DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-06-07 03:08:24

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

128MB RAM Upgrade Details


When shopping for a BYOD NAS solution; I ultimately chose the DNS-323 based on it's good overall reputation and strong hacking community. However; I did wish that it offered 128MB of RAM like many competing offerings. My interest in additional RAM is primarily for running additional applications (e.g. SqueezeCenter) rather than for network throughput optimization - although I'll take any improvements I can get.

I was inspired by the success others have reported in upgrading RAM on other embedded devices (e.g. NSLU2 and WL500gp); based on the fact that other NAS use the same Marvell Soc and have 128 MB RAM; I assumed the upgrade would be possible.

WARNING - this procedure is risky! Don't attempt this if you don't have a good idea of what you're doing and more importantly if you can't afford to throw away your DNS-323 if you make a mistake!

There are two steps to upgrading the RAM in the DNS-323. First; you must replace the 32MB DDR1 modules on the board with 64MB modules that support the same timing and organization. Second; the U-Boot image in the DNS-323 flash must be patched to support 128MB of RAM. The two steps can be completed separately. This is good it allows for full debugging of the RAM replacement before making the risky U-BOOT patch. A DNS-323 with 64MB x2 RAM modules will run fine as a stock 64MB machine without the U-BOOT patches.


1) DNS-323 (obviously); but for clarity this was done on REV B1 hardware with firmware 1.04 (I've since upgraded to 1.05). I don't know what would happen on A1 hardware or with older firmware; although likely the same general procedure could be made to work.

1) Serial access. It is possible without it; but to double check things and be safe (or at least safer) you need access to the U-Boot console.

2) Correct replacement RAM chips; see below.

3) Decent tools for SMT resoldering; see below.

4) Good skills with Linux, etc. While the steps are straight-forward; this is not a newbie process. Poking U-Boot is very risky; you need to understand what's going on, how to double check your work, you must not make any mistakes, and you need to be prepared for everything to go wrong anyway.

5) JTAG access is recommended; if something goes wrong with U-BOOT patching - that's the only recourse. I have the hardware; but hadn't finished getting that working. I was impatient and went ahead anyway; but I fully expected the box to fail to boot after my U-BOOT hack and then I was going to finish up JTAG access. So in short; I got lucky - you might or might not.

Step 1 - Upgrading the Memory

The replacement memory must be TSOP packaged DDR333 or DDR400 SDRAM organized as 32Mx16. In particular 64Mx8 memory probably won't work! Getting the right chips is critical - laptop SODIMMs are often a good place.

See Oleg's Asus WL500gp Memory Upgrade Tutorial for more details; the DNS-323 takes the same memory as the WL500gp. That thread discusses some details of removing RAM modules and also of suitable 32Mx16 options.

I used Samsung K4H511638D-UCB3 chips from a Samsung M470L6524DU0-CB3 200 pin SODIMM module. They were about $30 shipped from MemoryTen.

I'm not going to reproduce a tutorial on removing and replacing the chips here; see the link on the WL500gp or search the net for SMT resoldering advice. But I'll share a few personally experiences.

#1 It is very easy to lift traces and ruin your board if you don't know what you're doing or don't use the right tools. I spent a ton of time on my first project (a WL500w) fixing my mistakes after lifting pads and pulling up trace wires.

#2 Heat gun methods do work very nicely; but I went with a specialty Weller Heat Gun (yes it's $100) for this kind of stuff to avoid collateral damage. I'm sure this can all be successfully done with a $5 soldering iron (and I did finally make the WL500w work using a $20 paint heat gun + lots of fix-up) if you're some great expert - but for me it's a hobby and spending tons of time repairing damage isn't fun. I used high quality metallic duct tape to shield the capacitors and such on the bottom side while heating the ram chip.

#3 Even with good tools and soldering that looks right; it's easy to either bridge legs or have bad connections. When I first completed my soldering my DNS-323 would start up; blink the lights once then shut down (I confirmed from U-Boot code that the lights blink prior to memory initialization). I was ready to remove the chips and start over but decided to resolder instead. I couldn't see much difference; but after resoldering the legs the unit booted fully!

