DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.

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#1226 2010-07-24 14:38:24

Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 577

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Thanks for the update!

I see that it is a bugfix release. Do you have a link that shows what bugs were fixed? The links I have don't have this info.

Last edited by FunFiler (2010-07-24 14:44:52)

3 * (DNS-323 with 2 * 2TB) = 12TB Running FW v1.08 & FFP v0.5
Useful Links: Transmission, Transmission Remote, Automatic



#1227 2010-07-24 14:42:22

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

DaCypressMan wrote:

Hi Kylek,

I have got a little problem with my Transmission. I had insatlled it on my Planex NAS an it works but after a day, sometimes less or more than a day, Transmission closses its session. So I have to restart it and then it works again. Why is it doing this and what can I change to solve this problem?



Good question. It shouldn't be doing that :)

Does the logfile hint at anything why it's shutting down?
Did Transmission crash or properly shutdown?

If the logfile doesn't reveal anything, I suggest starting it in foreground mode in a screen. This way you can close the ssh connection and check on it later and you'll see if and when it crashed/shut down.



#1228 2010-07-24 15:10:06

Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 5

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


I disabled the logs, because I meant that the log is the problem while itīs to big. How can I start it foreground mode? You are from Germany, can we write german?





#1229 2010-07-24 15:12:54

From: Denmark
Registered: 2006-10-27
Posts: 219

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

please dont write in german in a public thread..

First user to fun_plug the dns-323.



#1230 2010-07-24 15:24:06

Registered: 2010-05-21
Posts: 5

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3


ok. I donīt know this. Sorry




#1231 2010-07-24 16:42:53

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

1. Install this.
2. Open a new screen by simply typing "screen".
3. Make sure Transmission is shutdown (/ffp/start/transmission.sh stop,  wait a little while)
4. Start Transmission in foreground:


$ transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon

5. You should see normal Transmission output right in the console. You can also check if it works correctly by accessing the web interface.
6. Quit the screen by pressing Ctrl-A,Ctrl-D (The console will say "[detached]")

Transmission now runs in the screen in the background, and you can close the ssh window.
When you notice Transmission doesn't work anymore (e.g. because the web interface is down), connect via ssh, then type 'screen -r'.
You'll see the last couple of logging from Transmission. Maybe it'll tell us something.

Send me a private message if you want to talk in German.



#1232 2010-07-25 14:35:55

New member
Registered: 2010-06-30
Posts: 4

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

Hey guys,

Transmission v2.03 is up. Enjoy!

Thanks - that was quick wink



#1233 2010-07-25 23:44:27

New member
Registered: 2010-07-25
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Well, 2.0.3 is still quitting without any error or reason after 2-5 minutes. I have reverted back to 1.9.3 which seems quite stable.

Last edited by cornelpopa (2010-07-25 23:44:48)



#1234 2010-07-25 23:49:59

From: Denmark
Registered: 2006-10-27
Posts: 219

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

remove /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon and see if its helps.

First user to fun_plug the dns-323.



#1235 2010-07-26 05:54:47

New member
Registered: 2010-07-26
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hi all,

Can anyone provide guidedance on how to get Transmission working?
Been trying for the pass three days to no avail..

Sadly, I'm a total stranger to Linux. Hence, kindly list explaination in layman terms.

I am trying to get it working with Transmission-remote as a GUI to view the torrents.

Files installed:

Funpkg 0.5

I am able to login using web interface, thru SSH via PuTTy and using Transmission Remote UI. Torrent was able to be added, trackers are able to connect and download was able to initiate.

However, in the beginning, the torrents auto paused itself after downloading for a few seconds.
The error returned was No space left

After creating a new folder using 'mkdir' and setting it as a download folder, the error return saying permission denied /home/nobody/torrent name...

I also tried uninstallation and reinstallation with restarting of the NAS

Now when I try to uninstall, it echoed Transmission-2.01-1.tgz already installed

Please help.



#1236 2010-07-26 09:23:26

From: Dresden, Germany
Registered: 2007-12-05
Posts: 1178

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

You have to set a proper download dir, otherwise Transmission tries to download to the internal flash, which is very very small and mostly used up by the operating system.

