DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2013-02-16 21:57:44

New member
Registered: 2013-02-16
Posts: 2

CrashPlan fully working on DNS-343

As I've successfully installed the CrashPlan software on the DNS-343 and seeing that it is a recurring topic I'll explain how I've done it, and try to contribute to the community.

In first place let me tell you I'm a newcomer to the D-Link DNS-343, fun_plug and the rest of niceties that I see on this forum as I just acquired my device two days ago.

What I did is essentially follow the instructions given by Vincent Demarcus for the IOMEGA Storcenter ix4-200d NAS (http://vincesoft.blogspot.com.es/2011/1 … omega.html), which happens to be an ARM device similar to the DNS-343.

But if you follow the procedure explained in his blog directly over the fun_plug installation you will obtain an accessible and configurable CrashPlan Engine, but not a fully working one, as it did not synchronize anything. The problem is I couldn't get the replacement of library libffi.so (required for jna and not available by default) to work.

If someone can make fun_plug to recognize this library (libffi.so), the following is not needed.

What did the trick is not to use fun_plug but Debian Squeeze instead. For that I followed the instructions at nasdestruction.com (http://www.nasdestruction.com/tutorial- … 0-dns-325/), but instead of using the image they link to I installed the one at funplug-dns320-dns325 (https://code.google.com/p/funplug-dns320-dns325/) . The files are https://code.google.com/p/funplug-dns32 … n=2&q= and https://code.google.com/p/funplug-dns32 … n=2&q= as these are more recent versions of Debian (6.0).

Additionally, the fun_plug.squeeze has to be edited and all the references to "/mnt/HD/HD_a2/squeeze" have to be changed to "/mnt/HD_a2/squeeze" as the disk mounting structure is different in the DNS-343.

Other think to change is the where the awk command is used in order to make the mount part to work correctly.

When you finish this part you will find yourself with a fully Debian platform installed and working on the DNS-323, so you can proceed to follow Vincent Demarcus instructions.

Please note that the identity problem Vincent refers to is in this case not present as nothing is missed between reboots.

Remember that in order to access the CrashPlanEngine you have the follow the instructions given at http://support.crashplan.com/doku.php/h … ess_client.

I hope this is helpful for somebody!

Best & kindly regards!



#2 2013-05-07 22:15:13

New member
Registered: 2013-02-16
Posts: 2

Re: CrashPlan fully working on DNS-343

Finally I've been able to make CrashPlan work over FFP on DNS-343 ...

The method is inspired on many sources as follows: http://vincesoft.blogspot.com.es/2011/1 … omega.html, http://forum.nas-central.org/viewtopic. … amp;t=8369 and http://www.openstora.com/phpBB3/viewtop … 8156#p8156. Instructions have been modified in order to make them work with the DNS343 NAS.

Create the working directory

Create a directory where we are going to uncompress the needed files.

mkdir /ffp/opt/working

And go there to start working.

cd /ffp/opt/working

Install base commands

Install cpio and which commands. The CrashPlan installation script requires them both.

slacker -Ui cpio
slacker -Ui which

Install Java

Because of oracle licensing, you can't download the file directly. Go there: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/ … index.html and download the ejre corresponding to “ARMv5 Linux - Headless EABI, SoftFP ABI, Little Endian” under “Java SE for Embedded 7”. The file and version I have used is called ejre-7u21-fcs-b11-linux-arm-sflt-headless-04_apr_2013.tar.gz.

In my case it was downloaded to /mnt/HD_a2/downloads/ directory.

mv /mnt/HD_a2/downloads/ejre-7u21-fcs-b11-linux-arm-sflt-headless-04_apr_2013.tar.gz /ffp/opt/working

The we uncompress the tar file.

tar zxvf ejre-7u21-fcs-b11-linux-arm-sflt-headless-04_apr_2013.tar.gz

And we move hte result to its real working place (and we make some siymbolic links to simplify things):

mv ejre1.7.0_21 /ffp/opt/
ln -s /ffp/opt/ejre1.7.0_12 /ffp/opt/ejre
ln -s /ffp/opt/ejre1.7.0_12 /ffp/opt/jre

Then we set temporarily the java executable in the path.

export PATH=/ffp/opt/jre/bin:$PATH

Why temporarily? We only need for making the installer happy. The information to find later the java executable will ve stored in the file install.vars which is used by the CrashPlanEngine to know where it has to execute it.

