Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Thanks to all the great info on this forum, I've got my new DNS-320 running with fun_plug and subversion and some other goodies...having never used linux before.
Hope you can tolerate a beginner's question: I'd like to use the nas to serve home-automation info, by connecting it to a microcontroller (well, an XBee radio). I need it to communicate with an FTDI chip, which others have gotten working on the DNS-323 (http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t2329-FTDI_SIO.html). I've gone through those directions with no luck. insmod tells me "invalid module format".
Am I wrong in thinking the kernel needs to be recompiled from scratch for the DNS-320/325, and the DNS-323 kernel won't work? That sounds hard. Is it?
That's right. A kernel module needs to be compiled against the same kernel headers as the kernel itself (in most cases the module is part of the kernel sources) and using the same compiler version.
Executing 'cat /proc/version' will tell you which kernel version/compiler you'll need.
Is it hard? Don't know. Much depends on the needed compiler. When the DLink GPL package is decent, you can just install it on some Linux box, run 'make menuconfig' in the kernel directory, select the FTDI module, save the config, and run 'make modules'.
Okay, thanks. If I get the usbserial.ko and FTDI_sio.ko modules compiled for the DNS-320. I'll post them here.
Did it - I'm so proud of myself. I followed Uli's excellent and timely writeup (http://nas-tweaks.net/249/building-an-a … 0-dns-325/) to compile the ftdi_sio.ko and usbserial.ko modules on a Debian 6.0 install within VirtualBox., using the menuconfig interface. Then copied these to the DNS-320, insmod'd usbserial and ftdi_sio (usbserial first), and voila: serial interface with the ftdi. Thanks Mijzelf and Uli!