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howto:open_ports_ftpd 2009/08/17 08:18 howto:open_ports_ftpd 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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More information about the FTP deamon can me found in the [[http://www.wu-ftpd.org/man|manpages]]. More information about the FTP deamon can me found in the [[http://www.wu-ftpd.org/man|manpages]].
-===== FTP Active vs Passive connections in 30 seconds =====+ 
 +===== FTP Active vs Passive connections in 30 seconds? =====
The ftp protocol uses several connections during a ftp-session. The first connection is a control channel typically served on port 21. The ftp protocol uses several connections during a ftp-session. The first connection is a control channel typically served on port 21.


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