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#1 2012-07-04 21:33:39

Registered: 2011-06-10
Posts: 42

CUPS on the DNS-320

Hello everybody.

I've been having issues with pairing the printer connected to the DNS-320 on OS X Lion. On Windows Machines, the printer works fine. On OS X on the otherhand, no matter what i try LPD, SMB or changing the syntax to smb:// or smb://username:password@ or even smb://domain;username:password@ All of em don't work. LPD detects the printer but i get an error about the backend not working and I'm not sure if it's Apple's fault or D-Link's. I've also noticed an issue with the printer when you connect it via Samba. The Printer Queue doesn't get removed and you have to manually remove it and have tons of errors popping up but it still removes it after awhile. Basically what I'm saying is the printer support in the DNS-320 sucks shit. I've been having this issue for a week and today i finally decided that the problem wasn't on OS X anymore and it was on the DNS-320. I've been working it from the OS X angle. I googled and came up with a few options, install debian squeeze and install CUPS or install CUPS via optware. I've read about people posting here about them trying and failing to install CUPS due to errors and what not so that made me a little demoralised but i still decided to give it ago. So now I am glad to say that I've managed to install CUPS via optware on the DNS-320 and it works. (At least with what I've tested so far.) Maybe some of you have figured it out already but I just wanna share it with people who intend to do this and can take this as a reference of some sort.

tl;dr version: I got CUPS working on the DNS-320

A short how to:

You need:
FFP 0.7 (I didn't test 0.5)
DNS-320 (Any FW should work? I'm on FW2.03)
Follow Uli's Guide to Install Optware here

Basically i followed this guide on the NSLU2 Page. http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/HowTo/AddPrinter

Additional Info: http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/OpenSlug/InstallCups

However, the guide is a little off. It asks you to start CUPS when the script isn't even in the init.d folder yet. So execute the third option in post installation first which is "Copy cups startup file for automatic start on bootup."

Then follow the rest of the guide.

There is one modification you need to make to the S88cups file. You need to comment the lines:


if ( !(lsmod | grep "^printer" -q) ); then
insmod /opt/lib/modules/printer.o

the CUPS package from optware no longer includes the kernel module for the printer and honestly you don't need it because you already have it. Do a lsmod and you'll see usblp. Basically if i'm not wrong, those lines start the printer driver which is actually already started by the DNS-320 itself. None of this is my work at all, i just worked on figuring and tinkering to get it working. Hope you guys find this useful.


Just restarted the NAS to test whether it would still work after a reboot and unfortunately it doesn't but don't worry, easy fix.



#Changing Printers to 777 permissions
chmod 777 lp0
chmod 777 usblp

to the S88cups file.

Last edited by Komano (2012-07-04 22:07:18)



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