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howto:hdd_boot 2007/12/13 21:43 howto:hdd_boot 2017/09/06 17:34 current
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  - [[howto:serial_connector|Install a serial console]] or look up [[howto:loader_o|loader.o method]] for kernel loading.   - [[howto:serial_connector|Install a serial console]] or look up [[howto:loader_o|loader.o method]] for kernel loading.
  - Install [[howto:chroot_gentoo|Gentoo chroot]] or a [[howto:chroot_debian|Debian chroot]] into sda3 root.   - Install [[howto:chroot_gentoo|Gentoo chroot]] or a [[howto:chroot_debian|Debian chroot]] into sda3 root.
-  - Get [[ftp://ftp.dlink.com/GPL/DSMG-600_reB/ppclinux.tar.gz|Kernel source]].+  - Get [[http://download2.polytechnic.edu.na/pub4/sourceforge/o/project/project/of/officialdlinkfirmware/DSM-G600_reB/ppclinux.tar.gz|Kernel source]].
  - Apply a kernel patch. After that your kernel is going to ignore U-Boot bootargs and you will be able to set a CONFIG_CMDLINE parameter.<code patch>--- arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c.orig        2005-04-11 05:50:07.000000000 +0300   - Apply a kernel patch. After that your kernel is going to ignore U-Boot bootargs and you will be able to set a CONFIG_CMDLINE parameter.<code patch>--- arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c.orig        2005-04-11 05:50:07.000000000 +0300
+++ arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c    2007-02-17 16:06:16.000000000 +0200 +++ arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c    2007-02-17 16:06:16.000000000 +0200
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===== Ramdisk tips ===== ===== Ramdisk tips =====
By default you don't need to do nothing with ramdisk. Ramdisk will be loaded into memory as usual. By default you don't need to do nothing with ramdisk. Ramdisk will be loaded into memory as usual.
-To go around this problem you can boot with ''bootm FFF10000'' U-Boot parameter which will only load a kernel image.+To go around this problem you can boot with ''bootm FFF10000'' U-Boot parameter which will only load a kernel image. Also it may be convenient to [[howto:kernel_upload|replace]] the RAMDisk image at 0xFFC20000 by an empty U-Boot image, like [[http://www.netbsd.org/ports/sandpoint/dummy.img.gz|this]] one (do not forget to uncompress it with gunzip(1)).
===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
-[[http://forum.dsmg600.info/p1549-Yesterday-082958.html#p1549|Forum thread]]\\ +[[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p1549-Yesterday-082958.html#p1549|Forum thread]]\\ 
-[[http://forum.dsmg600.info/p1583-Today-203135.html#p1583|loader.o method without flashing]]+[[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p1583-Today-203135.html#p1583|loader.o method without flashing]]

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