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howto:extract 2006/11/13 11:51 howto:extract 2017/09/06 17:34 current
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-====== How to extract tar.bz2 files ======+====== How to extract gzipped and bzipped files (.tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2.) ======
-GNU tar supports a -j flag, which allows extraction of tar.bz2 files without a pipeline:+GNU tar supports the -z and -j flags, which allows extraction of compressed files without a pipeline:
 +<code>tar -xvzf archivefile.tar.gz</code>
<code>tar -xvjf archivefile.tar.bz2</code> <code>tar -xvjf archivefile.tar.bz2</code>
-Inside DSM-G600 you can't use -j flag, so there you must use a pipeline: +----
-<code>/mnt/HD_a2/bzcat archivefile.tar.bz2 | /mnt/HD_a2/tar -xvf -</code> +
-//bzcat is symlink to bzip2.//+
 +Inside the DSM-G600 you can't use those flags, so there you must use a pipeline:
 +<code>gunzip -c archivefile.tar.gz | /mnt/HD_a2/tar -xvf -</code>
 +<code>/mnt/HD_a2/bzip2 -dc archivefile.tar.bz2 | /mnt/HD_a2/tar -xvf -</code>
 +[bzip2 can be obtained [[http://dns323.kood.org/downloads/bzip2-1.0.3.tar.bz2|here]].  It's a bzip2 archive, so you'll obviously want to extract it //before// you install it onto the DSM-G600 8-).]
 +In windows you can use various applications to extract tar.bz2 files:
 +  * [[http://www.7-zip.org/|7Zip]] (GUI based free extractor)
 +  * [[http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/bzip2.htm|bzip2]]+[[http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/tar.htm|tar]] for windows
 +  * [[http://cgpgroup.com/index.asp?PgToLd=WBZIP2|wbzip2]] with GUI
 +  * [[http://www.rarlab.com/|WinRAR]]

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