Once you replace the memory modules; your DNS-323 should reboot like normal. If your machine doesn't reboot; you probably have a soldering mistake. Re-check all pins. If the soldering is fine; then maybe you have incompatible RAM chips...

U-Boot and the Linux kernel will both still report 64 MB of RAM at the end of this step.

Step 2 – Patching U-Boot

RAM initialization on the DNS-323 is handled by the U-Boot bootloader. While some U-Boot code (for development boards and such) is designed to dynamically detect memory configuration (likely from DIMM modules); the code for directly attached chips uses hardcoded values.

The U-Boot source for the DNS-323 document the various RAM configuration options and provide values for various development setups as well as the actual values used by the DNS-323 with 64 MB of memory.

While there are a bunch of memory controller settings stored in various registers; it turns out that we only need to modify two of them for the 128MB upgrade since we’re using replacement DDR1 memory with the same timings and other configuration. This is ideal since it means that the stock U-Boot image will boot on the new chips. This should prevent any potential future U-Boot upgrade in a new firmware from bricking an upgraded unit (it would just revert to 64MB behavior and need a new patch).

The existing memory timing information for the DNS-323 can be obtained by reading the memory configuration registers using the U-Boot shell:

Marvell>> md F1001400

Here is the relevant output cross-referenced with names from the U-Boot sources (I reformatted the output a bit):


f1001400: 03148400    SDRAM_CONFIG_REG
          04041000    SDRAM_DUNIT_CTRL_REG
          11602220    SDRAM_TIMING_CTRL_LOW_REG
          0000040c    SDRAM_TIMING_CTRL_HIGH_REG
f1001410: 00000010    SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG 
          00000000    SDRAM_OPEN_PAGE_CTRL_REG    
          00000000    SDRAM_OPERATION_REG
          00000062    SDRAM_MODE_REG
f1001420: 00000000    SDRAM_EXTENDED_MODE_REG
          00000000    SDRAM_OPERATION_CTRL_REG
f1001500: 00000000
          03ff0001    SDRAM_BANK0_SIZE
f1001510: 20000000

Disclaimer: If your values do not match the above settings; then you should not proceed with  the patch without recalculating with values appropriate for your device.

The only two memory parameters that we need to alter for the 128MB upgrade are SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG and SDRAM_BANK0_SIZE. The first needs to be adjusted because our replacement chips are twice the density (512Mb versus 256Mb) of the originals. The second needs to be adjusted to indicate that the overall memory in BANK0 has doubled (I believe they are separate settings as it is possible for a single bank to have more than two chips on some layouts – so the memory controls needs to know both the density per chip and the total memory).

SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG needs to be changed from 0x10 to 0x20.
SDRAM_BANK0_SIZE needs its high 16 bits changed from 0x3ff to 0x7ff

Because the change is so small; it seemed much safer to patch the existing U-Boot rather than trying to recompile it from sources and load that (remember I don’t have JTAG functioning yet).

It is very easy to locate the SDRAM_BANK0_SIZE constant by dumping of U-Boot ("dd if=/dev/mtblock4 of=uboot.bin"). The value appears only once (its store LE so it shows up as “01 00 ff 03” if you use “hexdump –C uboot.bin”)  and an inspection of nearby data reveals other memory constants as well. The actual location is offset 0x14C8 for my copy of U-Boot.

SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG is harder to find; since its such a small value it is inlined by the assembler rather than being stored alone in the binary image.

The actual U-BOOT code that loads the value is:


ldr  r6, 0x10

Assembled that corresponds to 0xE3A06010 (“10 60 A0 E3” in LE output from hexdump). This value also only appears once in the U-Boot image (near other instructions that reference the memory contants including SDRAM_BANK0_SIZE). It is at offset 0xE30.

With the U-Boot locations of the memory constants identified; all we need to do is update the two bytes that changed.

