?0lX`X `$X@?0(0h(X` 0(@ 4 ?Hp X ((8(@x  >(pBBB C xD E E?0F(pG 0 I0 J(JK L OP@(V|VpW X($D(09P X od~38\TtXTv@<((-dJY tHTTPdt0(/PHLDtVx h/$H*D,[z \\HQh&4 DMbk 8 H 6$N`f$L(3@Mx-t\,, g*st7  X0`܄4$70!88+ܱ\>Sd~8qzU<(PL̙( p# $# 2 G Z yf X< o   l$    0. D pP R j l D    05    X$ + 4 ; DxP ^ 7 o (  ,t \  4i$ . p     * + 2 P,E XLZ l'Hn  ~ 60  8o 4P  h hl ,   h." z1 ,LG -tW k U8  $0    X, d P%<|0Kn\(y \SH xP ̣ ?8&IOUf .,, @ $/DI[j(u'/ tĕ$'4Xi$  *<D\P, ~TxH @oT@ p':A$'HTkh @( @L,5:Zmz-T70d, x <\4$>0>L>T>X>h>p>t>x>V|>V>(>(>>>>$?\????? @$@X@\@@@@@@@R@R@A AA0A8ADATAXAdAhAtAxAAAAAAAABB@BRDBRPBdBhB`CdChClCDDtDxDDRDRD,ETEEEEFDFFFFFFFFGG8GLGTGhGGGGG`HkdHkHHHIlIpItIxIXJdJJJ KDK`KtKKKkKkKKkKkLLPLLLLLLLLkLkLMM(M,M8M4>8><>D>H>L>T>X>\>l>p>t>|>>>>>>l?p?|????????@@L@P@h@l@@@@@@(A,AAAAAA(A(B BD>2H>2>,?A0?A??0@4@|@@ AA(A,AAAAAAAAB@BLBPBTBXBBBBBB B 8CU>UUVVVVVtVVVVVVVVVhW,X0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYY$Y(Y,Y0YZ0Z4Z@ZHZZZZZnZn[[[[([h[l[[[[b[bx\>|\>\>\>\\]]0]4]L]P]]]]]]]]]`^d^^W^W^^$_(_8_@_D_P_T_X_h_p_t_x____``P`T````````` aaaa$a(a4aHa\ahalapataaaaaab>b>8b>bbcWcWc@dHdLdXd`dddhdldxddddddde4eh>hhhhhhi( i(,i>>>Ď؎܎(( ܏ PT`ptȑ̑$(,0<D1H1T\`dhtx||((11̕Е̖wЖwlpėȗ̗ؗww$,tx((ęԙؙ̚КP|((̛Лܛ@DX\p(t(|WWԝ؝ (>,>XWWlWW d9h9ĠȠ̠Р99@DX\pt,0\`dht ,@dh|PT`hlȤ̤ؤ@DPХԥt4>8> 48LPTXĪتܪ WW $(HH@DHL<@ЭԭHLX\WWЯدܯ(|԰ذܰ (,l||Ȳ04LPd:h:DHhl((,(l(p(ܷ66$H(H@DhLlLиԸ$1(1TX̹Թعܹx0|0ĺȺԺXptĻȻ<@ptȼ8<DHȽ$̾оؾܾ@HP|$(,0HLX\d PT\`Xx| tx $(HH@t\`dhx0 $TX @DHLlptx,048\`dh@HGLGDHT"X"d48TX\"`"ltx00(^,^@D\`p{t{##                4@LXdpdlx|"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""### ##### #$#(#,#0#4#8#L-P-T-X-\-`-d-h-l-p-t-x-|---------,.0.4.8.<.@.D.   PTX6\^`dp%+s(08Lx|[(--  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|} @` o @` 3 f@`RZ &@`2 @` @` @S`X @` @`  @ `  5     @ ` ^    G  @ `      3 @ `        @ `      @` @`~ |@`[& @` @`\v @` @` @` !@`J @`yN @` e@k` @` @` @P` @`]54 @@` @F`AQ  @ `  ;  * !U !@!B`!!!u!!"+ "@"2`""8"""# #@#`####6#$ $@$`$$#$V$$%. %@%`%%%%%& &@&`&&&w&&' '@'`''''E'( (@(`((((() )g@)`)))))* *(@*`*****+ +`@+T`+++++, ,/@,`,,,h,,K-, -@-`-----. .@.`...../ /@/`/////0 0@0`000001 1@1`111112 2@2`222223 3@3`333334 4@4`444445  5@5`5%575'5t5_6 6.@6`66=666