Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I am looking to create a Secure & Encrypted FTP connection to my DNS-323 from a remote user through the Internet to transfer files. I read about setting up a VPN, but I do not want the remote user to have accesses to my network and my router does not have the ability to set up an VPN. I have also read about Sftp and other options here. Before I dive into learning something new i was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
What you want is probably an SSH server. You can grab Fonz' fun_plug package (http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t422-Updated-fun_plug.html) and install the dropbear tool. Dropbear is an SSH server which will also allow SCP access. The remote user can point their SCP client (such as WinSCP) to your IP address, and then your firewall can route/forward port 22 to the DNS-323. Setting this up is not necessarily trivial, since you'll have to create a private/public key pair, and you may want to disable the shell (SSH) access while leaving the file (SCP) access.
OK, I have started trying to learn how to install ssh and I have ran into a road block. Using your link I download and extracted FUN-PLUG 0.3 into my root directory. I have used putty to telnet into my DNS. Following the read me I continue down but I cant even make the telnet start file to require a login. The readme file is not written for a first timer. I don't want anyone to hold my hand as I try to get this up an running. If you can just point me in the right direction so I can start reading up and figuring out on my own that would be great. I tried searching this website and forum but it seems all members and articles aren't geared for the beginner. All I have done is telnet into my dns and I think I might have changed my root password.
You've started down the right path. After you've installed SSH, then you can disable telnet. Here's my website that has some of the instructions you'll need:
Basically the website has instructions for installing BackupNetClone, but part of that is setting up the dropbear SSH server. The instructions are not all laid out, but there's some text files that give you the exact commands to use in a telnet session. The relevant instructions for you include #1 (http://backupnetclone.sourceforge.net/i … on01.html, which you've already done) and 2b (http://backupnetclone.sourceforge.net/i … n02b.html, click on the link for the text file). For 2b, you'll want the following steps, but modify as you see fit:
[create SvcwRsync user (required to SSH into DNS-323 as that username)], but change the username / password to something you see fit; you might create two users--you and the remote user
[create SSH public/private key pair on a Windows PC since dropbear (the SSH server on the DNS-323) isn't very good at that], puttygen is available as part of PuTTY, which you'll need to download (along with WinSCP)
[convert the SSH public/private key pair into something dropbear can use]
[create SCP profile to connect to SSH server on DNS-323; useful for file transfers]
Remember, this process will take some patience on your part! The first time I tried installing SSH took me many evenings.
Wow, thanks Blbrown. I was planning on working on this all weekend but with your site I think I can get it done tonight. Cant wait to get home and start working on it.