The exact bytes changes are:

0x14CB (decimal 5323)  3 -> 7
0xE30 (decimal 3632) 1 -> 2

I made the changes by editing my uboot.bin manually and then once I’d triple checked everything using the following dd commands to change those two bytes of /dev/mtdblock4 (warning make sure you use /dev/mtdblock4 NOT /dev/mtd4).

dd if=uboot.bin of=/dev/mtdblock4 bs=1 skip=5323 seek=5323 count=1 conv=notrunc
dd if=uboot.bin of=/dev/mtdblock4 bs=1 skip=3632 seek=3632 count=1 conv=notrunc

Next; double check the changes:

diff uboot.bin /dev/mtdblock4

Finally; reboot and hope everything went well. If it did U-Boot will report 128MB of RAM and Linux will confirm the same.

I verified the memory by compiling the newest version of memtester and running it. I was able to pin 105MB of memory and several iterations ran with all tests passing.

Good luck.


Last edited by jdoering (2008-06-10 03:15:24)



#2 2008-06-08 18:31:42

New member
Registered: 2008-04-29
Posts: 4

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Great work. Thanks.



#3 2008-06-10 03:17:23

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Updated the first post to document the background information and steps for patching U-Boot. Reminder the entire procedure was tested on a single DNS-323 (B1 hardware + 1.04 firmware); all of the details should be verified against your unit before attempting to blindly patch the U-Boot locations I documented.



#4 2008-07-21 17:56:57

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

I am using a MSS2 (maxtor shared storage II)

Also like to 128 MB RAM Upgrade. I would like to compile a u-boot source, and updated the norflash. But still 32 MB RAM.

How can we modify the source for u-boot support 128 memory? »

I have 128 hardware welding memory boost. Brush wrote a 64 MB of FW, Keyirenchu 64 MB RAM.

maxtor shared storage II
There are two versions, one is 32 MB RAM, is a 64 MB RAM, FW is different.

In the annex is a 32MB FW, is a 64MB FW

I come from China, English bad, sorry.


Last edited by linux_pro (2008-07-21 17:59:10)

Attachment Icon mss2-32-64.rar, Size: 204,678 bytes, Downloads: 1,149



#5 2008-07-21 18:01:53

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Maxtor Shared Storage II
GPL Source Code - MSSII_3.1.2.src.tgz

http://www.seagate.com/staticfiles/maxt … .2.src.tgz



#6 2008-07-21 20:58:02

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Based on the similar hardware; the approach I used may be successful on the MSS2 (but I didn't look long).

I didn't recompile U-Boot (seemed like a bigger risk and more complicated). I located the locations of the hardcoded memory configuration parameters in the U-Boot image and patched them.

I'd recommend first checking the memory values from the U-Boot console at the addresses I listed above starting with F1001400.

The next step would be to dump the U-Boot image from Linux and search that binary for interesting values such as SDRAM_BANK0_SIZE, SDRAM_MODE_REG, etc. If those show up like they did in my analysis above; then things are looking pretty good.

Let me know how it goes. BTW are the FW images you posted above the U-Boot section only?




#7 2008-07-22 00:07:24

From: At the Atlantic Coast
Registered: 2007-01-06
Posts: 232

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Great job jdoering, I am an electronic hobbyist for 30 odd years and was reading the instructions on how to mod the DNS-323 with a great interest.

Is there any benefit in terms of speed to this memory upgrade or will it only allow more programs to run and possibly memory demanding ones? Did you run any benchmarks after the upgrade?





#8 2008-07-22 04:07:33

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Marvell>> md f1001400
f1001400: 03148400 04041000 11602220 0000040c    ........ "`.....
f1001410: 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000062    ............b...
f1001420: 00000000 00000000 00063305 00000000    .........3......
f1001430: 76543210 fedcba98 000100ff 00000000    .2Tv............
f1001440: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
f1001450: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
f1001460: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
f1001470: 06b5ea58 00000056 00000000 00006330    X...V.......0c..
f1001480: 00000000 0047f001 00000102 00000001    ......G.........
f1001490: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
f10014a0: 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000    ................
f10014b0: 000001e0 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
f10014c0: 079e13cf 079e13cf 00000000 00000000    ................
f10014d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................
f10014e0: fb4fff7b 00000000 00000000 0000000f    {.O.............
f10014f0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000    ................

i don't kown how to find md fxxxxxx.....



