DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-09-24 22:15:08

Registered: 2008-03-02
Posts: 6

Script Scheduler

Hi I was wondering if anyone knows of any way of scheduling a script that will generate a webpage.

What I want to do is generate list of contents into a web page, right now I have a bunch of media that is not being shared but would liek to make a web file available to view the list and update dynamicaly as content changes.

I was thinkign of some Ls script which would output contents to a text file or somethign alng those lines. I know I could jsut allow directory browsing on a that particular folder but i dont want to Host the media files nor enable directory browsing.

Any tips comments and assistance is apreciated.




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