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Been using unrar versions 3.71 beta 1 and 3.40 beta 1 and having errors with some recent downloaded RAR file. The same RAR archive extracts fine using 7-zip on Win32. Is anyone using a better tool on the DNS-323 for RAR archives than these two version of unrar that I have ?
I see that there is some kind of 7-zip built for ARM, but am clueless how to get it into a DNS-323
I remember having also once a weird problem with unrar 3.71 beta 1.
One folder with file inside the rar gave some kind of crc error and was not extracted.
This file was giving no problems with unrar for Windows.
I guess we have to live with it that sometimes you need a Windows box.
There're various way of getting packages for DNS-323.
One way is to setup optware ipkg http://dns323.kood.org/howto:optware
then "ipkg update; ipkg install p7zip"
Thanks for the ipkg link, after successfully installing it I now find that the 7za binary built for the DNS-323 does NOT support RAR files...
drat drat drat... anyone have a different utility that can deal with RAR files on the DNS-323 ?
Same problems here with unrar 3.71 beta freeware on a CH3SNAS. Some rar archives can not be extracted with unrar 3.71 beta, but extract fine with XP winrar... Very inconvenient!
I have looked into this as well, trying it with the latest sources available from rarlab at http://www.rarlab.com/rar/unrarsrc-3.9.3.tar.gz
It is actually quite simple to build (just use the provided makefile.unix) to build on your DNS323 use
make -f makefile.unix unrar
to build the unrar binary. Latest sources are 3.90 beta 2.
However, the same problem is there (CRC failed). I found the code that actually determines the CRC_ERROR at the extract.cpp file, line 833 and 834. A check is done on the CRC of the unpacked file and the data IO. I am not sure what actually happens, but in GDB I see that the CRCs are indeed not the same. However, when unpacking the same rar sets on windows using winrar, there is no problem at all....
I have now build the unrar executable from the same sources but on Windows using MinGW. The windows binary build actually works. So the problem seems not to lie in the sources but in the environment. Differences are that MinGW has the 3.4.5 version of G++, while the cross-compiled one on the DNS323 (provided by ffp) is 4.1.3. Maybe there is a problem there? Anyone any idea?
Now unrar plugin has been added to optware p7zip ipk.
Another difference is libc, DNS323 uses uclibc. Would be interesting to see how unrar/p7zip under chroot debian fares.
bzhou wrote:
Now unrar plugin has been added to optware p7zip ipk.
Another difference is libc, DNS323 uses uclibc. Would be interesting to see how unrar/p7zip under chroot debian fares.
Are you saying the current ipkg works for you? no more crc errors?
p7zip_4.65-2_arm.ipk 05-Jun-2009 05:07 1.9M
looks like it was just updated today
I only tested p7zip on other optware feeds. Since I don't have DNS323, I'd rely on other people to test and report.
Can we use p7zip with nzbget?
This unrar crc error is the only problem I have when using nzbget.
I would like to fix it.
I installed optware, and both packages unrar and p7zip from the repository at http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optwa … /unstable/
The unrar version is 3.80 freeware, the 7zip version is 9.04 beta. I have a RAR archive which unpacks fine using Windows unrar, but does not work with the unrar on DNS323. I've tried both the optware unrar and 7zip on this archive, but with no luck...
Still no fix for these stubborn archives that seem to be able to be uncompressed on windows only.... Weird. Anybody else had more luck with it?
Last edited by faethon (2009-06-19 22:03:34)
Anybody some more luck investigating this problem?
bumping this message once more.
Maybe someone has found a solution for this problem.
I have downloaded terrabytes with nzbget already and before that i was having severe issues with finding and using the correct unrar
ULI has made a package for unrar and I am using it for my nzbget installation I created for those who has not a lot of scripting skills
find here the unrar I am really happy about http://www.aroundmyroom.com/ch3snas-fun … .7.8-1.tgz
and to be honest, not all files will be 100% unpacked correctly, sometimes i see that the RAR files do have a CRC error, than it's (for nzbget) just not unpacked available in the Download folder.
but 99% of all my usenet files are unpacked without issue, but than with this version of unrar cause others do crash or have strange behaviour.
