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#1 2008-03-11 09:04:39

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 7

lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

i really wrote this for my own interest, but thought i'd throw it out there to the public to play with...  i just ask that if you make any updates to the code that you send it my way.  any bug corrections or improvement feedback would also be appreciated. 

veery basic CSS layout in place, will work on a slicker layout in next revisions.

|                Swangy.com DNS-323 image gallery source code  v0.5
| file:             list image folder
| category:         image handling
| last modified:    Mon, 10 March 2008
| code URL:
| description: Serves up all the images, folders, and subfolders from the directory this file is placed. 
| I wanted to write something that would allow me to serve my photo collection straight from the NAS in
| a slick way.
| Instructions:
| 1. copy FancyZoom javascript files to appropriate folder
| 2. make an alias from your /www/ folder on your DNS-323 to point to your folder with /image/ collection
|   - alternatively, put images in a web served folder
| 3. Copy this index.php file to your /image folder
| 4. Adjust folders in config and javascript script to point to correct locations
| 5. Profit!

Last edited by swangy (2008-03-13 03:26:52)

Attachment Icon swangy img gallery.zip, Size: 47,965 bytes, Downloads: 429



#2 2008-03-11 21:52:19

Registered: 2007-10-13
Posts: 64

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

Hi, nice work, but i cant get it to work.
I put the files in: mnt/HD_a2/www/pages/pic
and in index.php file i changed localdir to: mnt/HD_a2/Backup/pic

Do i need to put the images in the same dir as the php file? i rather not.



#3 2008-03-11 21:55:06

Registered: 2007-10-13
Posts: 64

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

Is there anyway to add utf8 support like with the musicbrowser:

if (!function_exists('utf8_encode')) {
  function utf8_encode($text) {
    return $text;



#4 2008-03-12 00:42:39

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 7

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

is /mnt/HD_a2/Backup/pic being served up as part of www/pages?  you can put the index.php anywhere, though i tend to just throw mine in the top level of my images folder



#5 2008-03-12 01:11:59

Registered: 2007-10-13
Posts: 64

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

Hi, nope it's not inside my www/pages dir.
I thought it worked as the musicbrowser i.e. able to serve files outside the www dir.
It displays all folders and filenames of the directories but only bropken images and image url's




#6 2008-03-13 03:28:14

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 7

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

ok, i reworked it (by borrowing some code from musicbrowser smile... it's very well written) so you dont need to put your image library inside your www dir.

i updated the zip file (v.7) now, give it a shot and let me know if it's easier to install..

just edit the few variables in config php file

btw if anyone has any talent with layout and makin stuff look nice, please help with the css

Last edited by swangy (2008-03-13 05:32:34)



#7 2008-03-13 10:34:51

Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 8

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

hi swangy

would need your help to guide me which folder in my dns i should copy your files to...
I have fun_plug installed.

thanks in advance



#8 2008-03-13 11:38:27

Registered: 2007-12-17
Posts: 61

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

copy to the folder -> mnt/HD_a2/www/pages/
open the config.inc.php file in imggallery folder and edit the path to $localdir (path to your picture folder) and $homeurl (your ip/dns)



#9 2008-03-13 12:00:20

Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 231

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

thanks, it looks nice. One remark, to prevent cluttering the pages folder, can you put everything in one folder? Imean the .css file and the contents of the js folder?



#10 2008-03-13 12:19:23

Registered: 2007-10-13
Posts: 64

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

Great work swangy, thanks a lot.
I will have great use of this.

Have you looked into possibillity to process pictures aswell too be alble to see thumbnails etc to make files smaller?
I have looked in some other threds and i get the impression that the CPU & RAM in dns-323 does not really have the power to to this, or am i wrong? That would ofcourse make this great app even better wink



#11 2008-03-14 05:39:34

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 7

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

hmm.. looks like gd isnt compiled with the php provided by fonz...  will keep lookin tho.

@knireis - you can put the files wherever you'd like, just edit index.php to point to the directories accordingly...  let me know if you need further description



#12 2008-03-14 08:49:12

Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 231

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

swangy wrote:

@knireis - you can put the files wherever you'd like, just edit index.php to point to the directories accordingly...  let me know if you need further description

i tried, but probably don't know exactly what to change, if you can tell me would be nice



#13 2008-03-19 07:47:03

Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 8

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

fon has made a copy http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … -5.2.3.tgz
But....the php is a version down (5.2.3).  My installed php version is 5.2.4
'_'  not sure if I wanna downgrade... Even if I chose to...but I'm not quite sure how to..!

I managed to find the GD installation..but any idea how to integrate/install that GD into current PHP ?

swangy wrote:

hmm.. looks like gd isnt compiled with the php provided by fonz...  will keep lookin tho.

@knireis - you can put the files wherever you'd like, just edit index.php to point to the directories accordingly...  let me know if you need further description



#14 2008-03-19 21:03:06

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 7

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

i think you have to compile it into the php binary, and even then im not sure the dns has enough horsepower to crank out 9 thumbnails per page..

if i get some time i'll try to find a gd compiled php?



#15 2009-03-01 16:44:09

New member
Registered: 2007-03-19
Posts: 4

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323


ive tried this little App a long time ago. It still work and i like it very much.
Cause its simpel  and it just work. Ive tried too the little dalbum App but its sucks because its takes Hours to reindex my gallery.
So, my question is, is there any Update for this Version at this time. Maybe a little Skin Update or something like this.
Im not really a Programmer so id didn tried to build my own html side.....

Maybe some of got a little Update for me.....


Last edited by KainGaelt (2009-03-01 16:44:36)



#16 2009-03-04 03:06:23

Registered: 2008-03-11
Posts: 7

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

kaingaelt hey man glad you like it.. i havent had much time lately, it might take me a few months to revisit this but will give it a shot.. so you just want skinning abilities?



#17 2009-03-05 21:36:08

New member
Registered: 2007-03-19
Posts: 4

Re: lightweight image gallery for DNS-323

Hey Swangy,

great to get a response from the creative genius developer of the Image Gallery.  :-)

I think ive got some good ideas, but i dont know how realize it, not to mention how many work it is to realize these things....
So i just start to tell you about my ideas.

It would be nice to have:

- it would be nice when i could use my hole screen. Ive got a 24" Monitor but when i open the image gallery i see it only on 30-40 percent on my screen. (And the picuters are on the left side, could you center them?)
  There are many Pictures among each other but not many side by side. It would be great that as many as possible pictures are shown side by side (of course dynamic allocation, to use everytime the hole Browserwindow in width)
- Maybe a backgroundpicture or color? Cause it looks really boring. Maybe another Font?
- especially on the "folder" menu looks really boring. And its on the Left side, too. I think a greater Distance to the left "Browserwindowside" (<-- yeah, i created these word on my own ;-)  ) would be nice.
- Maybe its possible to get more informations on the first page. like number of pictures and folders.

Ok these where my "nice to haves", there is only one thing thats really annoying.

It would be great if every picture has the same hight and width. Ok at this time every Picture is shrinked to the same width, yes, but
the result of thias behavior is that if youve got a picture taken upright and one horizontal its not shown on the same "line".
The Position to each other is different in the hight. ....  You understand what i mean?? its difficult for me to describe it in english.

Over all these small "Issues" i have to say its a great little Web Side. I use this to show my family my pictures. And its amazing, even my mum can handle it (..... oh wonder, shes got no interest in computers)
I want to thank you for develope this little side. And i hope that i did not worried you with my suggestions.

Thank you very much




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