Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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I installed the full version of Debian via the post: http://dns323.kood.org/forum/t3126-easy … ebian.html
It worked like a charm w/o any issues. I upgraded to lenny, installed rtorrent and firefly. I use ssh and cuteftp as well, everything is working wizbang.
I was a bit stunned that everything worked so easily, as I am a newbie to linux, but good at following instructions. I have learned some bash to scp my messages file from my smoothwall box, parse it via grep, awk, sed and see who has been naughty.
Anyways, sorry about that unnecessary information. My question is: should I stick with a full debian install to run the above mentioned, or switch to ffp? Does ffp have a memory footprint compairable to full debian install? Would it be better for my dns323 to use just funplug, or is there no difference? I get insane xfer rates, 50mbs-70mbs using cuteftp atm. I tried using transmission as my bittorrent client but the xfer rate was sad. Rtorrent gives full xfer speed as compaired to uttorent ran on a pc, and I luv the 'watch' folder option.
To sum it up:
As it stands now, I run ssh, ftp, rtorrent and firefly on a lenny distro w/o any issues.
If I switch to ffp will I see increased performance?
Thanks for your time and information,