Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I can't seem to download Automatic-0.3.2.tgz. Is the link broken?
The server was down, sorry for that. But it should work again now.
Hi Kyle
Great work on Automatic and Transmission, you saved me a lot of trouble. I was about to build Deluge for my DNS-343 since I require RSS Feeds.
I have run in to a small problem with automatic. I use a private tracker and automatic can find the feed, but it has trouble importing the torrents. In my patterns I currently have ".*" as one of them, so it will try to grab everything.
Here are my logs:
1 feed URLs Read 19 patterns from config file Restored 0 old entries ------ 09/04/05 13:13:52: Checking for new episodes ------ Checking feed 1 ... Found new download: some.torrent.0 (http://www.example.org/details.php?id=30974&hit=1) Error uploading torrent: invalid or corrupt torrent file Found new download: some.torrent.1 (http://www.example.org/details.php?id=30975&hit=1) Error uploading torrent: invalid or corrupt torrent file Found new download: some.torrent.2 (http://www.example.org/details.php?id=30976&hit=1) Error uploading torrent: invalid or corrupt torrent file
When you go to the link that is in the logs, it actually loads a php page that has a link to the actual .torrent.
I'm wondering if you could solve this issue? Or is it something that I have missed out?
Automatic can only work with RSS feeds that provide direct links to the torrents. If there's an interim web page that serves the torrent, than Automatic won't be able to handle it.
Are you planning on adding a feature to provide this feature for interim web page?
Waste of time IMO as the permutations are endless. Ask your tracker to provide a feed with direct torrent addresses.
I thought it would be a simple GET on the interim page and then search for <a href> wiith a .torrent in it.
I think I will just get rTorrent + plugins and just compile it for the NAS.
That is the simplest possible case, but one tracker I use a lot has multiple torrent links on the page for example. Other private sites may require session/cookie authentication or other trickiness like checking the http referrer.
Last edited by Muppet (2009-04-06 05:14:00)
I see the problem.
Will try something else
Bravo wrote:
To Cirip:
http://www.horto.ca/?p=10 , look after " 6. AUTO-TORRENT-DOWNLOADING! "
I have done this, and it works just fine, it will add the torrent automatic every hour.
I tried this and it does not work.
I use latest version of Transmission by Kylek.
Asked horto and was advised to basically downgrade but still acn't get it to work.
I just want to make it work so that I can download torrent automatically as I've set TED to send torrent files to the NAS 323.
This is the error I got. (on Transmission 1.52)
root@dlink-0A78F3:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# /ffp/var/scripts/torrentwatchdog.sh
[14:35:30.595] JSON parser failed at line 1, column 1: "<h1>401: Unautho"
[14:35:30.598] transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
[14:35:30.668] JSON parser failed at line 1, column 1: "<h1>401: Unautho"
[14:35:30.671] transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
[14:35:30.851] JSON parser failed at line 1, column 1: "<h1>401: Unautho"
[14:35:30.855] transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
[14:35:30.954] JSON parser failed at line 1, column 1: "<h1>401: Unautho"
[14:35:30.957] transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
This is what I got. (on Transmission 1.42)
root@dlink-0A78F3:/mnt/HD_a4/packages# /ffp/var/scripts/torrentwatchdog.sh start
transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
transmission-remote: Unable to parse response "<h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User"
Can anyone help me getting this to work?
It doesn't matter if I have to downgrade as long as it works.
It seems the RSS feed you're using, or the torrents that are linked to in the feed, require user authentication (because they come from a private torrent site, for example). Unfortunately, Automatic doesn't support authentication yet.
I haven't found a satisfying solution to this problem (also, I have no torrent site to test solutions on), so this is currently a bit low priority. It is still on the list though and I'll try to implement it.
I've updated Automatic to v0.4.
Check out the ChangeLog and download link in the first post of this thread.
Hi everyone,
I have a problem with automatic. It seems to not starting.
sh /ffp/start/automatic.sh start
Starting /ffp/bin/automatic -c /ffp/etc/automatic.conf
sh /ffp/start/automatic.sh stop
WARNING: automatic: Not running
Moreover, I realize that I haven't a folder called ".config" in my folder ".transmission-daemon".
If somebody can help me please.
Last edited by sharks (2009-06-03 15:11:26)
I've just updated to the latest version of Automatic and having some issues with the automatic.state file.
The path to the file in my automatic.conf is "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/automatic.state".
The problem is automatic isn't writing to it. I've chmoding the file to 777 and still nothing. The current owner is root, I have also changed this to nobody which didn't make a difference. Is the file supposed to be automatically created when starting up automatic?
What am I missing????
Last edited by magnazan (2009-06-09 08:47:03)
The file is read when you start Automatic, and written when you quit it.
I enabled logging in the automatic.sh and can see it reads the state file at the start, but never writes anything to it. I even try to stopping automatic.sh but nothing gets written out.
Also running automatic manually using the -v 2 does nothing anymore just goes back to the command line :-( Is something broke? Or is it me?
With a proper shutdown, you should see these lines:
09/06/09 21:41:34: Shutting down daemon Saving state (83 downloaded torrents) to disk
Can you provide me with a more extensive logfile (-v 3 or -v 4)?
I see the shutting down daemon but no the saving state (It used to work) Will give the -v 4 a whirl when I get home.
Have attached my log file using -v 4 logging. It defo read the state file fine but never write anything. I rolled back to previous versions and also tried different paths with the state file still no dice
Have attached my log file using -v 4 logging. It defo read the state file fine but never write anything. I rolled back to previous versions and also tried different paths with the state file still no dice
magnazan wrote:
Have attached my log file using -v 4 logging. It defo read the state file fine but never write anything. I rolled back to previous versions and also tried different paths with the state file still no dice :(
There was a teensy change in Transmission in 1.70/1.71 that caused this. It's fixed in v0.4.1.
See the first post for the download link and let me know if it works for you :)
Will give it a blast when I get home. Hopefully it fixes the problem as I was going insane
Tried it and it works perfectly now. Kudos for fixing the problem so quickly :-)
KyleK wrote:
* libcurl
* libxml-2.0
This is probably a stupid question, but do I need to issue a 'funpkg -i' command for each of these as well?
The short answer is: Yes
And there is no long answer :)