Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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# Get gunzip, tar and busybox-with-chroot from # gzip-1.3.5.tar.bz2, tar-1.15.91.tar.bz2 and busybox-1.00-pre1.tar.bz2 at http://dns323.kood.org/downloads/ ln -s /mnt/HD_a2/busybox-with-chroot /bin/chroot mkdir /mnt/HD_a2/slind cd /mnt/HD_a2/slind wget http://www.emdebian.org/slind/slind-installer/powerpc/slind-installer-nfsroot-powerpc.tar.gz gunzip -c slind-installer-nfsroot-powerpc.tar.gz | tar -xf - mount -t proc proc /mnt/HD_a2/slind/proc cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/HD_a2/slind/tmp chroot /mnt/HD_a2/slind /bin/sh # Select a or b option # a) For busybox variant (recommended) debootstrap --arch powerpc suffolk / http://www.emdebian.org/slind/target/ # b) For coreutils/sysvinit variant (takes way too much memory!) debootstrap --arch powerpc --variant=gnu suffolk / http://www.emdebian.org/slind/target/ # End of selection exit umount /mnt/HD_a2/slind/proc
mount -t proc proc /mnt/HD_a2/slind/proc chroot /mnt/HD_a2/slind /bin/sh
Getting nano
wget http://ftp.ee.debian.org/debian/pool/main/n/ncurses/libncurses5_5.4-4_powerpc.deb wget http://ftp.ee.debian.org/debian/pool/main/n/nano/nano_1.2.4-5_powerpc.deb dpkg -i libncurses5_5.4-4_powerpc.deb dpkg -i nano_1.2.4-5_powerpc.deb export TERM='vt100' nano
Getting dropbear
wget http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/z/zlib/zlib1g_1.2.2-4.sarge.2_powerpc.deb wget http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/d/dropbear/dropbear_0.45-2sarge0_powerpc.deb dpkg -i zlib1g_1.2.2-4.sarge.2_powerpc.deb dpkg -i dropbear_0.45-2sarge0_powerpc.deb /etc/init.d/dropbear start
As you can see I have'nt setup apt yet, all here is like 10 minutes of my work
Also it might seem crazy to install base-system over installer, but it did work better this way. To install base system into new root use
debootstrap --arch powerpc suffolk /new http://www.emdebian.org/slind/target/ cp /etc/resolv.conf /new/tmp
and for Using
mount -t proc proc /mnt/HD_a2/slind/new/proc chroot /mnt/HD_a2/slind/new /bin/sh
Excellent. It seems to work fine for me. Thanks for the code.
cant get
gunzip -c slind-installer-nfsroot-powerpc.tar.gz | tar -xf-
to work, need some help
gunzip is symlink to gzip, you also need to add path, like this:
/mnt/HD_a2/gunzip -c slind-installer-nfsroot-powerpc.tar.gz | /mnt/HD_a2/tar -xf-
haha, wow, i shoulda seen that one comming a mile away, got it working now
I did update wiki page with proper debian chroot howto
I've used debian a lot, and love the idea of running debian on my g600. Does this take away the need for all the specially-compiled apps found on this forum?
Once someone chroots to a debian install on the HD does that mean what it would seem to mean -- simply apt-get anything you want and it just works?
For instance, I'd like a dhcp server, and there's not one in the dns323.kood.org/dsmg600 downloads list, but surely there's a debian one.
Thanks very much for the work on this sala.
Yes you can install new programs using apt-get, but you probably fail (I haven't tried it myself, I only report what I have heard form others) setting up dhcp server because of kernel limitations (and you can't apt-get new kernel). In this case your options is to setup a serial port and start using custom firmware, which removes limitations in question, or to use loader.o to boot custom kernel without flashing.
All information about these tasks are posted to wiki (and forum).
Hi guys, some prblms here....
from http://dns323.kood.org/dsmg600/howto:telnet
1. mkdir /mnt/HD_a2/work && cd /mnt/HD_a2/work
2. ln -s /mnt/HD_a2/bzip2 /mnt/HD_a2/bzcat
3. /mnt/HD_a2/bzcat debootstrap- | /mnt/HD_a2/tar -xvf -
4. export DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd`/usr/lib/debootstrap
5. Extract busybox-1.00.tgz and add extracted bin and sbin directory to a PATH. For example export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/HD_a2/bin and export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/HD_a2/sbin [Where should busybox-1.00.tgz should extracted? That file as far as I see contain only "busybox-1.00.tar" that contain the file "busybox-1.00"]
6. ./usr/sbin/debootstrap arch powerpc sid /mnt/HD_a2/debian http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian [what this command does?]
7. cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/HD_a2/debian/etc/resolv.conf [dir 'etc' under '/mnt/HD_a2/debian/' doesnt exist, normal? I added manually]
8. mount -t proc proc /mnt/HD_a2/debian/proc
9. cd /
10. chroot /mnt/HD_a2/debian [chroot doesnt work for me "-ash: chroot: not found"]
11. apt-get update [apt-get: not found]
12. apt-get install locales
13. dpkg-reconfigure locales
14. passwd root
15. apt-get install dropbear
16. apt-get install hotplug
Last edited by lucas72 (2007-05-12 17:47:20)
All your problem start with busybox-1.00.tgz because you failed to extract it correctly. It is tgz (tar+gz) archive meaning it contains gz archive and tar archive. As you have tar file there - then just extract it once again. And it doesn't matter where as long as you can add extracted bin and sbin to the path.