Hi There,
I have installed the same package than zeroday above but none of my rared files are decompressed after the download.
The sfv check and repair are working fine though.
After some research, I found few information which could help people using the same script.
personally, my error message is the following one :
[INFO] unpak:23:00:52 SCRIPT_FOLDER=[/mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf] PIN [INFO] unpak:23:00:52 ARGS: '/mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf/unpak.sh' '/mnt/HD_a2//Downloads/winrar' '/mnt/HD_a2//Downloads/-= NZB =-/winrar.nzb' '/mnt/HD_a2//Downloads/winrar/wrar40b2.rar.vol5+3.PAR2' '2' '1' '0' '' [INFO] unpak:23:00:52 ====== Post-process Started : winrar 23:00:52====== /mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf/unpak.sh: line 2234: : Permission denied /mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf/unpak.sh: line 1: nzbget_ParCheck: parameter not set
I have installed the newsbin package into another directory than the original one and manually changed lots of settings to fix the issue because of that, however I still have this one above which seems to be the case of other people.
They are giving a solution at the link below but this is not working or me, has somebody else any idea ?
http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showt … pid=115339
Try setting the permissions to 777.
Hi FunFiler,
I tried already to do a chmod 777 to the nzbget file but it has already the execution rights, so i am trying to find another solution.
As well, I have tried these commands too : chgrp and chown to change it to root but I stil have the same error message.
thx for your answer anyway !
Last edited by bodbod (2010-11-28 21:01:31)
Hi guys,
any chance somebody has another idea ?
Thank You !
I have unrar working with no problems.
I think I just grabbed the ARM package from here: http://www.rarlab.com/rar/unrar-3.9.9-arm.gz
I just extracted and put in /usr/bin
Maybe I remember wrong...
Thanks for your feedback StealthOne, I will try to replace the unrar version I have with the one you gave however I believe it is more a script issue.
I have tweaked my scripts and fixed the problem posted above but I have now this persistent error each time the download has been done, checked and repaired :
INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:56:33 +0100 Verifying repaired file atn-tos4.ps3.rar INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 Successfully repaired atn-tos4.ps3/atn-tos4.ps3 INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 Unpausing queue after par-check INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 Executing post-process-script for atn-tos4.ps3/atn-tos4.ps3 INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 MERGE_UNPAK_SETTINGS [/mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf/unpak.cfg] DETAIL Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 Post-Process: Loading settings from /mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf/unpak.cfg INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 unpak:10:57:20 SCRIPT_FOLDER=[/mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf] PIN 2468 INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 unpak:10:57:20 ARGS: '/mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf/unpak.sh' '/mnt/HD_a2/Downloads/atn-tos4.ps3' '/mnt/HD_a2/Downloads/-= NZB =-/atn-tos4.ps3.nzb' '/mnt/HD_a2/Downloads/atn-tos4.ps3/atn-tos4.ps3.par2' '2' '1' '0' '' INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:20 +0100 unpak:10:57:20 ====== Post-process Started : atn-tos4.ps3 10:57:20====== DETAIL Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:21 +0100 Post-Process: /mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/newsbin/conf/unpak.sh: /tmp/unpak.14715.nzb_cfg: line 19: bin: parameter not set INFO Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:57:21 +0100 Completed post-process-script for atn-tos4.ps3/atn-tos4.ps3
Apparently, it creates a temporary config file to operate as it can't find the settings but they are well populated that s why I do not understand.
The new temporary config file is based on the .config.example in the folder when you read the full unpak script.
maybe somebody has an idea to fix this...
Last edited by bodbod (2011-04-05 16:32:57)