Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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NFS keeps quitting with the log message euid/egid switching failed, aborting. Can anyone please give me an idea what may be wrong?
What are you trying to do? I have some problems with getting write access. But read only works very good after I found this on macosxhints
I gave up on write access. I don't want to set the uid and gid on the DNS-323 to the same numbers as I have on the mac. For some reason OSX does not use the anonsuid and anongid. Whatever I try, I don't get write access. Hmm, now I think of it, I always try something like "touch foo". But maybe I need the suid. OSX always mounts nosuid, I haven't found out why it does it this way. So, maybe I have write access, but not execute access. I am away from my home network So I can't test it.
The same line in the DNS exports file with only the ip address changed does work on a linux machine.
I can read and write to the 323. But, after about 5 or so minutes the daemon quits with the above error msg.
I want to have an automounted NFS share and then run rsync as a daily cron job.
Skyweir wrote:
I can read and write to the 323. But, after about 5 or so minutes the daemon quits with the above error msg.
I want to have an automounted NFS share and then run rsync as a daily cron job.
Did you read the link in my post? And which daemon quits?
I'm faced with the same problem. unfsd daemon just died after a few minutes. Mounted the NFS using Mac OS X Leopard.
unfsd.log shows:
/mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/log # more unfsd.log
UNFS3 unfsd 0.9.18 (C) 2006, Pascal Schmidt <unfs3-server@ewetel.net>
/: ip mask options 5
/mnt/HD_a2: ip mask options 5
euid/egid switching failed, aborting