DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2013-07-26 11:24:45

New member
Registered: 2013-07-24
Posts: 1

320L and mldonkey....

HI to all, Sorry for my english i'm from Italy
i'm having trouble installing mldonkey and make it functional...
These are the commands i sent by telnet to install and configure.

I've installed funplug 0.7 with this log:


**** fun_plug script for DNS-323 (2008-08-11 tp@fonz.de) ****
 **** fun_plug script modded by Uli (2012-02-21 ffp@wolf-u.li) ****
 Thu Jul 25 21:46:24 CEST 2013
 ln -snf /mnt/HD/HD_a2/ffp /ffp
 * Installing /mnt/HD/HD_a2/fun_plug.tgz ...
 * OK
 * Running /ffp/etc/fun_plug.init ...
 * Running /ffp/etc/rc ...
 * /ffp/start/SERVERS.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/portmap.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/nfsd.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/LOGIN.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/telnetd.sh ...
 Starting /ffp/sbin/telnetd -l /ffp/bin/sh
 * /ffp/start/sshd.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/rsyncd.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/kickwebs.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/inetd.sh inactive
 * /ffp/start/fp_master.sh inactive
 *  Ok

then i go for the installation of mldonkey

mlnet copied in /ffp/bin
mlnet copied in /ffp/start

(all files copied in an explorer window, \\, nas ip, then  volume1)

via telnet:
cd /mnt/HD/HD_a2
sh /ffp/start/mlnet.sh start
chmod a+x /ffp/start/mlnet.sh

log of first  launch


2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 3.1.3.CVS ... 
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cO] Language EN, locale ANSI_X3.4-1968, ulimit for open files 1024
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cO] MLDonkey is working in /mnt/HD/HD_a2/mldonkey

2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cO] creating new MLDonkey base directory in /mnt/HD/HD_a2/mldonkey

2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cO] loaded language resource file
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [DNS] Resolving [dlink-22701C] ...
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [CryptoPP] createKey: OS_Rng: open /dev/urandom operation failed with error 13
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [DNS] Resolving [www.mldonkey.org] ...

This core is running with glibc 2.8 but it was compiled with glibc 2.7.
This can lead to unexpected behaviour. Consider compiling the core yourself
or getting a binary compiled with glibc 2.7.

2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cO] Logging in /mnt/HD/HD_a2/mldonkey/mlnet.log
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] Core started
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cCO] Options correctly saved
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] Check http://www.mldonkey.org for updates
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] enabling networks: 
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] ---- enabling Donkey ----
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [CryptoPP] loadKey: BER decode error
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [EDK] loading sources completed
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 11438 (client_port TCP)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 11442 (client_port UDP)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] ---- enabling BitTorrent ----
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [bTM] starting DHT on port 11376
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 6882 (client_port TCP)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 6881 (tracker_port TCP)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 11376 (dht_port UDP)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] ---- enabling FileTP ----
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] ---- enabling interfaces ----
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 4080 (http_port)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 4000 (telnet_port)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] using port 4001 (gui_port)
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] disabled networks: none
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] To command: telnet 4000
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] Or with browser:
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] For a GUI check out http://sancho-gui.sourceforge.net
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] Connect to IP, port 4001
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] If you connect from a remote machine adjust allowed_ips
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [cCO] Options correctly saved
2013/07/25 21:49:27 [dMain] Core started
2013/07/25 21:49:28 [cWeb] request geoip.dat (http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz)
2013/07/25 21:49:28 [cWeb] request server.met (http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz)
2013/07/25 21:49:28 [cWeb] request guarding.p2p (http://www.bluetack.co.uk/config/level1.gz)
2013/07/25 21:49:28 [cWeb] Failure("Unknown kind [hublist]") while loading http://dchublist.com/hublist.config.bz2
2013/07/25 21:49:28 [cWeb] Failure("Unknown kind [nodes.gzip]") while loading http://update.kceasy.com/update/fasttrack/nodes.gzip
2013/07/25 21:49:32 [EDK] There are no ED2K-servers in your servers.ini.
2013/07/25 21:49:32 [EDK] Please import servers from a server.met file.
2013/07/25 21:49:32 [EDK] Let MLDonkey use a file configured in web_infos
2013/07/25 21:49:32 [EDK] or enter this link into MLDonkey:
2013/07/25 21:49:32 [EDK] ed2k://|serverlist|http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz|/
2013/07/25 21:49:38 [DNS] could not resolve automation.whatismyip.com, check URL
2013/07/25 21:49:38 [EDK] server.met loaded from http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz
2013/07/25 21:49:38 [EDK] 8 servers found, 8 new ones inserted

then i sent these for telnet gui

telnet 4000

auth admin “”
set allowed_ips “″

where is IP of my pc

then i can reach the web interface at

then from the interface i click on kill core, after that i return to telnet and tried to restart mlnet

/ffp/start/mlnet.sh start

i get "starting mlnet" but no response if i try to connect to the gui with telnet or http and get some connection refused, if i send /ffp/start/mlnet.sh stop, i get no mlnet process found

I've  tried many times to reinstall, deleting mldonkey directory, the first time i can reach the gui after restarting core, cannot anymore.

I don't know if it can be a permission issue, i've not enabled ssh or root in ffp, i've made a simple reboot of the nas after copying the fun files.
I've tried to change some settings in web interface and also without changing anything...
Please can someone help me?
Thanks in advance.



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