DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2007-08-01 15:41:56

From: Norway
Registered: 2006-12-24
Posts: 15

Midnight commander

Hello, has anyone compiled the midnight commander (mc) for dns-323? What would it take to get it up and running?




#2 2008-02-11 23:59:50

Registered: 2007-10-04
Posts: 22

Re: Midnight commander


I would also be quite keen on getting mc
somehow linux with mc is not the same (-;



#3 2008-02-12 09:16:31

New member
Registered: 2008-01-13
Posts: 1

Re: Midnight commander

For what it worth - one more vote for mc... Would love to have it, can some one cross-compile the latest version???



#4 2008-02-23 13:17:41

Registered: 2008-01-26
Posts: 78

Re: Midnight commander

Hi guys, after 2 days of failed attempts with the mainline mc4.6.1 i've finally managed to obtain a working arm binary for Midnight Commander MP (http://mc.linuxinside.com/cgi-bin/dir.cgi ).See final disclaimer btw.
Let's start with some details about my failed attempts.
It seems that the only external library needed to build the release 4.6.1 is glibc ( 1.2.x+ or 2.x.x+ supported). But after the 2 days mentioned above, i simply cannot get this library to compile... it's an impossible task to me... i've never passed the configured phase, recent releases don't like our gcc3.3 (too old and maybe there are other issues) and older releases like 1.2.6 compile only with gcc2.95 and i was too lazy to try to rebuild the toolchain configured for 2.95 (i'm not sure that this is possible, though... looks like that some directories are missing for 2.95).
The MP fork instead has no dependencies but is based on the old 4.1.40 release of the mainline mc. For me it's not an issue, i don't see any missing basic functionalities in this fork, but some "recent" bugfixes may not be available.
To compile this one i had to modify three files (see attached diff if interested). While the changes to ru.po are related to the deletion of some EOT characters (.......), the modifications to subshell.c fix a missing include "stropts.h" and some platform-related conditional defines. And... guess what? stropts.h is part of glibc. But luckily only two constants from this header are used, so i've just copy/pasted the needed defines. The fix to view.c is related to an undeclared var, looking at a commented line before the error (same var removed from the if condition) commenting the faulty code seems a good fix to me.

I'm using this mc package and all works.
You'll only need to set these environment vars after login an launch mc:

export TERMINFO=/mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/share/terminfo
export TERM=xterm

Browsing,file copy/rename/remove/mv/edit, dir creation/rename/copy/rec_remove, compress/uncompress/list_content of tgz tested and working.
No issues found (rar/zip/scp functionalities are missing, no rar,etc.. binaries present on my box).

* BUT:
- The view.c fix seems to work but i must investigate this one in-depth, any help or opinion will be greatly appreciated.
- I'm not the maintainer of this project, so, i don't know how many bugfixes are missing and if some of them fix major issues.

* SO:
Use it at your own risk, and have fun :)
The package can be installed using funpkg.sh too.
Feel free to post here the result of your testing.

Update: Download the archive from here: http://www.onlyhype.com/dns-323/ffp-0.4 … rm926T.tgz

Update 2: MC needs the terminal definition for xterm that can be found in the linefeed's ncurses package
Download his ncurses lib tar here http://0x0a.net/dns323 and install it with funpkg.sh ncurses-5.6.tgz.

Note for non-root users: MC saves his state under ~/.mc/ ,so the home dir of your user must be writeable. Usually, the users created from the webpanel have /ftp_server as home and this directory is writable only by root. I suggest to change the default user home dir and to fix rights as usual with chown+chmod. If you want to use the gzip/tar feature, the user that invokes mc must have write privileges for /tmp/.

Update 3: As jotka suggests, just add to /mnt/HD_a2/funplug.d/etc/profile the two term config lines to make the configuration persistent for every ssh session.
export TERMINFO=${FUNPLUGDIR}/share/terminfo
export TERM=xterm

Update 4: Grab the ncurses-5.6 package compatible with ffp0.4 from here.