We check if everything is working fine:

java -version

It should answer something like:

java version "1.7.0_21"
Java(TM) SE Embedded Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_21-b11, headless)
Java HotSpot(TM) Embedded Client VM (build 23.21-b01, mixed mode)

Install CrashPlan

The following steps assumes that we still are at the /ffp/opt/working/ directory.

First we download the CrashPlan installer. You can find the latest version at http://www.crashplan.com/consumer/download.html.

And we extract the needed files:

tar -xvf CrashPlan_3.5.3_Linux.tgz

The installer has to be fixed to work in hte ffp enviroment:

cd CrashPlan-install
sed -i "s/\/bin\/bash/\/ffp\/bin\/bash/" install.sh

And then we start it:


During installation the script will ask a few questions. You must review and agree to the EULA before installation.

Do you accept and agree to be bound by the EULA? (yes/no)    yes

Then, a few installation paths can be adjusted. I've chosen the path ”/ffp/opt/crashplan” to install the Crashplan enviroment, but you can change this to wherever you like.

What directory do you wish to install CrashPlan to? [/usr/local/crashplan]    /ffp/opt/crashplan
/ffp/opt/crashplan does not exist. Create /ffp/opt/crashplan? (y/n) [y]    y
What directory do you wish to link the CrashPlan executable to? [/usr/local/bin]   /ffp/bin
What directory do you wish to store backups in? [/ffp/crashplan/manifest]    /ffp/crashplan/manifest
/ffp/crashplan/manifest does not exist. Create /ffp/crashplan/manifest? (y/n) [y]    y
What directory contains your SYSV init scripts? [/etc/init.d]    /ffp/start
What directory contains your runlevel init links? [/etc/rc.d]    /ffp/start

Finally, the installation script shows the selected paths and asks for affirmation. When everything is correct acknowledge by entering y.

If everything worked correctly you will see the following line:

Installation is complete. Thank you for installing CrashPlan for Linux

Now we're going to do the necessary changes to make it work.

We have to replace lijtux.so:

wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11784090/libjtux.so
mv /ffp/opt/crashplan/libjtux.so /ffp/opt/crashplan/libjtux.so.orig
cp libjtux.so /ffp/opt/crashplan/

Then we have to replace jna.jar:

wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/50398581/crashp … -3.2.5.jar
mv /ffp/opt/crashplan/lib/jna-3.2.5.jar /ffp/opt/crashplan/lib/jna-3.2.5.jar.orig
cp jna-3.2.5.jar /ffp/opt/crashplan/lib/

Now we get two additional files and we put it at the crashpaln directory:

We've to copy the libraries also to the /lib directory. They will be erased on the next reboot, but we need them there to finish the installation.

cp libffi.so.5 libmd5.so /lib

Remember we adjusted the installer to work with the ffp enviroment? We've to do the same with the CrashPlanEngine file:

sed -i "s/\/bin\/bash/\/ffp\/bin\/bash/" /ffp/opt/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine
sed -i "s/ps -eo 'pid,cmd'/ps w/" /ffp/opt/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine

We prepare the startup scritps:

mv /ffp/start/crashplan /ffp/start/crashplan.sh
ln -s /ffp/start/crashplan.sh /ffp/start/crashplan

Almost there!

First run

We start now the CrashPlanEngine:

sh ffp/start/crashplan.sh start

No you have to follow the instructions given at http://support.crashplan.com/doku.php/h … ess_client to access the program.

You should have now a working installation, but it is not finished yet!!

Final configuration

Now you have to prepare your full configuration (licence settings, …).

The OS wipes clean the /var/lib/ directory at each reboot … and that is where your crashplan login information is stored!! Even more … it also wipes clean the /lib directory and we also need two libraries there for crashplan to work.

To solve the problem:

cp -p /var/lib/crashplan/.identity /ffp/opt/crashplan/

And we have to add some lines of code to the CrashPlanEngine:

vi /ffp/opt/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine

You have to search for the following lines (line 11 of the script):

echo "Using standard startup"

And after them add the following:

mkdir -p /var/lib/crashplan
        cp -p .identity /var/lib/crashplan/
        cp libmd5.so /lib
        cp libffi.so.5 /lib

Now you have only to reboot and everything should be working fine!



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