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howto:hdd_boot 2015/07/24 21:51 howto:hdd_boot 2017/09/06 17:34 current
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-I only recently devrosecid Krita, and I see so much potential in it! I have some experience using linux and would like to contribute to its improvement there. I would also really like to contribute to making it more compatible with windows. Would joining one of these programs be a good start to becoming involved with Krita's development?+====== How to install a root file system to a Hard Disk ====== 
 +===== Getting started ===== 
 +First I want to let you know that you must have serial port installed to your DSM-G600! Also I want to let you know that getting a regular (Gentoo or Debian) linux work on DSM-G600 can be extremely hard and It is recommended that you have very good knowledge about how Gentoo and Debian really work (boot process, initrd, inittab, services, runlevels). 
 +===== Basic steps ===== 
 +  - [[howto:serial_connector|Install a serial console]] or look up [[howto:loader_o|loader.o method]] for kernel loading. 
 +  - Install [[howto:chroot_gentoo|Gentoo chroot]] or a [[howto:chroot_debian|Debian chroot]] into sda3 root. 
 +  - Get [[http://download2.polytechnic.edu.na/pub4/sourceforge/o/project/project/of/officialdlinkfirmware/DSM-G600_reB/ppclinux.tar.gz|Kernel source]]. 
 +  - Apply a kernel patch. After that your kernel is going to ignore U-Boot bootargs and you will be able to set a CONFIG_CMDLINE parameter.<code patch>--- arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c.orig        2005-04-11 05:50:07.000000000 +0300 
 ++++ arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c    2007-02-17 16:06:16.000000000 +0200 
 +@@ -607,8 +611,8 @@ 
 +        init_mm.brk = (unsigned long) klimit; 
 +        /* Save unparsed command line copy for /proc/cmdline */ 
 +-      strcpy(saved_command_line, cmd_line); 
 +-      *cmdline_p = cmd_line; 
 ++      strcpy(saved_command_line, CONFIG_CMDLINE); 
 ++      *cmdline_p = CONFIG_CMDLINE; 
 +        /* set up the bootmem stuff with available memory */ 
 +        do_init_bootmem();</code> 
 +  - Additional kernel .config entries you might want to add/change.<code>CONFIG_CMDLINE_BOOL=y 
 +CONFIG_CMDLINE="root=/dev/sda3 console=ttyS0,9600" 
 +# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set 
 +# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set 
 +# CONFIG_TULIP is not set</code>If you want to also enable reiserfs then you need to disable NFS for example to get more space. Remember that maximum U-Boot formated kernel size is 936KB! 
 +  - [[howto:kernel_build|Guide for compiling kernel]]. 
 +  - [[howto:kernel_upload|Guide for uploading new kernel]] or loading it with [[howto:loader_o|loader.o]]. 
 +===== Ramdisk tips ===== 
 +By default you don't need to do nothing with ramdisk. Ramdisk will be loaded into memory as usual. 
 +To go around this problem you can boot with ''bootm FFF10000'' U-Boot parameter which will only load a kernel image. Also it may be convenient to [[howto:kernel_upload|replace]] the RAMDisk image at 0xFFC20000 by an empty U-Boot image, like [[http://www.netbsd.org/ports/sandpoint/dummy.img.gz|this]] one (do not forget to uncompress it with gunzip(1)). 
 +===== Links ===== 
 +[[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p1549-Yesterday-082958.html#p1549|Forum thread]]\\ 
 +[[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p1583-Today-203135.html#p1583|loader.o method without flashing]] 

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