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dns-321 2013/02/19 02:25 dns-321 2017/09/06 18:38 current
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===== Pictures ===== ===== Pictures =====
{{hardware:dns321-flashchip.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}} {{hardware:dns321-processor.jpg?w=120&h=90|CPU}} {{hardware:dns321-ram.jpg?w=120&h=90|RAM Module}} {{hardware:dns321-flashchip.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}} {{hardware:dns321-processor.jpg?w=120&h=90|CPU}} {{hardware:dns321-ram.jpg?w=120&h=90|RAM Module}}
===== Serial Console ===== ===== Serial Console =====
{{ hardware:dns321-serial.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}} {{ hardware:dns321-serial.jpg?w=120&h=90|Flash}}
-A serial port is available for advanced troubleshooting and flash recovery. A simple cable can be made using a nokia ca-42 cable as discribed [[http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Use_a_Nokia_Serial_Cable_on_an_ARM9_Linkstation|here]]. The cables can be purchased on eBay quite cheap. Other options for building a serial cable are available [[http://dns323.kood.org/hardware%3Aserial|here]].+A serial port is available for advanced troubleshooting and flash recovery. A simple cable can be made using a nokia ca-42 cable as described [[http://buffalo.nas-central.org/wiki/Use_a_Nokia_Serial_Cable_on_an_ARM9_Linkstation|here]]. The cables can be purchased on eBay quite cheap. Other options for building a serial cable are available [[http://dns323.kood.org/hardware%3Aserial|here]].
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