Last edited by jules (2008-08-24 18:49:11)

Attachment Icon mc-4.1.40-pre9.diff, Size: 1,337 bytes, Downloads: 1,089

CH3SNAS - Black Box Ed. • FW:1.03b6a • 2 x WD5000AAKS



#5 2008-02-23 16:53:23

From: At the Atlantic Coast
Registered: 2007-01-06
Posts: 232

Re: Midnight commander

Hi Jules,

Great job!

I cannot get it working:

/ # export TERMINFO=/mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/share/terminfo
/ # export TERM=vt100
/ # mc
Screen size 0x0 is not supported.
Check the TERM environment variable.
/ #

Also the`/mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/share/terminfo  is missing on my system?



#6 2008-02-23 17:30:32

Registered: 2008-01-26
Posts: 78

Re: Midnight commander

You are right, i've installed the linefeed's lftp package weeks ago, so i also have the ncurses terminals info. These terminal definitions are essential to make mc work.

You can take his ncurses lib tar here http://0x0a.net/dns323 an install it with funpkg.sh ncurses-5.6.tgz.

Last edited by jules (2008-02-23 17:41:55)

CH3SNAS - Black Box Ed. • FW:1.03b6a • 2 x WD5000AAKS



#7 2008-02-28 15:47:22

Registered: 2007-10-04
Posts: 22

Re: Midnight commander


Thanks for cross compiling!,
However I seem to have the same problem:

~ # mc
Screen size 0x0 is not supported.
Check the TERM environment variable.

I installed all three packages:
  602560 lut 26 14:21 lftp-3.5.13.tgz
1329305 lut 26 14:20 mc-4.1.40-pre9-arm926T.tgz
  497244 lut 26 14:21 ncurses-5.6.tgz

~ # set
PS1='\w \$ '
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '
~ #

and I have no idea what am I missing.
Please help.



#8 2008-02-28 16:58:31

Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 187

Re: Midnight commander

ahors: See "Update 2" of Jules post.



#9 2008-02-28 17:00:00

Registered: 2008-01-26
Posts: 78

Re: Midnight commander

Hi ahors, i don't see this two environment vars in your list:


Try with this:
export TERMINFO=/mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/share/terminfo
export TERM=vt100

or (depends on the shell you are using)


Let me know if after this all is working correctly

CH3SNAS - Black Box Ed. • FW:1.03b6a • 2 x WD5000AAKS



#10 2008-02-29 00:17:40

Registered: 2007-10-04
Posts: 22

Re: Midnight commander


Thank you for a quick reply and sorry for missing it the first time around.
Yes it worked (-:

I did not have a chance to test it yet but it seems to work great!
The only significat issue is that the function keys F1 - F12 dont seem to work.
Instead of invoking intended mc functionality the seem to do nothing and under mcedit they send the following sequence:
11~   for F1
12~   for F2

I guess there are some other/more terminal definitions missing?

Thanks again,

funny enough it seems to work much better when only TERMINFO variable is set.
That is: not only function keys Fxx are working fine, but also, it is no longer black&white but nice and colorful!

I am not sure why but in my environment (fonz fun_plug 0.4) it seems to work better when TERM is not set to vt100 - but when it stays set at default 'xterm'.

I do have one other question - what is the appropriate place to put the export command in?  (to avoid having to type it after every login)
I tried to put the required export in the main fun_plug script file, but it does not work (even after reboot)  - ...and I could not find the .bash_profile file.

Last edited by ahors (2008-02-29 01:31:56)



#11 2008-02-29 11:48:11

Registered: 2008-01-26
Posts: 78

Re: Midnight commander

ahors wrote:

funny enough it seems to work much better when only TERMINFO variable is set.
That is: not only function keys Fxx are working fine, but also, it is no longer black&white but nice and colorful!

I am not sure why but in my environment (fonz fun_plug 0.4) it seems to work better when TERM is not set to vt100 - but when it stays set at default 'xterm'.

