Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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hi guys,
other than the standard response of ... backup your data elsewhere, is there a major risk in trying to install Debian (is there a high risk of me losing data already stored on the 323)?
also, what is the difference between Debian sarge or etch?
also, is it easy to remove Debian?
Last edited by fickle (2007-11-27 06:09:58)
What procedure are you going to follow to install Debian?
That procedure is a chroot install technique and, as the wiki states,
"Almost zero risk in here as long as you don't flash anything"
But, that risk is in reference to "bricking" or making your DNS-323
useless, not data loss.
As far as losing your data, I think there is a good chance you will
make some mistake, or run into a problem not described in the wiki.
Considering your comment in the iTunes thread http://dns323.kood.org/forum/p7983-Toda … html#p7983
about not being a "linux guy", those problems could result in data loss.
The safest approach to this install would be to shutdown and remove your current hard drive
(with the data on it). Then install another blank hard drive in the DNS-323, to 'practice'
the Debian chroot install (and removal) procedure. You can make as many mistakes
as you want without risking your data. Once you 'got it figured out' you can move your
data to your Debian disk, or (after backing up your data) run the Debian chroot procedure
on your original disk.
Also, (I think?) the chroot Debian install procedure is for a non-raid hard drive setup.
Good luck
The debian chroot procedure works great with raid hw setup. If you know something about linux it is absolutly safe. However if you don't know what you are doing..... anything can happen.