Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I'm pretty new to all this but thought I had the basic skills to get a webserver up and running on my DNS-323. I was clearly wrong!
I have installed funplug 0.4 and this seems to be working. For example, I can telnet in using putty.
I then downloaded the lighttpd 1.4.18 add-on from http://www.inreto.de/ and unpacked the files into the relevant dirs
Next I created a file in the \fun_plug.d\etc\ directory called lighttpd.conf, which was identical to the lighttpd.conf-sample file provided.
Finally, I created a test index.htm page and placed it in \www\pages\ (i did all this bit in winxp using notepad).
When I run lighttpd.sh, i get the message "Starting lighttpd.."
However, I cannot access my index.htm via http://[ip address of NAS]:8080. It returns the error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the page"
Interestingly, when I run the command "lighttpd.sh status", it reports "stopped", so I think it may not be starting correctly.
Can anyone advise what might be the problem? Have I missed out an important stage that is preventing lighttpd from running properly?
stu33y wrote:
(i did all this bit in winxp using notepad).
You can't use notepad to edit unix files. Telnet your box, then
cd /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/etc cp lighttpd.conf-sample lighttpd.conf
On Volume 1, the default config requires these three directories: www, www/logs, www/pages (i.e. logs and pages directories inside the www directory).
Finally, start lighttpd:
sh /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/start/lighttpd.sh start
If it works and you want it to start automatically on boot:
chmod a+x /mnt/HD_a2/fun_plug.d/start/lighttpd.sh
(Use a-x to disable autostart)
If that works, you can start customizing the config file. If you don't want to use/lean vi on the box itself, find an editor that can handle UNIX line breaks! One mentioned here in the forum is Notepad++.
After you changed the config file, use 'restart' instead of 'start' above to activate your changes.
Thanks for your prompt response, fonz. Sorry for being unclear - I had only used WinXP and notepad to create the "www" and "pages" and to create the index.htm file.
The only step in your response that I had not done was to create the "logs" subdir in "www" - I incorrectly assumed this would be automatically created. Anyway, I just created it myself and sure enough lighttpd now starts correctly and I can access my test page.
Many thanks again!