I do have one other question - what is the appropriate place to put the export command in?  (to avoid having to type it after every login)
I tried to put the required export in the main fun_plug script file, but it does not work (even after reboot)  - ...and I could not find the .bash_profile file.

In fact, i've never tried other terminal definitions smile  (the colors can be enabled also launching mc -c),  i'll update my previous post with your findings.
Good question... i noticed the env vars thing too but i don't know where sh saves the session environment vars definitions, anyone knows?

CH3SNAS - Black Box Ed. • FW:1.03b6a • 2 x WD5000AAKS



#12 2008-02-29 16:52:43

Registered: 2007-11-14
Posts: 32

Re: Midnight commander

ahors wrote:

I do have one other question - what is the appropriate place to put the export command in?  (to avoid having to type it after every login)

/mnt/HD_a2/funplug.d/etc/profile maybe ? it works for me.

Last edited by jotka (2008-02-29 16:53:26)



#13 2008-03-01 02:37:06

Registered: 2007-10-04
Posts: 22

Re: Midnight commander

Just to confirm - yes!

is the right place to put the export TERMINFO variable

I now officially all happy mc guy!
Thanks again!

Last edited by ahors (2008-03-01 02:44:00)

Attachment Icon DNS323-mc-screenshot.JPG, Size: 115,918 bytes, Downloads: 1,047



#14 2008-03-02 07:07:01

New member
Registered: 2008-03-02
Posts: 1

Re: Midnight commander

Thanks for mc
kinda lost without it
started using nc in '87

just powered down two tower systems
a PII 400 linux box that's been running raid1 for about a decade
and a more recent 3GHz windows box

replaced with a DNS-323 and a mac mini
reckon that saves more than 200 watts

Oh so quiet!

gonna hook them to solar -- if the sun ever starts to shine :-)



#15 2008-03-02 09:46:14

Registered: 2008-02-15
Posts: 171

Re: Midnight commander

It might be a good idea to try use the cross compiler with the optware cross build environment. That way, a lot more packages can be built in ipk format.



#16 2008-06-16 23:33:03

Registered: 2008-04-13
Posts: 56

Re: Midnight commander

Unfortunately I can't access http://0x0a.net/dns323 to download mc and lftp.

Can anyone provide these packages here in the forum or point me to a webpage? Thanks a lot!


Last edited by marinalink (2008-06-17 00:05:50)



#17 2008-06-17 00:14:44

Registered: 2008-01-26
Posts: 78

Re: Midnight commander

Grab it from here.
I saw that you compiled nano for ffp0.5, remember that this mc package was built for ffp0.4 so it will not work with 0.5.

Last edited by jules (2008-09-12 23:44:11)

CH3SNAS - Black Box Ed. • FW:1.03b6a • 2 x WD5000AAKS



#18 2008-06-18 00:13:27

Registered: 2008-04-13
Posts: 56

Re: Midnight commander

jules wrote:

Grab it from here.
I saw that you compiled nano for ffp0.5, remember that this mc package was built for ffp0.4 so it will not work with 0.5.

Good point! I tried to compile mc on my own, but I have the problem with a missing tool ("msgfmt"):


file=./`echo ru | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
          && rm -f $file && PATH=../src:$PATH msgfmt -o $file ru.po
msgfmt: No such file or directory

does anybody know, where to get msgfmt. I tried to compile gettext which includes msgfmt, but I (again) get some compile errors (iconv.h is missing).




#19 2008-06-18 00:56:45

Member / Developer
From: Berlin
Registered: 2007-02-06
Posts: 1716

Re: Midnight commander

marinalink wrote:

I tried to compile gettext which includes msgfmt

It's there.


root@bob:~# which msgfmt
root@bob:~# grep bin/msgfmt /ffp/var/packages/*

If you're missing a program, you can also search http://www.inreto.de/dns323/fun-plug/0. … NIFEST.txt to find out in which package it is.



