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#1101 2010-04-13 20:03:57

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

Could you guys meet me on IRC later today (in maybe 2 hours)? I'd like to get to the bottom of this.

That was meant for zuluwalker and r2d290, just to avoid confusion :)



#1102 2010-04-19 21:36:44

Registered: 2009-05-03
Posts: 44

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK, in transmission it has the option to set which folder the downloads will be stored into, but each time I put different folder, it revert back to other folder.
How to change the default stored folder?

DNS323 + 2x1TB WD GREEN + Fun Plug 0.5 (Fonz) + Transmission 1.92 + Automatic 0.6 = GREAT!
Looking for Auto Direct Download script if possible smile



#1103 2010-04-20 10:07:34

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 59

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Strange, but after few reboots I have seg.fault with that inotify build. It wont start from nobody user (seg.faults), but normally starts from root user. What happend? Does anyone has idias? (reinstalling of transmission (inotify build) + chmod to 777 of .transmission-daemon dir doesn't help)



#1104 2010-04-20 20:19:40

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Isildur, did you make sure to execute /ffp/start/inotify_dev.sh after the reboot?



#1105 2010-04-21 00:46:36

From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2009-01-20
Posts: 59

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK, yes and it says OK.
Line from ffp.log:


Checking /dev/inotify... OK



#1106 2010-04-22 01:39:51

Registered: 2009-05-03
Posts: 44

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

nyunyu wrote:

KyleK, in transmission it has the option to set which folder the downloads will be stored into, but each time I put different folder, it revert back to other folder.
How to change the default stored folder?

I saw this line when looking on how to set default folder.


-w --download-dir <path> Set the default download folder

But have no idea how to implement it.
Hope you can help.

DNS323 + 2x1TB WD GREEN + Fun Plug 0.5 (Fonz) + Transmission 1.92 + Automatic 0.6 = GREAT!
Looking for Auto Direct Download script if possible smile



#1107 2010-04-22 20:00:10

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

@nynyu You can change the download folder while transmission is running:


$ transmission-remote -n username:password -w /your/new/download/folder

The new folder will only apply to torrents added after the change.



#1108 2010-04-22 20:02:40

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

@Isildur Hm, bummer. That is exactly the problem I had when I fiddled around with inotify months ago. When I used sirmax's patch, however, it worked just fine (and is still working, after at least one reboot). You could try and stop Transmission, then delete /dev/inotify and run the script again to re-initialize it. (The script must be run as root, I think).



#1109 2010-04-23 13:44:15

Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I set it by access the web interface, then click on settings, select Preferences and just update the path in the location "Download to:".

Another method is to stop trransmission and edit settings.json file.

KyleK wrote:

@nynyu You can change the download folder while transmission is running:


$ transmission-remote -n username:password -w /your/new/download/folder

The new folder will only apply to torrents added after the change.



#1110 2010-04-23 15:04:06

Registered: 2010-04-19
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


I've deleted some torrents halfway due to slow speed. I clicked on the remove button on the menu. Now, i have the data still in the download directory. How can i delete them?

I tried to delete using windows explorer, through samba shared, but i got access denied.

i tried to login through ssh, but it could not delete my torrents because of filename has spacing in between them. so, it says can't find the file.

root@NAS:/mnt/HD_a2/bittorrent/incoming# rm -r Defendor 2009 Limited 720p Bluray X264-DIMENSION
rm: cannot remove 'Defendor': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '2009': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'Limited': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '720p': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'Bluray': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'X264-DIMENSION': No such file or directory

my permission of the folder:
drwxr-xr-x    3 nobody   501          4096 Apr 20 05:08 bittorrent

I followed the instruction on your first post

chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/bittorrent

but i still could not delete it.

Appreciate if someone could help, thanks.

Last edited by superkingkong (2010-04-23 15:08:37)



#1111 2010-04-23 19:47:49

Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

superkingkong, try the following command

chown -R 777 /mnt/HD_a2/bittorrent

you should be able to delete after this.

superkingkong wrote:


I've deleted some torrents halfway due to slow speed. I clicked on the remove button on the menu. Now, i have the data still in the download directory. How can i delete them?

I tried to delete using windows explorer, through samba shared, but i got access denied.

i tried to login through ssh, but it could not delete my torrents because of filename has spacing in between them. so, it says can't find the file.

root@NAS:/mnt/HD_a2/bittorrent/incoming# rm -r Defendor 2009 Limited 720p Bluray X264-DIMENSION
rm: cannot remove 'Defendor': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '2009': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'Limited': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '720p': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'Bluray': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'X264-DIMENSION': No such file or directory

my permission of the folder:
drwxr-xr-x    3 nobody   501          4096 Apr 20 05:08 bittorrent

I followed the instruction on your first post

chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/bittorrent

but i still could not delete it.

