DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-01-28 20:57:14

New member
Registered: 2008-01-28
Posts: 4

DNS323 & PS3 streaming (working OK) question

I've been following this forum for sometime, and once I read that they fixed (meaning no additional software) the streaming to the PS3 I have finally picked up a 323.  It shipped w/FW103, but I upgrade to FW 104 build 82 before installing my disks (thanks all for ul'ing to rapid share).

So far so good, the 323 have been working wonderfully.

My only issue is that I would like my MP3s to show the album art in the XMB of the PS3 when streamed via the 323.
Is this possible?  Any insight would be appreciated.

ps thanks to fonz, fordem and tilly for all they have contributed here.

Kindest regards.



#2 2008-01-31 18:25:31

Registered: 2008-01-31
Posts: 58

Re: DNS323 & PS3 streaming (working OK) question

I have the same set up as you do so here's a bit of advice... try not to stream wirelessly to the ps3... use a cable

Apparently, the ps3 wireless connection is not very stable when streaming... i occasionally get network errors now and then streaming wirelessly... Unless you don't mind getting kicked back to the xmb in the middle of a movie

Also, another major drawback is that if you play a high bitrate video file streamed wirelessly, when the action exceeds 8mbs bitrate(my estimate), the video starts to stutter... it'll resume normal playback once the action tones down... quite irritating... so i abandoned wireless streaming and opted for the traditional cable connection...

As for your mp3 query, i too havent' been able to get the album art to be shown... i don't think it's possible as i can't even make a playlist with mp3s from the dns 323... i think the ps3 only supports playlists/album art stored locally in the internal harddisk...




#3 2008-01-31 22:23:04

New member
Registered: 2008-01-28
Posts: 4

Re: DNS323 & PS3 streaming (working OK) question

No issues with the streaming, I've been wired all along.  Router/PC/PS3/DNS323 all into a gigabit switch.
The album art would be nice.  Maybe someday.



#4 2008-02-03 09:19:25

Registered: 2008-01-31
Posts: 58

Re: DNS323 & PS3 streaming (working OK) question

lol... yeah... i have a gigabit set up too.. what i didn't realise was that the ps3 is a gigabit device... i was quite suprised when i found out that it supports full duplex for 2gbs throughput... the only downside was the cables i had to run to connect it to my network...

btw, you have any luck on creating playlists on the 323 that can be played on the ps3?



#5 2008-12-07 01:42:08

Registered: 2007-09-15
Posts: 7

Re: DNS323 & PS3 streaming (working OK) question

I'm running wireless I believe to my PS3 and that seems to be working fine so far. I decided to try and see if I could stream from the 323 for mp3's to the PS3. I see my DNS 323 fine but when I go look for files in folders it finds nothing....I turned off iTunes Server and seemed to get a bit further then hit some DNLA network error message. I have since then upgraded firmware to 1.05 but still no luck (need to turn off iTunes again and see if it gets any better). I see folks mentioning going wired vs wireless (I'm on gigabit as well). I may have to go that route but if I can't even see anything on my 323 should I even bother going wired?




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