DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-01-07 19:00:25

Registered: 2007-05-25
Posts: 15

Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

Hi there,

I was curious if anyone ever got a podcast download app working on the DNS-323 (i.e. bashpodder, podracer, or anything else like that).  I'm currently using the DNS-323 with funplug and TwonkyMedia.  It would be wonderful to have a podcast downloader up and running on there that would automatically download updated podcasts from provided rss links alongside Twonky's refresh database option to automatically find the media and make them available for UPNP access.  I could then listen to the podcasts with a D-Link DSM-320 as well as a Roku Soundbridge without needing to have a computer running just to fetch the podcasts beforehand.





#2 2008-01-09 15:50:00

Registered: 2007-11-22
Posts: 15

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

Yes, I've been running bashpodder.

But I would like to run bashpodder-cng-0.4 since it supports different folders for different podcasts and it can also download only the newest podcast of a stream. But I'm having problems to get curl working. The compilation works but when doing "ldd curl" I get "libcurl.so.3 => not found". I've tried curl 7.15.5 and 7.17.1(libcurl.so.4).

Also, the -1 option in twonkyvision to automatically update new contents doesn't work on dns-323. Thats a real shame.



#3 2008-01-10 19:12:14

Registered: 2007-05-25
Posts: 15

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

I was searching other forums and found that others have been successful in getting a podcast downloader called Castget to work on a Linksys NSLU2 file server.  From looking at the web page for this program (http://www.nongnu.org/castget), Castget is a command-line podcast downloader.  It even allows you to download podcasts in separate directories per each podcast channel.  The dependencies for Castget are glib2, libxml2 and libcurl.  I'm curious if this setup might be possible on a DNS-323.




#4 2008-01-11 17:51:35

Registered: 2007-11-22
Posts: 15

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

I tried the casget but the dependencie glib2 requires iconv or libiconv and if I understand it correctly the buildchain has to be rebuilt with them to work. It was a dead end for me.

However, using rpath when compiling curl I managed to get bashpodder-cng-0.4 up and running.



#5 2008-01-11 18:41:26

Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 187

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

kallehak wrote:

Yes, I've been running bashpodder.

But I would like to run bashpodder-cng-0.4 since it supports different folders for different podcasts and it can also download only the newest podcast of a stream. But I'm having problems to get curl working. The compilation works but when doing "ldd curl" I get "libcurl.so.3 => not found". I've tried curl 7.15.5 and 7.17.1(libcurl.so.4).

Also, the -1 option in twonkyvision to automatically update new contents doesn't work on dns-323. Thats a real shame.

Have you tried to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to the location of the libcurl.so.3 file? e.g, if you've put it in /mnt/HD_a2/lib you'd run:


And then run the program you're trying to run (i.e: bashpodder).



#6 2008-01-11 19:24:01

Registered: 2007-11-22
Posts: 15

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

HaydnH wrote:

Have you tried to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to the location of the libcurl.so.3 file? e.g, if you've put it in /mnt/HD_a2/lib you'd run:


And then run the program you're trying to run (i.e: bashpodder).

Yes, it doesn't change anything. The funplug script sets the correct path on startup. I don't know if the problem is isolated to curl-libcurl but all other programs that I have compiled and installed works; flac, wget, xltproc etc.. but they also fail to locate the libraries !

For example:

~/HD_a2 # ldd fun_plug.d/bin/flac
        libOggFLAC.so.3 => not found
        libFLAC.so.7 => not found
        libogg.so.0 => not found
        libm.so.0 => /lib/libm.so.0 (0x4000d000)
        libc.so.0 => /lib/libc.so.0 (0x40023000)
        libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x4007c000)
        ld-uClibc.so.0 => /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0 (0x40000000)

But flac works perfect !?



#7 2008-01-22 04:00:16

Registered: 2008-01-22
Posts: 5

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

I managed to get podget [ http://podget.sourceforge.net/ ] working.
after getting debian chroot  http://dns323.kood.org/howto:chroot_debian
did some apt-get and did a
make install for podget

I got it running under the debian root, have not tried in the busybox yet.

BTW it's a cool and very functional app, with directories splits, etc smile

Last edited by drinkcokenow (2008-01-22 04:06:08)



#8 2008-01-23 07:03:48

Registered: 2007-05-25
Posts: 15

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

Thank you so much for posting this setup regarding debian chroot and podget.

I'm a newbie that got funplug and TwonkyMedia running on my DNS-323 last year, and I wanted something that would automatically download podcasts.  I've now managed to get debian chroot up and running on my DNS-323 as well as podget through that setup.  All I have to do now is adjust the settings for podget as well as schedule it with cron, but the hard part is out of the way.

Thanks again.




#9 2008-01-26 06:04:17

Registered: 2008-01-22
Posts: 5

Re: Bashpodder or other podcast downloader on DNS-323

i had put this in my crontab is you need .

15 04 * * * /mnt/HD_a2/lnx_bin/podget

This is the content of that podget.sh file

cd /mnt/HD_a2
chroot etch /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/podget"

btw i have set the timeout value of wget to be shorter, this will ensure that it will not get stuck, my podcast seems to get stuck for some urls and causes a backlog of podcast.
Use the --timeout value found in the podgetrc file
wget_baseopts=-c --timeout=60




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