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#1 2009-02-02 15:07:36

Registered: 2007-10-24
Posts: 7

UpNp ( Philips NP 1100 or 2500 ) Vs Squeezecenter & Squeezebox classic


What a wonderfull NAS we have  ... how to get the best of it when speaking about "streaming" ?

I would be please to get comments from users of
         the duo Dns-323 - squeezebox
         the duo Dns-323 - Philips np 1100 (2500) ( or any other UpNp player )

My story :

I was about to go for UpNp and one of the Philips device ... because of the need of squeezecenter software to be installed and running on a PC to use a Squeezebox

The only acceptable solution is of course to benefit from the existing NAS ( Dlink DNS-323 ) where the Mp3
( yes not (yet ) loosless ) are stored.

Thanks to funplug and all the other packages .. this weekend I ( not easily ... ) achieved to install a squeezecenter on the NAS.
I can then still continue to have the squeezebox as a possible choice.

My choice is there :

-- Philips NP 1100 or 2500 ( UpNp )
-- Squeezebox classic ( Squeezecenter on the DNS-323 NAS )

What would be the way to sort this out and choose ?
What could be the differences

The music will be played and go through my Onkyo A-905 ( connection will be the usual red & white cables )
I think that my Onkyo has nothing else.
The link between the NAS and the "player" ( beeing the Philips / upnp or the squeezebox ) will be or Wireless or cabled ... ( still TBD )

Thanks in advance for your comments

Last edited by cryoglobe (2009-02-02 16:42:14)



#2 2009-02-02 19:50:47

Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 231

Re: UpNp ( Philips NP 1100 or 2500 ) Vs Squeezecenter & Squeezebox classic

If sound quality is of any importance (and i think it is, otherwise you wouldn't own an Onkyo amp), go for the squeezebox. I had a philips streamium SLA5520 and soundquality is very poor. A friend of mine has one of the newer philips models but not really an improvement. A few more connection possibilities but still not much of a 'hifi' system.

I replaced the sla5520 with a squeezebox (classic and boom) and what a difference that is. Way better sound quality and a lot more options. Especially the musicip plugin together with sugarcube is exellent. Also internet radio works out of the box and is very 'wife friendly'. Internet radio via the philips is a pain in the a...

I bought a used thin client on ebay to run squeezecenter, music is still stored on the dns-323. This way i get better performance. The new version (8) of squeezecenter however is supposed to get rid of mysql so performance should be better on a low power device like the dns-323.

In my opinion you can't really compare the 2, they are in a different leaque. So, go for the squeezebox, you won't regret it. Superior support, (check the streamium cafe site how many people complain about the nonexisting philips support), nice plugins, supports wake on lan for your server, internet radio the way it is supposed to be, and excellent audiophile qualities. And full FLAC support, upnp has problems with that.

Last edited by knireis (2009-02-02 19:54:56)



#3 2009-02-02 22:48:16

Registered: 2007-10-24
Posts: 7

Re: UpNp ( Philips NP 1100 or 2500 ) Vs Squeezecenter & Squeezebox classic

Hello knireis

Thanks for the answer / comment.

I'll say "one point" for the sqeezebox smile .. then !
( the only missing thing on the "classic" is a color screen to see the CD jacket )

A thin client ? hmm , sound interesting .. can you tell me more ( here or in private message ) ?
But this point make me be a bit worrying .. as I'll have no thin client ( so far ) , will squeezecenter survice well on my dns-323 ... or will I feel the lack of "power" on the squeezebox , when using it ?

It's indeed hard to compare the two , as they are based on different way to propagate the musique  upnp  vs  squeezecenter



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