Unfortunately no one can be told what fun_plug is - you have to see it for yourself.
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Am running funplug from USB (0.5 under 1.05) and DNS-323 will load from disk if USB is removed. Currently I do not run SSH to replace Telnet but am looking at doing it. I would like to know:
1. I have an old 'version' of the packages. How do i replace the current packages I have with the latest ones for ffp? Please note that I have only installed a few of the packages, not all of them.
2. Bearing in mind that I normally run funplug from USB how do I update the USB version and the version on disk?
Thanks in advance
Updating a package in general is very simple:
$ funpkg -u <package.tgz>
As for your doubly FFP setup, you will have to update each fun_plug setup separately. So, at first, with ffp booted from the USB stick, update your pacakges. Then shut down the device, remove the USB stick, reboot. Rinse and repeat
I've been thinking about it and maybe I should:
1. Remove USB stick and reboot
2. Update packages
3. Copy ffp directory over USB via cp -a /mnt/HD_a2/ffp /mnt/usb/
anything glaringly wrong with this?????
flashman1207 wrote:
I've been thinking about it and maybe I should:
1. Remove USB stick and reboot
2. Update packages
3. Copy ffp directory over USB via cp -a /mnt/HD_a2/ffp /mnt/usb/
anything glaringly wrong with this?????
Why do it manually?
I run the following in a cron job and haven't had any issues with keeping ffp on HD_a2;
# This command will copy newer files on the USB key to HD_a2. Now let's explain the options:
# -a -- this specified the archive mode, where all files and sbudirectories under the specified directory are copied.
# -v -- verbose mode, reports all files that are being copied.
40 5 * * * /ffp/bin/rsync -av --delete /mnt/USB/ffp /mnt/HD_a2
Thats another option. Would have to get rsync running though. Was thinking about doing that some time ago so may give that a go also.... thx