====== How-to use a MLDonkey ====== ===== Files needed ===== [[http://dns323.kood.org/downloads/MLDonkey-2.8.7.tar.gz|MLDonkey and custom busybox binary]] ===== Install files ===== 1) Extract the archive on your pc 2) Create a directory in your DSMG600, rename it in mldonkey then copy in everything you have extracted in the first step 3) If you have telnet or ssh access go to step 4, otherwise enable telnet [[howto:telnet]] 4) Login with telnet (or ssh) as root user in your DSMG600 5) Go in mldonkey's folder: '' # cd /mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey'' 6) Set the correct permission: '' # chmod +x mlnet.static'' '' # chmod +x busybox'' 7) Add the following lines in your fun_plug: '''' ''########## MLDonkey #############'' ''MLDONKEYROOT="/mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/"'' ''rm $MLDONKEYROOT/.mldonkey/mlnet.static.pid # to prevent an incorrect shutdown'' ''rm $MLDONKEYROOT/.mldonkey/downloads.ini.tmp # to prevent an incorrect shutdown'' ''rm $MLDONKEYROOT/.mldonkey/users.ini.tmp # to prevent an incorrect shutdown'' ''HOME="$MLDONKEYROOT" $MLDONKEYROOT/mlnet.static &'' 8) Reboot your DSMG600 ===== Configuring the core for remote access ===== 1) Login with telnet (or ssh) as root user in your DSMG600 2) Go in mldonkey's folder: '' # cd /mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey'' 3) Open a telnet session to the core: '' # ./busybox telnet localhost 4000 (remember we are still on DSMG600)'' 4) For security reason I advise to assign a password to the default mldonkey user (which is "admin"): '' > useradd admin (this will assign a password to the default mldonkey user)'' 5) Ok, now we need to authenticate: '' > auth admin (where "" is the password chosen above)'' 6) Now we can add the IPs (we are almost done!) (here you must add the IP of yours computers): '' > set allowed_ips " nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn-mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm" where "nnn..." and "mmm..." is a IP-range or a single IP. (Look this [[http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/Allowed_ips]])'' 7) Close the telnet session and logout from the machine: '' > q to close the telnet session, logout for logging out (repeat until completely logged out from the remote computer)'' ===== Setup a GUI on your machine ===== Personally I use sancho but [[http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/Gui|here]] you can see all the GUIs for MLDonkey This is very simple to do: ''Core's Ip is the Ip of your DSMG600'' ''User is admin'' ''Password is the word that you have selected in the last steps'' The other things is not important ===== Configure MLDonkey ===== 1) Go in the preferences and correct ports (if you are using sancho you can simply go in 'All' and set as filter 'port', don't change gift, gui, http, smtp and telnet) and everything you would 2) NAT these port on your router and/or firewall ===== F.A.Q. ===== * Q: Where is my file?? * A: Files that you have dowloaded is in /mldonkey/.mldonkey/incoming * Q: I can't see .mldonkey folder *A: :) set your file manager to show hidden files/folder *Q: I've problem with some torrents *A: Unfortunately MLDonkey isn't a 100% bit torrent compatible client and some client ban you. To solve this problem change BT-user_agent. (If the value is BitTorrent/4.20.9 or something of similar you don't need to change anything) *Q: When I try to transfer files to/from my DSMG600 it works but very slowly *A: MLDonkey use a lot of resource, the only thing that you can do is stop MLDonkey when you would transfer files *Q: How kill MLDonkey core? *A: Telnet as root in your DSMG600, type ps, kill all process mlnet.static FIXME PROBABLY THIS PAGE CONTAINS A LOT OF ERROR (LANGUAGE ERROR) PLEASE FIX THESE Sorry :) --- //[[linux571@gmail.com|Michele]] 2007/06/26 17:17//