Old Revisions
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- 2015/01/24 03:48
howto:chroot_debian – Added Line about changing from Etch to Sarge. DSMG600 running the 2007 sala firmware version doesn't seem to like setting up Etch. changing apt sources and dist-upgrading to Etch later is probably the best way to go.
- 2010/12/25 05:18
howto:chroot_debian – corrected folder to copy debootstrap to & fixed the numbers of the list
- 2010/12/25 05:05
howto:chroot_debian – fixed link to debian mirror, they moved it to the archive
- 2009/07/16 00:26
howto:chroot_debian – swap 'cd /' and 'mount -t proc proc /mnt/HD_a2/debian/proc' vinz2k
- 2008/06/19 01:01
howto:chroot_debian – Using sh from the busybox installed on /mnt/HD_a2 to run debbootstrap prevents segfault