You can do this through different ways:

1. Start transmission-daemon with the appropriate commandline parameter


$ transmission-daemon -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -w /mnt/HD_a2/Downloads

(This one is explained in the first post of this thread, when setting up Transmission for the first time)

2. Through transmission-remote


$ transmission-remote -w /mnt/HD_a2/Downloads

3. Through the web interface. Click the little gear in the lower-left corner of the screen, select Preferences, then change the path.

The latter 2 options naturally require Transmission to be running.

When you want to uninstall Transmission (or any other funpkg package), remember to use the '-u' option, not '-i'.



#1237 2010-07-27 06:34:41

New member
Registered: 2010-07-26
Posts: 2

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Thanks Kylek for the guide.

For the installation part, I am very sure that I used the correct triggers. However, it kept echoing that it's already installed.
I tried to use -r to remove and reinstall but it can't seem to work?

Apparently, what you have diagnosed was the correct plight that I was in.
However, I have no idea on the syntax to assign the rights.

Upon trying to do what you've advised yesterday, somehow my SSH access was denied.
I tried factory reset and even to the extent of reloading the firmware, the SSH permission denied issue remains.

I was then advised to format the hard disk and start from scratch.

Somehow this round, it works perfectly fine.

Thanks for the assistance rendered.

Last edited by OrThaDoX (2010-07-27 06:36:40)



#1238 2010-08-05 10:30:15

Registered: 2010-08-05
Posts: 14

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hi Kylek and thank you for preparing Transmission 2.03

I had problems with 2.01 crashing every 1-3 days. Now I upgraded and the next day the problem arose again. It just kept crashing. Transmission stopped without any error in logs, without any specific reason. Moreover, the files had to be verified after the crash, which took many many many hours.

All this until... I disabled Google Desktop from all computers at home. It was for other reasons, but since then (3-4 days) transmission has not crashed at all. Yes, I had the NAS volumes listed to index with Google Desktop.

Does all this make sense? In particular, can Google Desktop be the reason for transmission crash? Maybe during parsing of files which Transmission is using?

Recently I also changed the way I logout with Transmission Remote (thinking that could be a reason after checking the logs and finding the crash happened when I closed T. remote). Instead of just closing the application now I always click Disconnect. Can this be a reason too?

Hope to get some insight about the problem here.

Thank you.

Last edited by irotjaf (2010-08-05 10:32:45)



#1239 2010-08-05 10:34:02

Registered: 2010-08-04
Posts: 251

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

KyleK wrote:

Hey guys,

Transmission v2.03 is up. Enjoy!

Good stuff! thank you, works beautifully.

DNS-323 HW Rev. C1 FW 1.10 fun-plug 0.5
2 x WD10EARS-00Y5B1 in Standard mode (LCC set to 5 min; Aligned to 4K)
Transmission with Transmission Remote GUI



#1240 2010-08-07 13:18:01

Registered: 2010-08-07
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hey guys. First off, thanks to Kyle for the guide; I've never touched Linux in my life but I got it installed just fine on my DNS-321.

Okay, my issue: I'm having trouble with folders created in my designated torrents folder.

I gave permission, like so:


$ chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
$ chown -R nobody /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents

Download directory is set to /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents. I load a torrent through the HTML interface, with username root (with attached password).

However, if another directory is downloaded to /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents, I cannot access the files. Single files are fine. For example, if I download a single file (e.g. /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents/Blahhh.mkv), I have full access to that file. Cut, erase, rename, whatever.

Howver, if the torrent has multiple files and requires a new folder, (e.g. /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents/FolderOfBlarg/Blarg1.mkv), I cannot touch those files. I get a "Your require permission from Unix User/nobody" error.  I can touch the folder (I can rename the folder from "FolderofBlarg" to "ILuvKyle", but I can't do a single thing to the files.

I was browsing through the thread, and I saw something about changing the settings in the settings.js0n file, but that's a no go. I get an access denied when trying to open it with Vim. Also, I cannot delete the .transmission-daemon folder.

So, at this point, the only way for me to delete files is to use Transmission's "trash data and delete torrent" option (which works perfectly fine). It's not a big deal, but before I can delete any data I have to copy it first to another directory in my NAS, instead of the usual cut/paste which is annoying.

So, uh, yeah. That's it. Any solutions?