#20 2008-06-18 18:16:02

Registered: 2008-01-26
Posts: 78

Re: Midnight commander

Hmm, you are right marinalink,  maybe now a binary for ffp0.5 will be surely more usefull than this old one... let me know if you encounter any of my issues with the stanrdard mc ...

CH3SNAS - Black Box Ed. • FW:1.03b6a • 2 x WD5000AAKS



#21 2008-06-18 22:10:55

Registered: 2008-04-13
Posts: 56

Re: Midnight commander

Thanks fonz for the hint! Missed it somehow...

yes a version for ffp 0.5 would be nice, but I'm still struggeling with the compiling. I get the error message:


file=./`echo ru | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
          && rm -f $file && PATH=../src:$PATH msgfmt -o $file ru.po
msgfmt:ru.po:878: context separator <EOT> within string
msgfmt:ru.po:2407: context separator <EOT> within string
msgfmt:ru.po:2410: context separator <EOT> within string
msgfmt: found 3 fatal errors
make[1]: *** [ru.gmo] Error 1

Any ideas what to do. Google gives no answer on this problem. To be honest, I don't know exactly, what this means. On the indicated lines a "^D" is shown in the input file. should we remove this or replace it, by what?




#22 2008-06-18 22:37:42

Member / Developer
From: Berlin
Registered: 2007-02-06
Posts: 1716

Re: Midnight commander

marinalink wrote:

msgfmt:ru.po:878: context separator <EOT> within string

Don't know much about msgfmt, but this might be a problem with missing locale or incomplete utf8 support. You can try to configure with --disable-nls, or manually remove the russion catalogs. gentoo might have uclibc specific patches, too.

PS: http://cblfs.cross-lfs.org/index.php/Mc
The debian patch contains fixes to /po/ru.po. Applying the patch as recommended by the cblfs guys might already suffice.



#23 2008-06-18 23:09:01

Registered: 2008-04-13
Posts: 56

Re: Midnight commander

fonz wrote:

marinalink wrote:

msgfmt:ru.po:878: context separator <EOT> within string

Don't know much about msgfmt, but this might be a problem with missing locale or incomplete utf8 support. You can try to configure with --disable-nls, or manually remove the russion catalogs. gentoo might have uclibc specific patches, too.

PS: http://cblfs.cross-lfs.org/index.php/Mc
The debian patch contains fixes to /po/ru.po. Applying the patch as recommended by the cblfs guys might already suffice.

Ah, you just have to now the small details, then everything works smile!

A small bug needed to be corrected, in file src/cons.handler.c, line 208 needed a ";" at the end of the line. Then with the following command line all the needed makefiles were correctly generated and a "make" compiled everything:

./configure --prefix=/ffp --without-subshell --with-ncurses=/ffp/include --disable-nls

and with:

make prefix=/my/temp/dir/for/the/new/package/ffp install

installed all the files into a given directory which then can be tared.

(Please find attached the Midnight Commander 4.1.40-pre9 for ffp 0.5 attached.) Unfortunately I can't attach the 860kB file to this message.

would you like to included mc in your packages? Using the instructions above will compile mc in 10 minutes. Then you could add it to your standard packages. Otherwise I have to see, where I can put the package, maybe my HP, but I would like to have the file hosted on this server...


Last edited by marinalink (2008-06-18 23:15:02)



#24 2008-06-24 12:07:10

index monkey
From: UK
Registered: 2007-06-14
Posts: 112

Re: Midnight commander

Hi marinalink, can I have a copy of the ffp0.5 mc that I can have please?

DNS-323, HW B1, 2 x 2TB WD green, fw 1.08, fun_plug 0.5, transmission, automatic, nzbget newsreader & rsync time machine backup.



#25 2008-06-24 15:10:39

Registered: 2008-02-05
Posts: 7

Re: Midnight commander

I'm interested too! smile
Please share it somehow. roll Thanks!



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