DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-05-23 06:16:22

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

[FTP] Dyndns updater

hi everyone,

I've just got my D323 recently and I am using it as FTP server. However, I am facing some issues:

1) I upgraded the firmware to 1.05 an use the built-in DDNS tool in the firmware to update the IP address with dyndns. However, I keep receiving message from dyndns:

"Dear Valued Customer:

The hostname, xxxxxxxx.dlinkddns.com, in account xxxxxxxxx, has been
blocked for abuse. This action has been taken due to the receipt of
multiple updates originating from the same IP address.

Updates which result in no change to the host are abusive."

It seems to me that NAS keeps updating the IP with dyndns too often, so much so that dyndns block the host for abusive updates. Does anyone face the similar problem? Anyone has any cure on that?

2) My friends who are trying to access the FTP from overseas face some difficulties, they are not able to access at all and most of them stuck in loading the page or getting the content of the folder. This does not happen to my friends who access in the same country. Anyone knows what could be the problem?

Thanks for reply!



#2 2008-05-23 10:29:07

Registered: 2007-05-12
Posts: 83

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

I have a DynDNS function in my router and use it - much more stable




#3 2008-05-23 10:56:54

From: Budapest, Hungary
Registered: 2007-06-14
Posts: 122

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

Try to increase the "Timeout" at DDNS settings.

2 x DNS-320
1 x DNS-325



#4 2008-05-23 13:05:42

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

craft wrote:

Try to increase the "Timeout" at DDNS settings.

I set it to 576 hours, longer than that!?



#5 2008-05-25 16:36:30

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

starry_knight wrote:

craft wrote:

Try to increase the "Timeout" at DDNS settings.

I set it to 576 hours, longer than that!?

yup smile
read the abuse policy:

Updates should only be performed when your IP address has changed. We allow users to modify or "touch" their host every 28 days to prevent their hosts from expiring. Everything else is abusive.

so set it to 672 hrs smile

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#6 2008-05-25 18:20:29

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater


I've set it to 65536 hours at DDNS in the firmware of D323 (firmware version 1.05), yet when the dyndns support team showed me the log files, the updater updated the IP at the hourly basis. With that, dyndns blocked the hostname of my D323. I tried to use the dynamic dns updater in my router, sadly, that feature is not supported by my router.

Is there any other alternatives that I can do to change the frequency of updating the IP at the D323 level?



#7 2008-05-25 18:26:36

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater


I've set it to 65536 hours at DDNS in the firmware of D323 (firmware version 1.05), yet when the dyndns support team showed me the log files, the updater updated the IP at the hourly basis. With that, dyndns blocked the hostname of my D323. I tried to use the dynamic dns updater in my router, sadly, that feature is not supported by my router.

Is there any other alternatives that I can do to change the frequency of updating the IP at the D323 level?



#8 2008-05-25 18:30:27

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

i went and turned on the dyndns feature and new cron job is added:

#crontab -l
*/40320 * * * * /usr/sbin/ddns-start&

this is for the 28days (40320min) timeout. looking at this. command ddns-start should be executed when setting the job (either through web interface or upon restart), then every next 40320 minutes. clearly this d-link implemetation of dyndns is wrong... but i still do not see why your's updated every hour...

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#9 2008-05-25 18:44:30

New member
Registered: 2007-09-03
Posts: 4

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

i'd also add that if you reboot the box too often, it also creates the same 'abusive' problem as well.

at least that's what i faced, gettin my box shut out as well. ended up using their updater in place of the control panel.



#10 2008-05-25 18:56:16

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

i think i know what the problem is:
ddns-start just calls ez-ipupdate with some parameters (ez-ipupdate -c /etc/ez-ipupdate.conf)
the thing is, ddns-start removes the .cache file used by ez-update to see if ip address changed:

root@dns-323:/sys/crfs/sbin# strings ddns-start |grep cache
rm /tmp/ez-ipupdate.cache
(how stupid is that).

so ez-ipupdate always try to update ip!

one fix i can think of is to copy /etc/ip-ezupdate.conf to /ffp/etc/ez-ipupdate.conf, uncomment the last line (#deamon) and create startup script for ez-ipupdate in /ffp/start/..

then disable the dyndns in web interface and thats it.

alternatively instead of creating startup scripts (i prefer that) you can add ez-ipupdate -c /ffp/etc/ez-ipupdate.conf to fun_plug (at the end)..

edit: oh and change the cache file in ez-ipupdate.conf (put it somewhere on the disk). then upon reboot, it'll still be there and there will be no update if its not necessary smile

Last edited by SilentException (2008-05-25 18:58:46)

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#11 2008-05-25 19:58:08

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

snip. get new version below ! smile

Last edited by SilentException (2008-05-26 12:36:25)

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#12 2008-05-26 01:58:04

Registered: 2008-01-04
Posts: 56

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

I was locked out of my account also, due to abuse because of the DNS.
They easily reset it. I have instead just been using their software on another computer within the network instead. Of course this doesn't help much if you don't want to use another computer for this task.
Will look for interest with Silents results.



