DSM-G600, DNS-3xx and NSA-220 Hack Forum

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#1 2009-12-19 18:28:21

New member
Registered: 2009-12-19
Posts: 1

Strange behaviour of DNS 323

Hi all,

my DNS 323 is beahving strangely: after some days/weeks of perfect usability it starts dropping connections (it is connected to a wifi-router), means mp3-files streamed on a wifi pc lose connection, files transfered to and from dns to a wifi do not complete because of dropping of connection (e.g. when transferring a multi-file directory in the middle of the transfer i get a error not being ble to transmit e.g. abc.r06, if i click on skip in the windows window it will perfectly transmit the other files in queue, so obv its not a complete dsiconnect but only for a short time..)

now one could think its the wifi-connection, but whenever these things happen to me i reset the dns and then it works again perfectly well for days/weeks and then the same problems occur again. so i rather think there is some buffer or something which gets full or something like this.. any help strongly appreciated!

thanks in advance for your input!




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