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howto:recover 2007/01/09 20:10 howto:recover 2017/09/06 17:34 current
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-====== Recovering from bad firmware ======+====== Recovering from a bad firmware ======
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*</code> Here we have a failing ram disk image. *</code> Here we have a failing ram disk image.
  - Get firmware you want to flash. I suggest you to use D-Link original unmodified firmware!   - Get firmware you want to flash. I suggest you to use D-Link original unmodified firmware!
-  - Get program to unpack firmware image. It is located in [[http://download.dsmg600.info/people/beattie/Build_DSM-0.3.tgz|this]] archive in fwbuild-0.x.tgz file. Use ''fwdump firmware-image''. Now you have 3 files: firmware.sec1 which is u-boot formated kernel image, firmware.sec2 is u-boot formated ram disk image and firmware.sec3 you do not need.+  - Get program to unpack firmware image. It is located in [[http://dns323.kood.org/downloads/people/beattie/Build_DSM-0.3.tgz|this]] archive in fwbuild-0.x.tgz file. Use ''fwdump firmware-image''. Now you have 3 files: firmware.sec1 which is u-boot formated kernel image, firmware.sec2 is u-boot formated ram disk image and firmware.sec3 you do not need.
  - And finally [[howto:kernel_upload|here is a how to upload]] a needed or failing image using a serial console.   - And finally [[howto:kernel_upload|here is a how to upload]] a needed or failing image using a serial console.

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