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howto:mldonkey 2007/12/13 22:01 howto:mldonkey 2017/09/06 17:34 current
Line 3: Line 3:
===== Files needed ===== ===== Files needed =====
-[[http://download.dsmg600.info/MLDonkey-2.8.7.tar.gz|MLDonkey and custom busybox binary]]+[[http://dns323.kood.org/downloads/MLDonkey-2.8.7.tar.gz|MLDonkey and custom busybox binary]]
Line 13: Line 13:
2) Create a directory in your DSMG600, rename it in mldonkey then copy in everything you have extracted in the first step 2) Create a directory in your DSMG600, rename it in mldonkey then copy in everything you have extracted in the first step
-3) If you have telnet or ssh access go to step 4, otherwise enable telnet [[http://dsmg600.info/howto:telnet]]+3) If you have telnet or ssh access go to step 4, otherwise enable telnet [[howto:telnet]]
4) Login with telnet (or ssh) as root user in your DSMG600 4) Login with telnet (or ssh) as root user in your DSMG600
Line 36: Line 36:
''MLDONKEYROOT="/mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/"'' ''MLDONKEYROOT="/mnt/HD_a2/mldonkey/"''
-''rm $MLDONKEYROOT/.mldonkey/mlnet.pid  # to prevent an incorrect shutdown''+''rm $MLDONKEYROOT/.mldonkey/mlnet.static.pid # to prevent an incorrect shutdown'' 
 +''rm $MLDONKEYROOT/.mldonkey/downloads.ini.tmp  # to prevent an incorrect shutdown'' 
 +''rm $MLDONKEYROOT/.mldonkey/users.ini.tmp # to prevent an incorrect shutdown''

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