DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-06-17 23:52:19

New member
Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 1

DNS 313 usage in ip surveillance


I have the next problem:

I use DNS 313 with a DI 624 and 2xAXIS 207MW ( evrything connected on 10/100 Full Duplex ). The problem is that the cameras record 6 pic per second, and a pic is 150KB . In one day at 12 hours of recording I get around 43 000 pictures from a single camera !!! When I try to acces it from ftp or from mapped drive it takes to long or hangs ( on ftp ). The DNS 313 is not accesible for user ( it's hidden in sealing ).

Can I simultanously connect usb and net utp cat 5 cable and download, obviously faster, thru usb while the device is conencted at the network ? - i don't need it to work on ethernet connection during usb connection , I just need it to download using usb to pc , is it possible?

Vasile Bujor

PS. Would DNS 323 would do the job way faster?

Last edited by vasilebujor67 (2008-06-17 23:57:57)



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