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How to fun_plug

Background info

On startup DSM-G600 will run /etc/ which will mount the various filesystems and initialize the drive.

touch /tmp/boot_finished
/usr/sbin/chk_fun_plug &

/usr/sbin/chk_fun_plug will check for file called fun_plug on the disks root and then executes it.

sleep 30
file=$(find "$CUSTOMIZEHDPATH"/*)
HD_Path=`expr substr "$file" "$Dir_Len" "$Filename_Len"`
if [ -e /mnt/$HD_Path/fun_plug ]; then
        echo "function plug enable"

Installing fun_plug

There are 3 ways to setup a working fun_plug file:

  1. To a new hard drive using Linux
  2. To a already partitioned hard drive using Linux
  3. To a already partitioned hard drive using Windows and cygwin

1. To a new hard drive using Linux

  1. Connect your new hard drive to a Linux (ext3 supported) PC.
  2. Run terminal as root user.
  3. Fire up fdisk using following command fdisk /dev/hd<hi cyan>x</hi> or fdisk /dev/sd<hi cyan>x</hi> if you have SATA or USB hard drive. The <hi cyan>x</hi> is your hard drive position, for example Primary Master is <hi cyan>a</hi>, Primary Slave is <hi cyan>b</hi>, Secondary Master is <hi cyan>c</hi> and Secondary Slave is <hi cyan>d</hi>. SATA and USB hard drives are most cases <hi cyan>a</hi>.
  4. Now we are going to make a swap partition.
  5. When you are inside fdisk then press n
  6. Then p
  7. And then 1
  8. And then Enter key
  9. And finally +512M
  10. Now we are going to make a ext3 partition for your files. You can also make more than one partition for your files. For example if you do not want to store your files to ext3 partition and you want to use fat32 instead, or if you want to use chroot environment and want to avoid chmod bug at bootup.
  11. Press n
  12. Then p
  13. Then 2
  14. Then press Enter key
  15. And now press Enter key if you want to make only one ext3 partition. If you are not sure what to do then you should press Enter key. But if you want to make one or more extra partitions then you must figure out how you are going to spread your drive space between all those partitions you are going to make. For example if you want to store most of your files to FAT32 partition then you should enter +100M to make 100MB ext3 partition.
  16. If you did choose to make more than one partition, to your files, then proceed with setp 17, otherwise go to step 18.
  17. Now press n then p after that 3 and now Enter key and Enter key to one more time.
  18. Now we are going to setup a file system type to swap partition.
  19. Press T
  20. Then 1
  21. And then 82
  22. If you did choose to make more than one partition to your files then proceed with setp 23, otherwise go to step 24.
  23. Now you have to choose a file system to your extra partition. You can leave it to ext3 or change it to FAT32. To change it FAT32 then press T then 3 and then c
  24. Now you can review your partition table by pressing p, if it looks good then press w to write changes to hard disk. If you think something went wrong then press q and start again, starting with step 3.
  25. Now we are going to format newly created partitions.
  26. To format swap partition run mkswap /dev/hd<hi cyan>x</hi>1
  27. Next we are going to format ext3 partition with following command line mke2fs -j /dev/hd<hi cyan>x</hi>2
  28. And if you did choose to make a second partition to your files then we must format this one also. If you did choose it to be FAT32, before at the 23rd step, then you must run mkdosfs /dev/hd<hi cyan>x</hi>3
  29. And finally we are going to make fun_plug file to your ext3 partition.
  30. We need first mount ext3 partition with this command line mkdir /mnt/dsmg600disk || mount /dev/hd<hi cyan>x</hi>2 /mnt/dsmg600disk
  31. Now create empty fun_plug file with this command touch /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug
  32. And now we are going to make it an a executable with this command chmod 777 /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug
  33. Now run ls -la /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug to make sure that we did it correctly. You should see
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 some-date-and-time /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug
  34. Optionally if you like you can also install telnet here.
  35. Now we are almost done, just need to unmount ext3 partition with umount /mnt/dsmg600disk command.
  36. And now you can take out your hard drive from your computer and install it to in your DSM-G600.

2. To a already partitioned hard drive using Linux

  1. Take your hard disk out of your DSM-G600.
  2. Connect your already partitioned hard drive to a Linux (ext3 supported) PC.
  3. Run terminal as root user.
  4. We need first mount ext3 partition with this command line mkdir /mnt/dsmg600disk && mount /dev/hd<hi cyan>x</hi>2 /mnt/dsmg600disk. The <hi cyan>x</hi> is your hard drive position, for example Primary Master is <hi cyan>a</hi>, Primary Slave is <hi cyan>b</hi>, Secondary Master is <hi cyan>c</hi> and Secondary Slave is <hi cyan>d</hi>. SATA and USB hard drives are most cases <hi cyan>a</hi>.
  5. Now create empty fun_plug file with this command touch /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug
  6. And now we are going to make it an a executable with this command chmod 777 /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug
  7. Now run ls -la /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug to make sure that we made it correctly. You should see
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 some-date-and-time /mnt/dsmg600disk/fun_plug
  8. Optionally if you like you can also install telnet here.
  9. Now we are almost done, just need to unmount ext3 partition with umount /mnt/dsmg600disk command.
  10. And now you can take out your hard drive from your computer and install it to in your DSM-G600.

3. To a already partitioned hard drive using Windows and cygwin

Using fun_plug

To test out if fun_plug works, you can simply add following lines to your fun_plug and reboot.

dmesg > /mnt/HD_a2/dmesg.out

After boot up you should see dmesg.out file at the root of your DSM-G600 hard disk.
If you have not familiarly with Unix shell scripting then I suggest you to read some docs about it.

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