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howto:serial_connector 2006/12/04 01:19 howto:serial_connector 2017/09/06 17:34 current
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 +====== How to add a serial port ======
**WARNING attaching a serial port will certainly void your warranty and could destroy your unit.** **WARNING attaching a serial port will certainly void your warranty and could destroy your unit.**
-The following information applies to version B1, there is a version B2 which may or may not be the same.  J3 is the serial console connection, some units have a connector installed some do not, mine did not.+The following information applies to version B1, there is a version B2 which may or may not be the same.  J3 is the serial console connection, some units have a Jameco catalog #420355 connector installed some do not, mine did not. The Jameco catalog number for the plug end is #420267. They are .49" headers.
-The serial console at J3 is a logic level signal, not RS232 used by serial ports such as those on PCs. Two approaches have been used to solve this problem.  One is to use a USB serial port chip leaveing out it's RS232 converters.+The serial console at J3 is a logic level signal, not RS232 used by serial ports such as those on PCs. Two approaches have been used to solve this problem.  One is to use a USB serial port chip leaveing out it's RS232 converters.
-The other which is described here is to connect up a 3.3v-to-RS232 converter such as the MAX3232.  COMPSys sells an adapter with that I.C. and supporting components on a circuit board with a DB9 connector preassembled, the A232DBH3v which was used in this example.+The other is to connect up a 3.3v-to-RS232 converter such as the [[http://www.maxim-ic.com/quick_view2.cfm/qv_pk/1780|MAX3232]].  COMPSys sells an adapter with that I.C. and supporting components on a circuit board with a DB9 connector preassembled, the [[http://www.compsys1.com/workbench/On_top_of_the_Bench/Max233_Adapter/max233_adapter.html|A232DBH3v (scroll down)]] which was used in this example.
-//ToDo Give URLs from Maxim and COMPSys +=====Using A232DBHv3 adapter=====
J3 provides 3.3v (pin 1), Transmit Data (pin 2), Receive Data (pin 3) and GND (pin 4), **I found that my 25W Weller Soldering Iron would not melt the solder in the GND through-hole so I used a different point for GND**.  J3 provides 3.3v (pin 1), Transmit Data (pin 2), Receive Data (pin 3) and GND (pin 4), **I found that my 25W Weller Soldering Iron would not melt the solder in the GND through-hole so I used a different point for GND**. 
-While it would be possible to wire the A232DBH3v (or other circuit) to the pads, it is better to use a connector so that disassembly remains easy.  Since I could not locate properly sized connectors, I used 30ga soild wire such as used for wire wrapping and making board repairs and modifications to install a 2.54mm 4 pin header that mated with a connector I had on hand. This wire is easily inserted into the holes in the J3 pads once the solder is melted.  This [[http://www.beattie-home.net/beattie/DSM-G600/pictures/dsmg600-serial1.jpg|picture]] shows the results, not as neat as I'd like.+While it would be possible to wire the A232DBH3v (or other circuit) to the pads, it is better to use a connector so that disassembly remains easy.  Since I could not locate properly sized connectors, I used 30ga soild wire such as used for wire wrapping and making board repairs and modifications to install a 2.54mm 4 pin header that mated with a connector I had on hand. This wire is easily inserted into the holes in the J3 pads once the solder is melted.  This picture shows the results, not as neat as I'd like.\\ 
 +I then soldered the connector to the A232DBH3v and cut a hole in the back of the unit to mount the DB9 as these pictures show, inside and out.\\ 
 +{{:howto:dsmg600-serialback.jpg?w=120&h=90}} {{:howto:dsmg600-back.jpg?w=120&h=90}}\\ 
 +**WARNING if you install the connector backwards you will burn out the A232DBHv3** 
 +=====Using MAX3232 or generic chip===== 
 +If you want to build your own serial converter, you will need the following parts: 
 +  * (5) 0.1 uF resin dipped capacitors (Monroes), 16V 
 +  * (1) MAX3232 IC (Maxim or generic), 3V type, 16 pin DIL 
 +  * (1) Right angled RS232 male socket 
 +  * (1) 10 element stripboard 
 +  * (1) 16 pin chip mount 
 +  * (1) Wire 
 +^ J3 Pin          ^ Signal ^  
 +^ 1    | Power (+3.3v)                | 
 +^ 2    | Transmit Data (TX)          | 
 +^ 3    | Receive Data (RX)            | 
 +^ 4    | Ground (GND)                |
-I then soldered the connector to the A232DBH3v and cut a hole in the back of the unit to mount the DB9 as these pictures show, [[http://www.beattie-home.net/beattie/DSM-G600/pictures/dsmg600-serialback.jpg|inside]] and [[http://www.beattie-home.net/beattie/DSM-G600/pictures/dsmg600-back.jpg|out]]. **WARNING if you install the connector backwards you will burn out the A232DBHv3**+=====Serial Port Settings===== 
 +^ Data  ^ Settings ^ 
 +^ Baudrate |9600  | 
 +^ Data bits |8    | 
 +^ Stop bits |1    | 
 +^ Parity |None
 +^ Flow Control |None  |
 +===== Links =====
 +  * [[:talk:howto:serial_connector|Talk page with user experiences]]
 +  * [[http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t67-Serial-interface.html|Forum thread]]
 +  *  [[http://linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=Add_a_Serial_port_to_the_PowerPC_Linkstation|linkstationwiki.net/index.php?title=Add_a_Serial_port_to_the_PowerPC_Linkstation]]
 +  * [[http://www.kurobox.com/mwiki/index.php/Add_Serial_Port|kurobox.com/mwiki/index.php/Add_Serial_Port]]
 +  * [[http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=4275|Discussion about serial port at openwrt.org forum]]

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