Last edited by Forge (2010-08-07 13:39:32)



#1241 2010-08-07 19:19:14

Registered: 2010-08-05
Posts: 14

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

First, chown should be done on nobody:501, not simply nobody.

Second, I don't understand why you use root password for Transmission. Just use another username and password. Try setting it manually on json file (my transmission doesn't save changes from the web interface) or rerun the command kylek said:
$ su nobody -c "transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -t -u <username> -v <password> -a,192.168.*.*"

Last edited by irotjaf (2010-08-07 19:42:47)



#1242 2010-08-07 22:25:04

Registered: 2010-08-07
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hmm. I tried


"transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -t -u <MyUsername> -v <MyPassword> -a,192.168.*.*"

But I get "couldn't read... settings.js0n. Permission denied."

When I try logging into Transmission with another of my NAS names, I get denied as well. (Assuming that's because the settings.js0n file is locked down.

I'll reset to default and reinstall FFP and see what comes of it. That normally works, actually (done it a few times), but still my Torrents folder keeps getting locked down.



#1243 2010-08-08 04:53:22

Registered: 2010-08-05
Posts: 14

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Of course, it may need "su nobody" before you run that command.

Maybe you dont need to install/uninstall stuff. I would investigate the issue like this:

Login through telnet and do:


cd /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon     ## to go in the daemon folder
ls -l                                                           ## will show you the user and group of all folders

In my NAS all folders are owned by user nobody group 501.

drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Jul 13 23:32 blocklists
-rw-------    1 nobody   501           634 Jul 30 18:14 dht.dat
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug  7 21:42 resume
-rw-------    1 nobody   501          1884 Aug  1 07:53 settings.json
-rw-------    1 nobody   501           161 Aug  7 21:42 stats.json
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug  6 14:58 torrents
-rwxrwxrwx    1 nobody   501       3367325 Aug  7 21:42 transmission-daemon.log

If its not the case in yours try reseting with chown. Do the same in /mnt/HD_a2 to see who owns .transmission-daemon. And do the same for your Download folder, chown if necessary.

At the end open settings.json and edit the username you use.
    "rpc-username": "yourusername",
(or you can use the command line but "su nobody" first.

You may also want to check who owns the transmission process:


 cd /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/start/
ls -l

-rwxr-x---    1 root     root          767 Feb 20 06:59 transmission.sh (in my case)

Good luck. smile

P.s. Hope kylek will look my earlier post about transmission crashing.

Last edited by irotjaf (2010-08-08 05:01:23)



#1244 2010-08-08 08:01:05

Registered: 2010-08-07
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I'm getting


drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Jul 30 08:53 blocklists
-rw-------    1 root     root          544 Aug  7 19:20 dht.dat
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug  7 12:30 resume
-rw-------    1 root     root         1894 Aug  7 19:20 settings.json
-rw-------    1 root     root          158 Aug  7 12:31 stats.json
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug  7 12:30 torrents
-rw-r--r--    1 nobody   501           184 Aug  7 10:38 transmission-daemon.log

Also, when checking the ffp/start folder, I get



I'll give that a shot, though I'm going to have to fumble through the forums a bit to see which commands, exactly, to run. Like I said, I'm a Linux nub. (Hope I'm not asking to much, but if you have any pointer as to what exactly I need to input, that'd be great.)

Thanks for the help, though.

For what it's worth, I use Transmission Remote and Transmission 2.03 and I haven't had any problems other than these pesky permission shennanigans. Anything you want me to log/run to see if there's inconsistencies or whatever?

Last edited by Forge (2010-08-08 08:04:20)



#1245 2010-08-08 08:10:19

Registered: 2010-08-05
Posts: 14

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Try to:

1. Stop the daemon


/ffp/start/transmission-daemon.sh stop

2. Change ownership:


chown -R nobody:501 /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon
chown -R nobody:501 /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents

3. Verify the ownershqip is ok (nobody 501).


ls /mnt/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -l
ls /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents -l

4. Double verify you dont have problems accessing the folders (open the one you couldn't access before.

5. Edit settings.json with Wordpad and change:
"rpc-username": "yourusername",

6. Cross the fingers.

7. Start the daemon:


/ffp/start/transmission-daemon.sh start

8. Download a new torrent and check you can access its folder/file.

Last edited by irotjaf (2010-08-08 08:11:04)