#13 2008-05-26 02:08:22

Registered: 2008-03-09
Posts: 113

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

I have a SonicWall TZ-170 and I have multipe DDNS setup and it does a grate job... I did try a test DDNS  with the 323 and it locked it....
I would let the routers and Firewalls handle the DDNS..



#14 2008-05-26 12:10:24

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

i've completed the ezipupdate now and its working great smile

first, remove old one (if you installed it)
#funpkg -r ezipupdate-0.4-ffp0.5

install new one
#funpkg -i ezipupdate-0.5-ffp0.5.tgz

edit config file and move it to right place
#vi /ffp/etc/examples/ezipupdate.conf
#mv /ffp/etc/examples/ezipupdate.conf /ffp/etc/ezipupdate.conf

#enable logging (optional) - log file is limited to 200 lines
#vi /ffp/share/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.sh
(edit log_file)

start the updater
#/ffp/start/ezipupdate.sh start
Starting ezipupdate...

if you'd like to see how it's working, check the crontab:
#crontab -l
32 2 * * * /usr/sbin/rtc -s
30 2 2 * * /usr/sbin/rtc -c
59 1 * * * /usr/sbin/daylight &
*/15 * * * * /ffp/share/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.sh

tries to update every 15 minutes, but dont worry, because of the cache file it won't update unless your ip has changed smile provided log file proves that. it updated first time because i manually edited cache file, next time it didnt have to update smile

example log file:


ez-ipupdate Version 3.0.11b7
Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Angus Mackay.
connected to members.dyndns.org ( on port 80.
request successful
ez-ipupdate Version 3.0.11b7
Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Angus Mackay.
no update needed at this time


Last edited by SilentException (2008-05-26 12:14:35)

Attachment Icon ezipupdate-0.5-ffp0.5.tgz, Size: 1,440 bytes, Downloads: 791

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#15 2008-05-27 01:31:00

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

i see there is not much interest for this but still:

i noticed a small glitch when the script was cutting too long log file. cronjob could not find the 'wc' command as its not in the path variable
if you arent using log file (default behavior) , you can ignore this

also i think you all know this but when removing old version, your .conf file stays intact (it will not be removed) smile

Attachment Icon ezipupdate-0.6-ffp0.5.tgz, Size: 1,432 bytes, Downloads: 1,070

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#16 2008-05-27 19:26:21

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

SilentException wrote:

i see there is not much interest for this but still:

i noticed a small glitch when the script was cutting too long log file. cronjob could not find the 'wc' command as its not in the path variable
if you arent using log file (default behavior) , you can ignore this

also i think you all know this but when removing old version, your .conf file stays intact (it will not be removed) smile

Thanks! You have been much helpful smile



#17 2008-05-27 23:53:45

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

starry_knight wrote:

SilentException wrote:

i see there is not much interest for this but still:

i noticed a small glitch when the script was cutting too long log file. cronjob could not find the 'wc' command as its not in the path variable
if you arent using log file (default behavior) , you can ignore this

also i think you all know this but when removing old version, your .conf file stays intact (it will not be removed) smile

Thanks! You have been much helpful smile

no problem. got so many useful information on this forum so i'm glad that i could provide some help back smile

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#18 2008-05-30 01:31:03

Registered: 2008-05-29
Posts: 7

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

Just got hit with this as well. SilentException, you seem to have cracked onto the solution, but unfortunately my *nix skills are non-existent (as a result, your solution looks quite like gibberish to me). I'll try to get myself up to speed on linux/unix, but do you think this is something you can convey to d-link for their next firmware version?



#19 2008-05-31 08:54:15

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

SilentException wrote:

i see there is not much interest for this but still:

i noticed a small glitch when the script was cutting too long log file. cronjob could not find the 'wc' command as its not in the path variable
if you arent using log file (default behavior) , you can ignore this

also i think you all know this but when removing old version, your .conf file stays intact (it will not be removed) smile

hi SilentException,

When I unzip the file, the file in the folder "sbin" seems corrupted, can you reupload the file?

Also, when I do "crontab -l", I saw the default ddns updater is running:

*/3932100 * * * * /usr/sbin/ddns-start&
*/15 * * * * /ffp/share/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.sh
*/15 * * * * /ffp/share/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.sh

I believe I accidentally run you script twice, so there are repeating cron job now. How do I kill those cron job? Please advice.




