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dns-321 2013/01/27 05:57 dns-321 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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The DNS-321 is often considered the little brother of the DNS-323. It has a slightly slower CPU (400 vs 500), no USB port, but it does have more flash (16mb vs 8mb). Here is some info gathered from a unit with hardware version A2 running firmware 1.03. Please note that it appears that units labeled version A2 on the outside are labled as A1 on the motherboard itself. The DNS-321 is often considered the little brother of the DNS-323. It has a slightly slower CPU (400 vs 500), no USB port, but it does have more flash (16mb vs 8mb). Here is some info gathered from a unit with hardware version A2 running firmware 1.03. Please note that it appears that units labeled version A2 on the outside are labled as A1 on the motherboard itself.
\\ \\
===== Hardware ===== ===== Hardware =====
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^ U-boot | 1.1.1 | ^ U-boot | 1.1.1 |
\\ \\
===== Pictures ===== ===== Pictures =====
{{hardware:dns321-flashchip.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}} {{hardware:dns321-processor.jpg?w=120&h=90|CPU}} {{hardware:dns321-ram.jpg?w=120&h=90|RAM Module}} {{hardware:dns321-flashchip.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}} {{hardware:dns321-processor.jpg?w=120&h=90|CPU}} {{hardware:dns321-ram.jpg?w=120&h=90|RAM Module}}
===== Serial Console ===== ===== Serial Console =====
{{ hardware:dns321-serial.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}} {{ hardware:dns321-serial.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}}
-A serial port is available for advanced troubleshooting and flash recovery. A simple cable can be made using a nokia ca-42 cable as discribed [[http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Use_a_Nokia_Serial_Cable_on_an_ARM9_Linkstation|here]]. The cables can be purchased on eBay quite cheap. Other options for building a serial cable are available [[http://dns323.kood.org/hardware%3Aserial|here]].+A serial port is available for advanced troubleshooting and flash recovery. A simple cable can be made using a nokia ca-42 cable as described [[http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Use_a_Nokia_Serial_Cable_on_an_ARM9_Linkstation|here]]. The cables can be purchased on eBay quite cheap. Other options for building a serial cable are available [[http://dns323.kood.org/hardware%3Aserial|here]].
Pinout: Pinout:
Line 30: Line 29:
Serial breakout code: 5784468 \\ Serial breakout code: 5784468 \\
U-boot autoboot stop: <Space> + <1>\\ U-boot autoboot stop: <Space> + <1>\\
 +==== Recovery via serial ====
 +Some info was taken from [[http://www.cyrius.com/debian/orion/d-link/dns-323/recovery.html|here]]:
 +The following is done with Ubuntu 12.04
 +1. Install the splitdns323fw package.
 +  $ sudo apt-get install dns323-firmware-tools
 +2. Then download the 1.03 FW package from D-Link:
 +  ftp://ftp.dlink.com/Multimedia/dns321/Firmware/
 +3. Unzip it. Then split the firmware (in the directory you unzipped it):
 +  $ splitdns323fw -k 103kernel -i 103initrd -d 103defaults dns321_fw_103
 +4. If kermit is not installed do it now:
 +  $ sudo apt-get install ckermit
 +5. Setup your kermit config file, save the following as a .kermrc file in your home folder (note: the line "set line" will need to be set to your serial port):
 +  $ gedit ~/.kermrc
 +  set line /dev/ttyACM0
 +  set speed 115200
 +  set carrier-watch off
 +  set flow-control none
 +  set handshake none
 +  set prefixing all
 +  set streaming off
 +  set parity none
 +6. Run kermit, start this initally with the dns-321 box already running and your cable connected:
 +  $sudo kermit
 +7. Once inside kermit hit the <c> key to get to the console. Hit <enter> a couple times.
 +  !!if you are running stock firmware type 5784468 and hit <enter>!!
 +8. You should now be at a # prompt:
 +  #
 +9. Now enter the reboot command. Be prepared to do the next step quickly as you will only have 3 or so seconds to complete it..
 +  # reboot
 +10. You will now see something similar to this
 +  USB 0: host mode
 +  USB 1: host mode
 +  Net:  egiga0 [PRIME]
 +  Hit any key to stop autoboot:
 +press <space> + <1> this will exit the autoboot sequence.
 +11. At this point you should be at a boot prompt similar to the following:
 +  Marvell>>
 +12. Now you can enter a multitude of commands here (? shows all commands available). For recovery purposes we only need three commands, see #13, #15 and #17.
 +13. Flash the kernel image via uboot:
 +  Marvell>> loadb k
 +you will get this in response:
 +  ## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x00400000 at 115200 bps..
 +at this point you will need to hit
 +  <ctrl>+<\> then <c>
 +then you will need to upload the kernel file
 +  send 103kernel
 +you should now see a screen showing transfer status. Once it completes (it will take a good 5 minutes or so) move on to #14 .
 +14. Verify that the kernel was sent successfully:
 +hit <c> to go to the console and make sure the image in 13 was accepted ok. You should see   
 +  Kernel Size = 1554936
 +  Copy to Flash... done 
 +note: Size might be different!
 +15. Flash the ramdisk image via uboot:
 +  Marvell>> loadb r
 +you will get this in response:
 +  ## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x00400000 at 115200 bps..
 +at this point you will need to hit
 +  <ctrl>+<\> then <c>
 +then you will need to upload the ramdisk file
 +  send 103initrd
 +you should now see a screen showing transfer status. Once it completes (it will take a good 15 minutes or so) move on to #16 .
 +16. Verify that the ramdisk was sent successfully:
 +hit <c> to go to the console and make sure the image in 15 was accepted ok. You should see:
 +    Ramdisk Size = 8935844
 +    Copy to Flash... done
 +note: Size might be different!
 +17. Congrats your now back to stock! To start booting you new flash image type:
 +    Marvell>> boot
 +===== Alternative Firmware =====
 +Alt-f, an alternative firmware available for the DNS-323, now has experimental support for the DNS-321. For more information please check the thread on the google groups for Alt-f (link blocked). Search for "flashed DNS-321".
===== Outputs ===== ===== Outputs =====


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