#9 2008-07-22 08:22:21

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

linux_pro wrote:

i don't know how to find md fxxxxxx.....

I'm not sure what that meant?

"md f1001500" would be very useful (to get SDRAM_BANK0_SIZE). The other values look virtually identical to the DNS-323.

skydreamer: I've never set my box up to do filesharing benchmarks. My primary interest was application memory (particular Slimdevices Squeezecenter 7 which relies on mysql). For database app; extra memory should be a no-brainer. For filesharing I would think the gains would be modest at best; but it's not an area I've personally investigated.




#10 2008-07-23 17:55:32

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

U-Boot 1.1.1 (Jun 22 2006 - 14:48:25) Marvell version: MSS2_1.7.301 Maxtor v1.07

DRAM CS[0] base 0x00000000   size 128MB
DRAM Total size 128MB
[256kB@fffc0000] Flash: 256 kB
Addresses 20M - 0M are saved for the U-Boot usage.
Mem malloc Initialization (20M - 16M): Done

Soc: MV88F5182 Rev 2
CPU: ARM926 (Rev 0) running @ 500Mhz
SysClock = 166Mhz , TClock = 166Mhz

USB 0: host mode
USB 1: host mode
Gpp: Front button is NOT pressed
Gpp: Reset button is NOT pressed
Single drive system detected
Net:   egiga0 [PRIME]
Testing memory from 0x400000 to 0xc00000 len 8388608
Memory test (0x55 pattern)...

Stop in the memory test above.
I use the memory for the particle



#11 2008-07-24 03:32:36

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

DD2516AKTA-7A-E looks like 32 MB (16Mx16) chips based on a glance at this datasheet: http://www.elpida.com/pdfs/E0859E50.pdf (part code is slightly different but only the "die revision" letter).

Does your board take two chips and are you definitely using 32Mx16 parts?




#12 2008-07-24 04:15:54

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

I use the two DD2516AKTA-7A-E in MSS2 this device.

A DD2516AKTA-7A-E is 64MB.

FW changes in the 3f80 and 461 b.      Right ?

DD2516AKTA-7A-E is ddr 266, used in the mss2 overclocking on whether it ?

if DD2516AKTA-7A-E If we do not meet the requirements ,    It can not be boot ?

#####        This is a normal start-up information 32Mb    #####

U-Boot 1.1.1 (Jun 22 2006 - 15:24:29) Marvell version: MSS2_1.7.301 Maxtor v1.07

DRAM CS[0] base 0x00000000   size  32MB
DRAM Total size  32MB
[256kB@fffc0000] Flash: 256 kB
Addresses 20M - 0M are saved for the U-Boot usage.
Mem malloc Initialization (20M - 16M): Done

Soc: MV88F5182 Rev 2
CPU: ARM926 (Rev 0) running @ 500Mhz
SysClock = 166Mhz , TClock = 166Mhz

USB 0: host mode
USB 1: host mode
Gpp: Front button is NOT pressed
Gpp: Reset button is NOT pressed
Single drive system detected
Net:   egiga0 [PRIME]
Testing memory from 0x400000 to 0xc00000 len 8388608
Memory test (0x55 pattern)... Pass
Memory test (0xAA pattern)... Pass
Memory test (0x55 pattern)... Pass
Burning Maxtor Params at 0xfffff000 sector 63

thanks jboering




#13 2008-07-24 09:26:11

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Do you have a datasheet for the memory? All I'm finding is the "EDD2516AKTA-7A-E" part made by Elpida and is definitely listed as a 32 MB part: http://www.datasheetarchive.com/pdf/1295793.pdf

At DDR266 it definitely doesn't meet the requirements for 166Mhz; you should be using DDR333 or DDR400 parts.