Appreciate if someone could help, thanks.

To fully solve this problem you can follow as describe by Isildur.

Isildur wrote:

szsz, just set "umask" in settings.json to 0 and you will get all needed rights to dance with downloaded via transmission files.



#1112 2010-04-23 19:59:15

Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Kylek, recently I just reformatted my DNS-323 and re-install Transmission from scratch.  Naturally I went with the latest version.  I had to re-do three times as after doing everything I found that I could not access to my DNS via ssh.  I usually access my DNS thru SSH via winSCP.

Eventually I narrow it down to turning on "watch folder" and having the following script from Mike site.

Original script from Mike site http://www.horto.ca/?p=10

I'm not sure if having the "watch folder" function turn on and the script running could have flooded the DNS but when I don't turn on the "watch folder" everything is working fine.

Just a feedback on the "watch folder".

I do realise that in my typical usage of Transmission, I don't need the "watch folder" function.  Normally I access Transmission through the web access and I upload the torrent through the web access.

KyleK wrote:

Does anyone of you guys use the "Watch folder" feature of Transmission?

The way it's currently working on our NAS is rather inefficient, and since sirmax figured out how to make inotify work on the NAS (props!), I made a test-build that uses inotify.

So if someone's out there that uses this feature and isn't afraid of possible problems send me a PM and I'll provide a link for the modified binaries and instructions.

If this works well I could enable this by default in any upcoming versions.



#1113 2010-04-23 20:10:06

Registered: 2010-04-19
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

cheongseeker wrote:

superkingkong, try the following command

chown -R 777 /mnt/HD_a2/bittorrent

you should be able to delete after this.

Thanks a lot for the idea smile



#1114 2010-04-24 20:43:13

Registered: 2010-04-18
Posts: 47

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

superkingkong wrote:

root@NAS:/mnt/HD_a2/bittorrent/incoming# rm -r Defendor 2009 Limited 720p Bluray X264-DIMENSION
rm: cannot remove 'Defendor': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '2009': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'Limited': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '720p': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'Bluray': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'X264-DIMENSION': No such file or directory

Superkingkong, from the error it seems the "rm" command cannot find 6 files.
And if the rm command as seen above, this is normal for linux/unix.
The space-character (" ") is a word/file separator. So rm thinks it needs to delete 6 file/directories instead of just one.
There are 2 ways to solve this.
1. use double quotes around the file name: rm -r "Defendor 2009 Limited 720p Bluray X264-DIMENSION"
2. for every space in the file name specify a backslash in front of it: rm -r Defendor\ 2009\ Limited\ 720p\ Bluray\ X264-DIMENSION

Linux/unix is also case sensitive.



Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin & Hobbes)



#1115 2010-04-24 20:51:22

Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 15

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

As post earlier I had recently reformatted my DNS-323 and thus re-install Transmission latest version.  Having done it I noticed a function that is not turn on by default.  It is the "incomplete-dir" function.  I noticed the following action when I turn it on.

When the "incomplete-dir" function is  turn on, those current torrents that are in the midst of being downloaded is kept in the folder defined here.  In the settings.json file the folder is "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/Incomplete".  Since the "Incomplete" folder resides in the .transmission-daemon folder, most will not be able to see the "Incomplete" folder if they access from windows explorer.

Once the torrent has completed the download, Transmission will automatically move the file from the "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/Incomplete" folder to the "download-dir" folder that you had defined.  So if you have set the "download-dir" to "/mnt/HD_a2/download", you will find the files there.

I'm a newbie to all this and so decided to keep a written record of how to mod the DNS-323, install Transmission, configure and set it up so that everything works.

I have put all these on a blog and the post on Transmission is at http://cheongseeker.blogspot.com/2009_0 … chive.html

This is for my own personal record and recently I had to reformat my DNS numerous times and had refer to it.



#1116 2010-04-24 20:58:51

Registered: 2010-04-19
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

rsd76 wrote:

Superkingkong, from the error it seems the "rm" command cannot find 6 files.
And if the rm command as seen above, this is normal for linux/unix.
The space-character (" ") is a word/file separator. So rm thinks it needs to delete 6 file/directories instead of just one.
There are 2 ways to solve this.
1. use double quotes around the file name: rm -r "Defendor 2009 Limited 720p Bluray X264-DIMENSION"
2. for every space in the file name specify a backslash in front of it: rm -r Defendor\ 2009\ Limited\ 720p\ Bluray\ X264-DIMENSION

Linux/unix is also case sensitive.



