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howto:ipkg 2012/10/07 10:18 howto:ipkg 2017/09/06 17:34 current
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-This is a really intelligent way to answer the qsueiton.+====== How-to use ipkg feeds ====== 
 +===== Starting information ===== 
 +NSLU2-Linux has DSM-G600 revB compatible feed in here:\\ 
 +All files are compiled against uClibc 0.9.27 so this means that some slight incompatibility may happen. 
 +It may be necessary to recompile this feed for 0.9.26 (testing needed)\\ 
 +SNV source is available at here:\\ 
 +Change platforms/toolchain-ts101.mk CROSS_CONFIGURATION_LIBC_VERSION parameter to 0.9.26 
 +FIXME This wiki page and ipkg tool is writing in progress.

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