I'm not sure that booting part way is an indication of compatibility; overclocking it might lead to instability but some booting. But I don't know enough about RAM hardware to be sure.




#14 2008-07-24 11:06:59

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

I modified FW to the 128 M RAM with a genuine person, they brush to write firmware revealed that 64 M RAM

Do not know why this gap.

this is  88f5182 datesheet http://www.marvell.com/products/media/index.jsp

3x jeff




#15 2008-07-25 15:47:12

New member
Registered: 2008-07-24
Posts: 1

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

I modified the MSSII 64M bin for linux_pro. Based on Jdoering's concept I look for 0x3ff0001 (0100ff03 in

litte endian) and 0xE3A06010(also in little endian),which is the assembly of ldr r6, = STATIC_SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL

from /mv88fxx81/Soc/dram/mvDramIfBasicInit.S.I only  found one 0x3ff0001.But I found two 0xe3a06010,first is at

offset 3f80 ,the second is at offset 425c .It's possible to locate the correct one by assember

mvDramIfBasicInit.S by hand.Since there is only 50% chance,I told linux_pro to try them out.
     At first linux_pro told me that the first modified firmware recognized 128M RAM ,but can't pass any memory

test.Then some other people,who tried the first modified firmware ,told linux_pro that MSSI only reocgnied 64M

RAM,passes memory test,but can't boot the kernel correctly.
     Linux_pro please post those infomation in detail.
     I am very puzzled.By now no one tried the second modified firmware,because NO one have free programer or an USABLE JTAG cable for MSSII ,so I can't decide where is wrong.Then I  read the user manual of Marvell 88f5182. I FOUND A QUESTION .In table 129 reads DDR SDRAM Addressing Control Regsiter  Bits 5:4 Filed DSize RW 0x0 for 128MB memory.So I think SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG should be set to 0x0000000.But I don't know how exactly the value effect  the DRAM controller interface.
     Jdoering would you please tell me why you set SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG to 0x20?

     About JTAG cable: By know I hv't heard some one made a usable JTAG cable.Like some similar device need to add some resistor to enable JTAG port.So I think MSSII need to add resistor too.Since I have no MSSII device in my hand,I can't tell how to do this.
     About Uboot's coding: After reading UBoot's code for a long while.I still can't understand the organization of uboot.I can't understand its Makefile and ld script. So Jodering would please tell me how uboot  organize its code.
     TODO:Somebody try the second modified bin, or I will assember  mvDramIfBasicInit.S to locate the correct position of SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG.
      Decide the correct value of SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG.
          Figure out the pin out and connection of MSSII's JTAG,build a usable JTAG cable.

Last edited by hohoxnes (2008-07-25 15:49:03)



#16 2008-07-25 20:17:55

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

I'm still concerned about linux_pro's testing due to the memory modules he's using. They sound too slow (maybe okay?); but also he says they're 64MB but I haven't seen a datasheet yet and the only part that seems to match what he's reporting is listed as 32MB in the datasheet.

I didn't have access to the manual for the Marvell 88f5182 so I deciphered the values for SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG by looking as U-Boot source comments and values for various platforms (DNS-323 and one of the Buffalo linkstations with the same chipset). Here are the constants from board/mv88fxx81/Soc/dram/mvDramIfRegs.h:


/* address control register */
#define SDRAM_ADDR_CTRL_REG             0x1410
#define SDRAM_DSIZE_OFFS            4
#define SDRAM_DSIZE_MASK            (0x3 << SDRAM_DSIZE_OFFS)
#define SDRAM_DSIZE_128Mb           (0x0 << SDRAM_DSIZE_OFFS)
#define SDRAM_DSIZE_256Mb           (0x1 << SDRAM_DSIZE_OFFS)
#define SDRAM_DSIZE_512Mb           (0x2 << SDRAM_DSIZE_OFFS)

There is some more code in board/mv88fxx81/Soc/dram/mvDramIf.c that shows how the value is dynamically selected based on bank density (for platforms that don't hardcode I guess).

