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howto:hdd_boot 2015/07/28 22:24 howto:hdd_boot 2017/09/06 17:34 current
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-Teenagers in a track  can go through shoes rate  tegneae runner well knows that  to wear the right shoes  any cross country among world  especially important to the sportsman  a young person growing up  Not only do they want to grow out of their shoes  but shape of their feet changes which means every time we  the time comes to get  a new pair of shoes eveyone a good choice to get it with high material that breathes easily on random  They should be extended runs  give enough support to athlets  especially around the ankles area to avoid injury your ankles  when you make your trip  something in store possible fit  his is also the way to that don't fit properly only it focuses on your convenience  but they are not returnable http://gwklbck.com [url=http://diblquyrlp.com]diblquyrlp[/url] [link=http://bdoatbhd.com]bdoatbhd[/link]+====== How to install a root file system to a Hard Disk ====== 
 +===== Getting started ===== 
 +First I want to let you know that you must have serial port installed to your DSM-G600! Also I want to let you know that getting a regular (Gentoo or Debian) linux work on DSM-G600 can be extremely hard and It is recommended that you have very good knowledge about how Gentoo and Debian really work (boot process, initrd, inittab, services, runlevels). 
 +===== Basic steps ===== 
 + - [[howto:serial_connector|Install a serial console]] or look up [[howto:loader_o|loader.o method]] for kernel loading. 
 + - Install [[howto:chroot_gentoo|Gentoo chroot]] or a [[howto:chroot_debian|Debian chroot]] into sda3 root. 
 + - Get [[http://download2.polytechnic.edu.na/pub4/sourceforge/o/project/project/of/officialdlinkfirmware/DSM-G600_reB/ppclinux.tar.gz|Kernel source]]. 
 + - Apply a kernel patch. After that your kernel is going to ignore U-Boot bootargs and you will be able to set a CONFIG_CMDLINE parameter.<code patch>--- arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c.orig        2005-04-11 05:50:07.000000000 +0300 
 ++++ arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c    2007-02-17 16:06:16.000000000 +0200 
 +@@ -607,8 +611,8 @@ 
 +        init_mm.brk = (unsigned long) klimit; 
 +        /* Save unparsed command line copy for /proc/cmdline */ 
 +-      strcpy(saved_command_line, cmd_line); 
 +-      *cmdline_p = cmd_line; 
 ++      strcpy(saved_command_line, CONFIG_CMDLINE); 
 ++      *cmdline_p = CONFIG_CMDLINE; 
 +        /* set up the bootmem stuff with available memory */ 
 +        do_init_bootmem();</code> 
 + - Additional kernel .config entries you might want to add/change.<code>CONFIG_CMDLINE_BOOL=y 
 +CONFIG_CMDLINE="root=/dev/sda3 console=ttyS0,9600" 
 +# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set 
 +# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set 
 +# CONFIG_TULIP is not set</code>If you want to also enable reiserfs then you need to disable NFS for example to get more space. Remember that maximum U-Boot formated kernel size is 936KB! 
 +  - [[howto:kernel_build|Guide for compiling kernel]]. 
 +  - [[howto:kernel_upload|Guide for uploading new kernel]] or loading it with [[howto:loader_o|loader.o]]. 
 +===== Ramdisk tips ===== 
 +By default you don't need to do nothing with ramdisk. Ramdisk will be loaded into memory as usual. 
 +To go around this problem you can boot with ''bootm FFF10000'' U-Boot parameter which will only load a kernel image. Also it may be convenient to [[howto:kernel_upload|replace]] the RAMDisk image at 0xFFC20000 by an empty U-Boot image, like [[http://www.netbsd.org/ports/sandpoint/dummy.img.gz|this]] one (do not forget to uncompress it with gunzip(1)). 
 +===== Links ===== 
 +[[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p1549-Yesterday-082958.html#p1549|Forum thread]]\\ 
 +[[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p1583-Today-203135.html#p1583|loader.o method without flashing]] 

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