DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2007-12-11 22:41:00

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Formatting the wrong disk

At the risk of stirring up trouble.

I took my DNS-323 running what I consider to be the latest officially released firmware (ver 1.03) and created a RAID1 array using a pair of 250 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 disks.  After writing 2 GB of data to the array I powered the unit off and pulled one disk, when the unit was repowered I verified that the data was still available, and then shut it down and installed a replacement disk, also a 250GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.9, containing a number of small (25GB) partitions formatted FAT & NTFS, each containing data.

After powering the unit up, I went to the web admin page, where I was prompted to format the replacement disk to which I agreed - the unit completed the format and started the resync - during the resync the 2GB of data previously stored in the RAID array remains available - so at first glance, the unit has formatted the correct replacement disk.

Upon completion of the resync I will verify availability of the data again following which I will perform a similar test using two separate volumes to see which disk the unit will format



#2 2007-12-12 00:26:59

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Re: Formatting the wrong disk

OK - at the end of the resync - my data continued to be available, confirming that the unit had formatted the correct replacement disk.

For the second round of testing I have formatted a single 250GB segate Barracuda 7200.9 in the left hand bay, and again transferred 2GB of data to it.  I then installed a second 250 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 disk in the right hand bay - the second disk contains a 50 GB NTFS partition with data.  On power up I went to the web admin page which prompted me to format the new disk and also mentioned that me existing data would not be lost (or words to that effect).

During the format of the new disk - the data on the exiting disk was not accessible, and on completion of the format, the web admin page told me that Volume_1 had been successfully formatted.  I am emphasizing this because, when there was only one disk, that was Volume_1, so we now need to see if the wrong disk has been formatted, or the disk names have been swapped.

After the restart - from My Network Places - two volumes are visible, Volume_1 contains the data that was stored there earlier, and Volume_2, which is the disk that had a NTFS partition containing data when it was installed is now empty - a check of the web admin status page also shows the expected information as regards used & unused space.

In short - when installing a disk containing an NTFS partition with data into the DNS-323 in both single disk and RAID1 configurations, the correct disk was formatted on both occasions - I have been unable to reproduce the problem decribed.  This was not an exhaustive attempt, although it did take several hours of my time.

I have now installed disks both with & without data, in both ext2 and NTFS formats, in both left & right bays, in both RAID1 and individual volume configurations with NO loss of data.

Your results may differ - and if they do feel free to document the circumstances, and as long as I have the hardware on hand I will attempt to recreate those circumstances.

Note - I see no reason to attempt to conduct this test in RAID0 or JBOD configurations since data loss would be expected



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