Since the value is about density; I think you (or the manual) confused 128Mbit with 128 MByte. With only one bank (and two pads) we have to use 2 x 512Mb density chips to get 128 MB total RAM.

I have no idea about the Makefile, etc issues for U-Boot. I didn't make any attempt to build it; I just examined the source. You should be able to pinpoint the right location via the assembly by comparing the surround instructions and addresses referenced... an ARM disassembler will do the trick quickly based on the original U-Boot image in flash.

BTW without functioning JTAG I think trial-and-error for patching the address is risky; it sounds like it's working for youbut in the worst case you could end up with a brick and no way to rewrite U-Boot. I'd do the full assembly analysis and double-check all patches before applying... YMMV.


Last edited by jdoering (2008-07-25 20:19:55)



#17 2008-07-26 20:41:11

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

sorry ,jdoering。
I'M TOO  late.

other man modified fw, 128 is ok。

3x ,jdoering


Last edited by linux_pro (2008-07-26 20:41:32)

Attachment Icon u-link-128.bin, Size: 262,144 bytes, Downloads: 1,181



#18 2008-07-30 15:10:05

Registered: 2008-07-21
Posts: 10

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

3x jdoering
your are right.
EDD2516AKTA-7A-E is 32MB.





#19 2008-08-23 21:27:45

From: Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Registered: 2008-08-11
Posts: 89

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Great howto!

Anyone tried it on the CH3SNAS? It should work, only question for me is does it work the same with that UBoot settings and stuff? Or will it be different in the CH3SNAS firmware?



#20 2008-08-31 21:02:09

New member
Registered: 2008-08-31
Posts: 3

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

linux_pro wrote:

sorry ,jdoering。
I'M TOO  late.

other man modified fw, 128 is ok。

3x ,jdoering



i changed the memory chips, but i have no idea how to modify the software (noob) smile

any ideas???

p.s i have a dns-323

Last edited by G_E_M_S (2008-08-31 21:14:40)



#21 2008-09-18 05:19:15

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

Opperpanter - I assume this will work on the CH3SNAS; but you'd definitely want to confirm the exact memory offsets and make sure the patterns don't appear elsewhere.

G_E_M_S - the procedure isn't very noob friendly and if anything goes wrong you'll probably have a dead DNS-323. Since you're machine is working with replacement chips (and assuming they are the right density and what not for 128MB); then as described earlier you basically need to:

1) Dump the uboot image from flash
2) Confirm that the patterns described appear at the correct offsets in the firmware and no where else (if they don't then more analysis is needed to make sure that changes are correct)
3) Hex edit the image at the identified locations
4) Write the modified image back to flash
5) Reboot and cross your fingers (serial access is very desirable to watch the U-Boot loading)

The original write-up gives hints on the commands for 1 and 4. The information needed to accomplish 2 and 3 is also listed; any hex editor with search features can be used.

I could post a binary of my modified image; but I'm hesitant to do that due to the risk of bricking your unit if somehow mine didn't match your firmware exactly or if you made a mistake. Better to learn the process step by step including how to double-check the changes.




#22 2008-11-05 16:44:43

New member
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 3

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

you modify the software?

Whether and it is possible to put 256 mbyte?



#23 2008-11-05 20:42:48

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

I'm not aware of any generally available 64Mx16 DDR1 parts. After quite a bit of searching I only found one (old) reference to such a part and it was for some kind of industrial purposes and priced at several thousand dollars.




#24 2008-11-05 22:04:32

New member
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 3

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

For me the firmware 1.5, what additional operations it is necessary to make to involve 128 mbytes?(alternative firmware?)



#25 2008-11-05 22:53:05

Registered: 2008-04-10
Posts: 95

Re: 128MB RAM Upgrade Details

You have to patch U-Boot as described in the first post. The rest of the firmware is unaffected. I don't believe there were any differences between U-Boot in 1.04 and 1.05 so the process should work as described (upgrading to 1.05 did not overwrite my already patched U-Boot).




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