Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I'd like to have a go at compiling apps for my DNS323.
The first app I want to play with is the latest version of the kissdx server, which is a bit like a specialized upnp server for Kiss/Linksys media players: [url]http://www.famille-kahn.com/kissdx/[\url], http://kissdx.vidartysse.net/. There is already a binary for this http://dns323.kood.org/howto:kiss_dp-558_pc_link_server, ftp://ftp.joaopena.com/testing/, but the latest source has a fix that allows the server to bind properly to only one IP address.
What's the most sensible target environment for the binary? It looks like my choices are "chroot Debian", Fonz fun_plug/FFP 0.5 experiment, or "native DNS323" (and any fun_plug)?
Putting a full "distro" on like Debian seems overkill, and I imagine I'd need to spend time tweaking to minimise memory use, avoid writing to log files constantly and so on. Is this a sensible worry?
Fonz's fun_plug is beginning to look a bit like a little Linux distro for the DNS323 to me, is that the intention? Are there any compilation packaging howtos or notes for 0.5? Is is stable enough for my simple uses?
At the moment I run DLink firmware 1.04, fonz fun_plug 0.4 with the prebuilt kissdx mentioned above, and also twonky upnp server which is packaged by twonky http://www.twonkyvision.com/Download/Tw … cians.html, which works well for me.
To do the compilation, I have some CentOS virtual machines set up, but the wiki links all talk about Debian - is it important to use Debian to compile for the DNS323? Has someone got a VM I can download and use, or is it easy to set up the tools myself? I spend most of my days writing Windows software, but have written C and C++ for Linux x86 before, so I'm comfortable with gcc command lines and make files, but I've never cross compiled before. What's the best doc to read to get started building for the DNS323?
Thanks for any pointers!
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