Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I wanted to see how it was and now I want it off, but there is no settings in the interface...
Can I turn the BT off without screwing up my setup?
Taken from here
bq041 wrote:
6. To remove the bit-torrent software, simply delete the /mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/BT directory. After rebooting, the BT samba share will also go away. Another point to note, the start_BT script in /usr/sbin also checks for the bit-torrent program on HD_b2, so if drives are swapped around, it only needs to be in 1 location to start.
Thanks Fordem, you were spot on as usual, it's appreciated!
The credit belongs to bq041 - I just remembered where I saw it - to me bt means bluetooth, so everytime I see it here, I get confused
I too tried the Bit Torrent offering and decided to go with the alternative offered by Shaddowandy et al.
To remove the DNS-323 BT I deleted the Nas_Prog/BT directory as mentioned above and then went after the BT directory. That one refuses to be deleted - access denied.
Is the Bit Torrent setup gone or do i have to kill this directory too? It is not so much a matter of being untidy, more of what is this directory doing now, if anything? And how do i remove it?
Thanks in advance
The program is in the Nas_Prog/BT directory. If you don't have permission to delete the BT directory, telnet in and give yourself permission, or delete it as root. The directory does nothing once the program is gone.