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howto:openvpn 2012/08/11 23:14 howto:openvpn 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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======= OpenVPN ====== ======= OpenVPN ======
-openvpn config information is here +Brief Note
-http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html +
-**read it!**+
-also look at the forum post http://forum.dsmg600.info/t1495-Compiled-Working%3A-OpenVPN.html+**This tutorial also works with DNS320. 
 +**If you are looking to setup a OpenVPN Access Server box with NAT routing/bridging capabilities, look away. Our default kernel does not have iptables inbuilt or any alternatives. Building one not easy unless you are able to find the right dependencies and compile the right stuffs over (cross-compile). 
 +*OpenVPN config information is here, 
 +**read it!** 
 +**also look at the forum post http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t1495-Compiled-Working%3A-OpenVPN.html
-here is a quick guide for funpkg (YMMV)+Here is a quick guide for funpkg (YMMV)
-===== SERVER =====+===== OpenVPN Client Tutorial =====
get funpkg openvpn package from http://ffp.wolf-u.li/additional/net-misc/ get funpkg openvpn package from http://ffp.wolf-u.li/additional/net-misc/


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