DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2009-03-08 12:11:22

Registered: 2008-12-05
Posts: 17

Copy files from Volume_1 to Volume_2?

hi, newbie here in the forum so please take it easy on me smile

just bought a a 2nd HD for my dns-323 but have some question, what's the fastest method to transfer my files from volume_1 to Volume_2? ill be transferring a total of 250GB to the new hard disk then delete it on the volume_1 after the transfer is done. Tried testing a 20gb via finder and it says that it will took 12 hours so i cancel it sad is that speed really normal?

im using a mac OSX 10.5.6 so i dont mind doing it in the terminal if it's faster but maybe someone can post the commands here.

Thanks for all the help.



#2 2009-03-08 13:43:43

Registered: 2007-05-21
Posts: 81

Re: Copy files from Volume_1 to Volume_2?



#3 2009-03-08 13:49:07

Registered: 2008-12-05
Posts: 17

Re: Copy files from Volume_1 to Volume_2?

yes read that but i think it's not applicable to me since im not copying the whole contents of the Volume_1, just a few folders from it.



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