#20 2008-05-31 09:48:56

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

running the script twice does not add two cron entries. disable the d-link dns updater in web interface first. then run
#/ffp/start/ezipupdate.sh stop

file in sbin is a sym link, you cannot "unzip" those in windows. btw, you dont unzip the ffp package, you use command
#funpkg -i ezipupdate-0.6-ffp0.5.tgz
to install it.

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#21 2008-05-31 17:29:47

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

SilentException wrote:

running the script twice does not add two cron entries. disable the d-link dns updater in web interface first. then run
#/ffp/start/ezipupdate.sh stop

file in sbin is a sym link, you cannot "unzip" those in windows. btw, you dont unzip the ffp package, you use command
#funpkg -i ezipupdate-0.6-ffp0.5.tgz
to install it.

hi SilentException,

May I know how does the IP detector work? Is it controlled solely by the ip_command in the ffp/share/ezipupdate/ezipupdate.sh?

After I loaded the scripts, I tried to ping the hostname, the IP returned is the internal IP of the FTP server instead of the public IP. Is http://tilmanfrosch.de/ip.php getting the public IP or internal IP?




#22 2008-06-01 21:48:26

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

http://tilmanfrosch.de/ip.php is getting external (public IP) ofcourse.

i'm running this updater for almost a week 24/7 and it works like a charm (i'm behind a router too)

i guess you're doing something wrong there but i'm not really sure what (maybe you tampered a little too much with files and scripts) so my reccomendation would be to remove EVERYTHING first (rm -rf /ffp/share/ezipupdate, rm /ffp/sbin/ezipupdate, rm /ffp/etc/examples/ezipupdate.con, rm /ffp/etc/ezipupdate.conf, rm /ffp/tmp/ez-ipupdate.cache, rm /ffp/start/ezipupdate.sh, rm /ffp/var/packages/ezipupdate*, clean the crontab, disable d-link dynds updater from web interface)

then follow the instructions i gave above. good luck smile

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



#23 2008-06-02 16:21:11

Registered: 2008-05-23
Posts: 9

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

SilentException wrote:

http://tilmanfrosch.de/ip.php is getting external (public IP) ofcourse.

i'm running this updater for almost a week 24/7 and it works like a charm (i'm behind a router too)

i guess you're doing something wrong there but i'm not really sure what (maybe you tampered a little too much with files and scripts) so my reccomendation would be to remove EVERYTHING first (rm -rf /ffp/share/ezipupdate, rm /ffp/sbin/ezipupdate, rm /ffp/etc/examples/ezipupdate.con, rm /ffp/etc/ezipupdate.conf, rm /ffp/tmp/ez-ipupdate.cache, rm /ffp/start/ezipupdate.sh, rm /ffp/var/packages/ezipupdate*, clean the crontab, disable d-link dynds updater from web interface)

then follow the instructions i gave above. good luck smile

I try that website mannually, it gave me some other IP. Anyway, the updater is working fine when I change the url to www.whatismyip.org, cheers!

However, one more problem here. My friends from overseas were trying to access the FTP, almost all of them were unable to establish a connection. It works perfectly fine for my friends who connect within the same country. Any idea what's went wrong?



#24 2008-06-11 10:46:04

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 6

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

Hi SilentException,

I have some questions for configuration.

#i am using dlinkddns.com instead of dyndns.org. do i need to change the service-type??

#i am not sure what interface means.

# i tried to change the logfile variable to below, but there was no logs. did i do something wrong?

Thanks for your help in advance. Really appreciate the help and files on this forum that you gave. smile



#25 2008-06-11 11:36:40

From: Island of Krk, Croatia
Registered: 2008-05-04
Posts: 148

Re: [FTP] Dyndns updater

hello m8

if using dlinkddns.com you don't have to change the service type. just leave it at dyndns and fill out the username, password and hostname.

interface is the network interface used in sending and receiving data (type "ifconfig" in shell to see working network interfaces and their status). as dns-323 has only one, you shouldn't have to change egiga0.

as for log_file, the line you've changed should work fine but note that the updater runs every 15 minutes (full hour, 15min, 30min, 45min). so for example, if you run the starter script at 2:47, dyndns host and log file will be updated at 3:00 for the first time.

@ starry_knight:
i have just read your post, and tbh i have no idea why your overseas friends cannot connect. could be some dns server issues (their dns servers are not updated fast enough or something alike).

D-Link DNS-323 v1.05 fun_plug-ed + many mods,  2 x 320GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 RAID0, Cat6 Gigabit Network, 9k Jumbo Frames, Average (WRITE): 19,32 MB/sec, Average (READ): 28,6 MB/sec



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