DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-08-11 02:41:07

New member
Registered: 2008-07-28
Posts: 4

Does DNS-313 corrupt files?

Hi All,

My question is: has anyone had any experience with the DNS-313 corrupting files? I have read about the "NTFS Inconsistent" error, and get that myself, but can someone enlighten me on any consequences?

I am experimenting with my new DNS-313, and am finding that some files seem to get corrupted. I'm using a Syncing program to sync some large files, but some on the DNS-313 go unreadable. In fairness to the DNS-313, I haven't experimented enough to know whether it's the drive or the software program I'm using causing the trouble. That's why I thought I'd get some feedback here first.

I want to use the DNS-313 as a syncing and backup medium between two computers, but don't want to entrust it with valuable files until I know it's reliable.



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