DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2008-10-03 09:08:36

From: Uganda
Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 23

Perplexed: Slow BitTorrent on multiple clients


I desperately need some help to improve the performance of BT on my DNS-323 (firmware 1.05, ffp 0.5). I live in East Africa where a 'broadband' connect of 64KB comes at a premium so I need every drop of speed I can squeeze out. (Yes, please cry for me...)

Previously I have use bit comet on a vista desktop and can download about 20MB/hour with the client showing speeds of around 5-6KB/s. (And I have confirmed this recently.) However when I BT using the DNS 323 I have not been able to download faster than about 2MB/hour, though the clients I've tried again report speeds of 5-6KB/s.

With the help of this forum, I have successfully installed and tried Transmission (1.33/4 and 1.22 based on some reports of a bug involving the reports on downloaded amounts in 1.3x) and MLDonkey lite. I have set a limit of 5KB/s for uploads. And as far as I can tell the router ports are open (and seems to be confirmed by the reported speeds of 5KB/s).

My skills in Linux and networking being what they are (poor). Where should I focus my changes / efforts to diagnose things or to improve performance.

many thanks!



#2 2008-10-06 11:19:24

From: Uganda
Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 23

Re: Perplexed: Slow BitTorrent on multiple clients

After a bit of reading, I focused my efforts on getting MLDonkey to work -- and happily was successful with the raft of network options. The forums on transmissionbt.com have several posts referring to inefficient and/or incorrect management of downloaded data. While others will have to test on their own systems, Transmission may not be appropriate for users with small bandwidth or bandwidth purchases per/GB. At least in my experience, it certainly was not. Pity because it does have a simple interface and low member footprint. cheers



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