#1246 2010-08-08 12:47:10

Registered: 2010-08-07
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Hmm. Transmission-Daemon folder is as follows


drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Jul 30 08:53 blocklists
-rw-------    1 nobody   501           544 Aug  7 19:20 dht.dat
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug  8 09:38 resume
-rw-------    1 nobody   501          1894 Aug  8 09:37 settings.json
-rw-------    1 nobody   501           158 Aug  8 09:39 stats.json
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug  8 09:38 torrents
-rw-r--r--    1 nobody   501          2324 Aug  8 09:39 transmission-daemon.log

(Which is ideal)

When looking at


ls /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents -l

I get no further output. Blank.

When I try to modify settings.js0n with Vim or Wordpad, I get permission denied.

Oh well. I'll just do the factory defaul/FFP reinstall and this time I'll make sure to give the correct permissions, and not use Root to login. I'll probably use the master NAS "admin" and my password.

And if I find that that doesn't work, I'll give permission to the user I created for myself when I want to access the FTP server.

Thanks a lot for the help. Got me on the right track.

EDIT: Reinstalled, blah blah. Chown'd the transmision-daemon and Torrents folder with nobody:501. Also su nobody'd so that username forge (with attached password) would get into the web interface. Seems to be working good. Thanks once more.

Last edited by Forge (2010-08-08 13:05:34)



#1247 2010-08-10 22:59:08

Registered: 2010-08-07
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

Weird. Randomly, I'm getting my old permission error again. I've been using user forge with the attached password in order to login into the Transmission web interface. Out of the blue I'm getting the unix user/nobody permission denied things again. When attempting to look at the settings.js0n file I'm getting access denied.

When I attempt to log in via Putty/SSH, (with both root and forge) I get


BusyBox v1.00-pre1 (2009.02.11-09:07+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

Typing help does nothing.

Weird, huh. Any ideas?

EDIT: Took five minutes out of my life to reinstall FFP and my NAS configurations, and everything seems okay. I wonder what I'm doing wrong, though. I don't want to be doing this every other day.

EDIT 2: "You need permission" is happening again. The only variable that I can think of is that I turned off my laptop for the night and then logged in this morning. Is there a special procedure I have to follow when turning my laptop? Any way around this?

I'm manipulating files exclusively through Windows 7, so could it be because I'm using Windows Explorer?

Permissions seem fine, but I can't touch the files.


drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Jul 30 08:53 blocklists
-rw-------    1 nobody   501           544 Aug  7 19:20 dht.dat
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug 10 19:51 resume
-rw-------    1 nobody   501          1895 Aug 10 10:15 settings.json
-rw-------    1 nobody   501           158 Aug 10 19:51 stats.json
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug 10 13:06 torrents
-rw-r--r--    1 nobody   501          1614 Aug 10 10:14 transmission-daemon.log
root@GregBox1:~# ls /mnt/HD_a2/Torrents -l
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug 10 16:02 Heroic Age [Blu-Ray 720p]
drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   501          4096 Aug 10 10:19 The.Forbidden.Kingdom

Last edited by Forge (2010-08-10 23:00:13)



#1248 2010-08-10 23:08:27

Registered: 2010-08-05
Posts: 14

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

This is strange. I don't know how to help any more. My Torrent folder has similar permissions and ownership but I can access it.

It seems like the NAS is recognizing you as somebody else then "nobody" and denying permission. It depends maybe how you log in onto Windows and which username is the NAS thinking you are. Somebody more expert on the field has to answer. I.e. how to check which user is the NAS seeing when you try to open a folder from Explorer?



#1249 2010-08-11 01:02:26

Registered: 2010-08-07
Posts: 12

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

I'm logging into Win7 x64 with my usual username and password, the same one I used to setup the initial configuration. When I check security settings for the folders, I see "Everyone", nobody (Unix User\nobody)", and "501 (Unix Group\501)". All three of those users/groups have Read-Write permission.

Oh Kyle, where art thou?



#1250 2010-08-11 01:08:47

Registered: 2010-08-05
Posts: 14

Re: [REL] Transmission 1.3

You can  chmod 77 those  folders but this is only a temporary solution and will not resolve it.



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