Thanks a lot HTH smile
I'm quite new in unix smile

After doing the chmod to 777, as advised by cheongseeker, i could delete some of the files, except this one .. with "spacing". So, i removed everything in the directory except this one, then i delete it using rm *  smile

Today i learn something new.. thanks again smile



#1117 2010-04-26 12:36:09

Registered: 2010-04-19
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


I can't find it anywhere or maybe i missed out something.

It seems that all my downloads are have the permission as 755 for folders and -rw--r---r-- for files.
So, every time i want to move or delete my downloads, i need to chmod 777 to them.

any steps i've missed?

i've done the chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/downloads command but i can see my downloads  belong to nobody, but the permission is not working. any where i can set it once and forget it? rather than ssh in every time?

Please help, thanks.



#1118 2010-04-26 14:03:55

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Modify the "umask" value in Transmission's settings.json from 18 to 0. Do that after shutting down Transmission (or you can send a SIGHUP to the daemon, if you know what that means smile.



#1119 2010-04-26 14:41:17

Registered: 2010-04-19
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

thanks for the great help smile

i stopped the service tongue

btw, how do i send sighup to the deamon?
i looked up wiki, it tells me to do a kill -HUP <processID>.

is that it? tongue ... sorry.. newbie here smile



#1120 2010-04-26 17:38:24

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Yep, that's it. It simply tells a running instance of transmission that the settings file has been changed. It'll reload it without a complete restart.



#1121 2010-04-26 18:56:51

Registered: 2010-04-19
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

Yep, that's it. It simply tells a running instance of transmission that the settings file has been changed. It'll reload it without a complete restart.

cool! learn something new today smile

Thanks a lot smile



#1122 2010-04-27 11:34:41

From: Kyiv, Ukraine
Registered: 2007-11-07
Posts: 20

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Dear KyleK!

Latest 1.92 have a bug in web-UI with sorts, that is described here: http://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/3054
This one is very annoying for me, as I have many hundreds of torrents and actively use Web interface.

Would you be so kind to compile 1.92 for all of us with the patch provided within the linked page, please?

Anyway, thank you Very Much for all you are doing for DNS community.




#1123 2010-04-27 12:34:09

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I don't really like to provide unofficial interim releases because it'll fragment the userbase and might introduce bugs that exist in the developer versions of Transmission.
Thus, I'd rather we wait for the next official release (should be too long).

Besides, since this is a pure Javascript issue, you can patch your web interface yourself. Just open the .js file at /ffp/share/transmission/web/javascript/transmission.js in an editor and insert the line from the patch at the appropriate location.

Save, close and reopen your browser and all should be fine. A recompile is not necessary.



#1124 2010-04-27 22:16:40

New member
Registered: 2010-04-27
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

hey hi,

I recently updated my transmission installation from 1.91 to 1.92 like it says on page 1 from this thread and somehow it stopped working.

if I start it with /ffp/start/transmission.sh start and then check the status with /ffp/start/transmission.sh status it says its not running. I also can't reach it thru the webinterface.

I tried running this command :
su nobody -c "transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -t -u <username> -v <password> -a,192.168.*.*"

wich gave me the following:

root@immoNas:/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon# su nobody -c "transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -t -u immoreel -v passhere -a,192.168.*.*"   
[21:05:59.278] Transmission 1.92 (10386) started (session.c:616)
[21:05:59.278] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: (rpc-server.c:772)
[21:05:59.279] RPC Server Adding address to whitelist: 192.168.*.* (rpc-server.c:772)
[21:05:59.279] RPC Server Serving RPC and Web requests on port 9091 (rpc-server.c:945)
[21:05:59.279] RPC Server Whitelist enabled (rpc-server.c:949)
[21:05:59.280] RPC Server Password required (rpc-server.c:952)
[21:05:59.280] Port Forwarding Stopped (port-forwarding.c:176)
[21:05:59.281] External Done Command set to: (null) (session.c:829)
[21:05:59.281] External Done Command enabled: no (session.c:849)
[21:05:59.281] DHT Reusing old id (tr-dht.c:365)
[21:05:59.282] DHT Bootstrapping from 55 nodes (tr-dht.c:146)
[21:05:59.282] Using settings from "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon" (daemon.c:423)
[21:05:59.283] Saved "/mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon/settings.json" (bencode.c:1645)
[21:05:59.283] transmission-daemon requiring authentication (daemon.c:427)
[21:05:59.283] Loaded 8 torrents (session.c:1718)

Does anybody know why it's dead?




#1125 2010-04-28 00:11:40

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Not particularily why, but it seems it has problems loading your 8 torrents from the previous session. If you can bare re-checking the data, I suggest you rename the folders "torrents" and "resume" at /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon and restart transmission, then re-add the torrents.



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