DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1 2008-02-26 18:05:26

Registered: 2008-02-26
Posts: 6

Lighttpd web server and outside access


First off, thanks everyone for doing such a great job getting me to this point with this cool 323...

I am trying to gain http access to the 323 via the lighttpd web server.  I am using Fonz's funplug .3 package.  I have lighttpd 1.4.17 and php 5.2.4 packages installed according to the info on this forum and Fonz's readme.  I'm using the default lighttpd php config file.  I can access the web pages via my connected network, but can not access the 323 via a remote internet connection.

I have a Linksys WRT54G router and a static IP for the 323.  In the 'Port Range Forwarding' section of the router I have set up the 323's IP address and a starting and ending port range of 8080.  What else do I need to do to get this to work?

The address I use to try to access it is:  http://<323's static IP address>:8080

Thanks for any help.




#2 2008-02-26 18:14:10

Member / Developer
From: Berlin
Registered: 2007-02-06
Posts: 1716

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

you should upgrade to lighttpd-1.4.18 (try the package from funplug 0.4). 1.4.17 has a security vulnerability in the fast-cgi code used for php.

PS: php 5.2.4 also has known security problems, but there's no 5.2.5 for the 0.3/0.4 funplugs.



#3 2008-02-26 18:30:30

Registered: 2007-01-26
Posts: 1938

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

Assuming that the DNS-323 is listening on port 8080 - from outside of the network, use http://<router's public ip address>:8080



#4 2008-02-26 19:42:08

Registered: 2008-02-26
Posts: 6

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

fonz wrote:

you should upgrade to lighttpd-1.4.18 (try the package from funplug 0.4). 1.4.17 has a security vulnerability in the fast-cgi code used for php.

PS: php 5.2.4 also has known security problems, but there's no 5.2.5 for the 0.3/0.4 funplugs.

Thanks for the response.  Not to sound too much like a linux noob, but how do I uninstall the old one?  I used the following to install:

/ # cd /mnt/HD_a2
/mnt/HD_a2 # funpkg.sh lighttpd-1.4.17.tgz
Unpacking lighttpd-1.4.17.tgz ...
Installing files to /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d ...
Cleaning up
/mnt/HD_a2 #

/mnt/HD_a2 # funpkg.sh php-5.2.4.tgz
Unpacking php-5.2.4.tgz ...
Installing files to /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d ...
Cleaning up
/mnt/HD_a2 #

/mnt/HD_a2 # cp fun_plug.d/etc/lighttpd.conf-with-php-sample fun_plug.d/etc/lighttpd.conf
/mnt/HD_a2 # chmod +x fun_plug.d/start/lighttpd.sh

/mnt/HD_a2 # ./fun_plug.d/start/lighttpd.sh

fordem wrote:

Assuming that the DNS-323 is listening on port 8080 - from outside of the network, use http://<router's public ip address>:8080

Thanks, I knew something wasn't making since.  I assume that the router's public IP address is the one I receive from my ISP?



#5 2008-02-26 19:51:31

Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 187

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

fonz wrote:

you should upgrade to lighttpd-1.4.18 (try the package from funplug 0.4). 1.4.17 has a security vulnerability in the fast-cgi code used for php.

PS: php 5.2.4 also has known security problems, but there's no 5.2.5 for the 0.3/0.4 funplugs.

I have a version of 5.2.5, here's a tar ball... I just tarred the full install directory so there will be headers and stuff you won't need to actually run it also.




#6 2008-02-26 20:10:33

Registered: 2008-02-26
Posts: 6

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

HaydnH wrote:

fonz wrote:

you should upgrade to lighttpd-1.4.18 (try the package from funplug 0.4). 1.4.17 has a security vulnerability in the fast-cgi code used for php.

PS: php 5.2.4 also has known security problems, but there's no 5.2.5 for the 0.3/0.4 funplugs.

I have a version of 5.2.5, here's a tar ball... I just tarred the full install directory so there will be headers and stuff you won't need to actually run it also.


Thanks.  Do I install it the same way I installed the last one?  Do I need to uninstall the old one?  If so, how.  Thanks again for all your quick responses.



#7 2008-02-26 21:48:20

Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 29

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

Haydn > thanks for the tar file ! Where do we have to unpack that ? can you give us a brief explaination plz ?



#8 2008-02-26 21:58:28

Member / Developer
From: Berlin
Registered: 2007-02-06
Posts: 1716

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

icon123 wrote:

Do I need to uninstall the old one?  If so, how.

There's no automatic uninstall. Just copy over the new files. If you really want to uninstall, reinstalling the whole funplug is simple, safe and quick.



#9 2008-02-27 08:12:01

Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 29

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

so these files for PHP must be copied directly in fun_plug.d ?



#10 2008-02-27 14:11:10

Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 29

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

So ? Nobody wants to answer my question ?

I'm using fun_plg 0.4, and there is no PHP addon for that version (should I user v0.3 addons ??).
So I'm not sure what are the file to overwrite, or where to put the files for PHP...



#11 2008-02-27 14:42:22

Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 187

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

It doesn't really matter where you install that tarball, as long as you add the lib path to the ld.so.conf (which is done in the fun_plug script) and make sure your lighttpd.conf points to the correct binary.

I believe with fonz's fun_plug installed the easiest way to install the php tarball above is to extract the tarball under /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d and then move /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/lib/php/* to /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/lib - although I'd have to check where the fun_plug version of lighttpd expects to find the binary.



#12 2008-02-27 15:27:19

Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 29

Re: Lighttpd web server and outside access

ok, thanks



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