If you would consider to update to the latest custom firmware then you can skip busybox part because all needed tools are already in firmware. But before you update your DSM-G600 with custom firmware you should read all related warnings!
./usr/sbin/debootstrap arch powerpc sid /mnt/HD_a2/debian http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian downloads and installs latest debian sid to your DSM-G600 hard disk.
Thank you very much Sala, I was having some problem with my winrar under windowz .... he was showing me wrong contents for .TGZ files. Now I've both BIN and SBIN under /mnt/HD_a2..... problem is that now I got:
# cd /
# chroot /mnt/HD_a2/debian
chroot: cannot execute /mnt/HD_a2/ash: No such file or directory
most times chroot /mnt/HD_a2/debian should work but you can try chroot /mnt/HD_a2/debian /bin/sh
Nothing changed....
# chroot /mnt/HD_a2/debian /bin/sh
chroot: cannot execute /bin/sh: No such file or directory
There could be some strange thing with firmware 1.02eu ?! Version is B2
This probably means that you did fail again with some steps before. Verify that debian is installed to debian directory.
ok sala I'll never be the fastest cut & past-er of the world but I can do this job!
I wont' tell u the time I spent last two days on such small box!!
No seriuosly, I think I'm missing something here....
In /mnt/HD_a2/debian directory you should see debian installation with regular directory tree (for example /etc /bin /sbin /lib /usr). If you do not have it then you probably did fail in debootstrap step (if everything works well you should see there some apt-geting and package installations, very similar to regular debian).
Also debootstrap stores a log file of its failures and successes, unfortunately I cant remember where it's stored by default. It might be some where in debootstrap or usr directory.
There's a price for who understand what's the hell is going on here......
If I dont' manually create /mnt/HD_a2/debian:
# ./usr/sbin/debootstrap -arch powerpc sid /mnt/HD_a2/debian http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian
E: No such script: /mnt/HD_a2/debian
...if I do create the above dir:
# ./usr/sbin/debootstrap -arch powerpc sid /mnt/HD_a2/debian http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian
almost nothing happen it return to the prompt and create only the below [empty] dirs:
...latest news...
# ./usr/sbin/debootstrap -verbose -arch powerpc sid /mnt/HD_a2/debian http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian
E: No such script: sid
Last edited by lucas72 (2007-05-15 02:23:00)
./usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch powerpc sid /mnt/HD_a2/debian http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian
Before arch there is two - characters, like -- Unfortunately Wiki just eats them up and I did forget to mention it here before
Also look up this debootstrap.log
I tried also with --arch but I receive a "segmentation fault".......
I have some problems too.
This is what my debootstap.log looks like
# cat debootstrap.log
/bin/sh: Can't open tr
/bin/sh: Can't open sort
/bin/sh: Can't open printf
/bin/sh: Can't open sed
/bin/sh: Can't open sed
/bin/sh: Can't open sed
foogy wrote:
I have some problems too.
This is what my debootstap.log looks like
# cat debootstrap.log
/bin/sh: Can't open tr
/bin/sh: Can't open sort
/bin/sh: Can't open printf
/bin/sh: Can't open sed
/bin/sh: Can't open sed
/bin/sh: Can't open sed
You obliviously did skip/fail exporting custom busybox bin and sbin to the PATH
ah... off course!!
Had to export the PATH like this
export PATH=/mnt/HD_a2/bin/:/mnt/HD_a2/sbin:$PATH
not like this
export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/HD_a2/bin/:/mnt/HD_a2/sbin
now the file looks like this
# cat /mnt/HD_a2/debian/debootstrap/debootstrap.log
Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault
Hm, damn, I think that custom busybox binary don't work. Try to run /mnt/HD_a2/bin/busybox --help and then try to run printf, after exporting PATH
printf seems to work?!
# /mnt/HD_a2/bin/busybox --help
BusyBox v1.00 (2007.02.12-15:40+0000) multi-call binary
Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
or: [function] [arguments]...
BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
link to busybox for each function they wish to use, and BusyBox
will act like whatever it was invoked as.
Currently defined functions:
[, ar, arping, ash, autoip, awk, basename, bunzip2, busybox, bzcat,
cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, chroot, clear, cmp, cp, crond, crontab,
cut, date, df, dmesg, dumpleases, echo, egrep, env, expr, false,
fgrep, find, free, freeramdisk, fsck.minix, goweb, grep, gunzip,
gzip, head, hexdump, hostname, hwclock, id, ifconfig, init, insmod,
kill, killall, length, ln, login, losetup, ls, lsmod, md5sum,
mkdir, mkfs.minix, mknod, mkswap, modprobe, more, mv, netstat,
pidof, ping, pipe_progress, pivot_root, poweroff, printf, ps,
pwd, rdate, reboot, reset, rm, rmmod, route, sed, sh, sleep, sort,
swapoff, swapon, sync, tail, tar, telnetd, test, top, touch, tr,
true, udhcpc, udhcpd, uname, uniq, uptime, vi, wc, yes, zcat
# printf
BusyBox v1.00 (2007.02.12-15:40+0000) multi-call binary
Usage: printf FORMAT [ARGUMENT...]