Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Finally, I got OS X's time machine working with the DNS-323. I'll outline the steps I used to get it working, hopefully it helps someone out.
Reference page - funplug 0.5 - wiki page
Here is my hardware setup
DNS-323 with 1.05 firmware - 2 hard drives in Raid 0 setup [I doubt this matters]
Fun Plug 0.5
Install Netatalk/Appletalk
The DNS-323 runs Samba out of the box. We need to run AFP though. This requires some extra modules:
Install these items into Fun Plug
- Appletalk - wget http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … .0.3-2.tgz
- Db42 package - wget http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … 2.52-1.tgz
Install both those packages, you can look at the apple talk wiki page for reference. It doesn't say you need the db42 package, but you do.
Modify your /ffp/etc/netatalk/afpb.conf file
I only added this line at the bottom. I don't really understand this command, except that it works. If you need security/encryption, make sure you check out the PDF file.
"Personal" -uamlist uams_dhx.so, uams_clrtxt.so, uams_guest.so -guestname "guest"
Modify your /ffp/etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default file
/mnt/HD_a2/ "DNS-323"
This will mount the root directory and call it "DNS-323" when you login with a user that has root access.
Start AFP up
Test to see if you can connect via your Mac
Go to finder and press command K and enter in AFP://<address to dns-323>. It should ask for a username/password. Enter your dns-323 credentials, it will be a user that you have given FTP access to. Make sure you can browse around and see all your files.
If you can connect, take a break, you're almost there.
Create a sparse image file
1. Open up Disk Utility
2. Create a new blank disk image
3. Save As: <computername>_<eth0 mac address>
What this means is you need to get your computer's name in system--> preferences --> sharing. Mine is "tnguyen-mac". Then get your wired ethernet's mac address. You can find it by loading "network utility" program and looking at network interface (en0). Do not put the colons in.
My file name is tnguyen-mac_001728ce9373
4. Volume Name: whatever you want
5. Size: Apple recommends 1.5x to 2x the size of your hard drive you are backing up. Problem here is that if your HD (not the DNS) doesn't have enough room, disk utility will get mad and not let you make a disk image that is larger than the free space available. I'll assume everyone is needs a disk image that is larger than disk utility will allow them to make. Just enter 1GB for now.
6. Volume Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled) -- this might be different for some people.
7. Encryption - up to you
8. Partitions - single partition - apple partition map
9. Image Format - sparse bundle disk image
10. Create it on your desktop.
11. The newly created sparsebundle should show up in disk utility.
12. In disk utility, a sparsebundle and the disk image should be listed. Eject the disk image (it has a picture of a disk on it and is below the sparsebundle file).
13. Click on the sparsebundle file and click on the "resize image" button.
14. Click on the Down arrow and select "Resize Image Only"
15. Make the size as large as you want and click Resize
16. Mount the disk image for the sparsebundle by double clicking on the sparsebundle file in disk utility
17. Click on the partition tab.
18. Change "current volume" to "1 partition" and press Apply.
19. Move the sparse file to the DNS-323 in the home directory of whatever user will be doing the backups.
20. Make sure you eject any of those sparsebundle images from your desktop if any are still around.
21. Open time machine. Point it to the DNS-323 and login with whatever user is going to do the back ups. The sparsebundle file must be in the home directory of whatever user is doing the backups!
22. Enjoy.
Edit: Upon closer inspection, you *might* have to exclude A LOT of files from time machine for the first run. Just so that it can be happy about being able to write to the sparsebundle. I left one file un-excluded so it would be quick. After it creates it's first backup, go ahead and include everything you normally would have, and then you can reap the benefits.
Last edited by TimN (2008-07-16 13:32:05)
TimN wrote:
We need to run AFP though. This requires some extra modules:
Install these items into Fun Plug- Appletalk - wget http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … .0.3-2.tgz
- Db42 package - wget http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … 2.52-1.tgzInstall both those packages, you can look at the apple talk wiki page for reference. It doesn't say you need the db42 package, but you do.
Tim - just to clarify, is the Db42 database required for the Time Machine functionality in particular, or for accessing the -323 over Mac-flavored networking in general? The wiki-page you reference is one whose instructions I hope to follow myself someday soon - though we don't yet have or need Time Machine - so if it's incomplete, it'd be nice to know before I start. Thanks!
- B
bscott wrote:
Tim - just to clarify, is the Db42 database required for the Time Machine functionality in particular, or for accessing the -323 over Mac-flavored networking in general?
It's required by afpd:
root@bob:/ffp/var/packages# ldd /ffp/sbin/afpd libdb-4.2.so => /ffp/lib/libdb-4.2.so (0x4000e000) ...
TimN, thanks for this excellent set of instructions. I've got afp up and running on my DNS-323, my disk image is uploaded, and my DNS-323 is mounted. My problem is that I can't figure out how to configure Time Machine to use the disk image. When I click "Change Disk" in the Time Machine panel, the DNS-323 isn't an available drive. Any advice on how to configure Time Machine to work with this setup? TIA.
It looks like you need to enable TimeMachine to recognize network drives. It's not part of the GUI, so in Terminal, enter:
$ defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
I haven't tried this yet, so YMMV, but I'll post back to confirm whether this is the final step in TimN's excellent primer.
I wonder whether afp protocol is any better than smb except usage of Time machine?
Yup, enter that command in Terminal to finish the configuration on the Mac side.
I have time machine using the DNS-323 without installing funplu, AFP or DB42. It will just work if you start from "Create a sparse image file".
Time machine will work over SMB. Has anyone found any advantages with using it via AFP?
Speijk wrote:
I have time machine using the DNS-323 without installing funplu, AFP or DB42. It will just work if you start from "Create a sparse image file".
Time machine will work over SMB. Has anyone found any advantages with using it via AFP?
Aren't there characters that SMB can't handle that AFP can? I know I have had problems before copying mp3 files across to the 323 using SMB and it rejecting any with an "!" in the filename.
Does adding the AFP settings to the DNS disable the Samba settings? Or do both run at the same time? I have 1 mac & a few PC's so I dont want to lose the settings for hte PC's.
RichTJ99, you can enable AFP independently of SMB and run them both side by side.
I have followed the excellent instructions here and things seem to be working great. Thanks for an excellent walkthrough!
I've followed the instructions above to backup by macbook with timemachine on my nas dns-323.
The "cool thing" is that I did not have to create the sparse image file as explained.
After having installed and configured the packages on my NAS (netatalk,...), time machine did see the disks and the backup worked.
I tried to download the Appletalk package from above, but the wget command is failing and the package is not part of the general set of ffp packages that I downloaded. Is the missing link temporary or is there a newer version?
wrlee wrote:
I tried to download the Appletalk package from above, but the wget command is failing and the package is not part of the general set of ffp packages that I downloaded. Is the missing link temporary or is there a newer version?
The netatalk package is now in the extra-packages folder -> [link]
Thanks... I've added:
rsync -av --delete inreto.de::dns323/fun-plug/0.5/extra-packages /ffp/pkg &
to my tasks to update these packages.